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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,The Olympic Games,Unit 2,The Olympic GamesUnit 2,1,Sports Events,the Asian Games,school sports meet,the National Games,the World Cup,the Olympic Games,Sports Eventsthe Asian Games,2,The Olympic Games,Olympia in ancient Greece,The Olympic GamesOlympia in an,3,Why the name?,The site of the ancient Olympic Games was a place consisting of temples and buildings to honor the gods of ancient Greece. The games began with a ceremony and sacrifice to the gods.,Ruins at Olympia,Why the name? The site of t,4,Why the name?,game,an activity or sport in which people compete with each other according to agreed rules,games,1. a large organized sports event:,the Olympic Games,2. organized sports as a school subject or lesson = P.E.:,We have games on Thursdays.,Why the name?game,5,sports,/,games,activity that you do for pleasure or to keep fit and that needs physical effort and skill, usually done in a special area and according to fixed,rules,Skiing and skating are winter,sports,.,I need to,take up,a,sport,to get fit.,Did you,play,any,sports,in high school? (AmE),Did you,do,any,sport,at school? (BrE),sports / gamesactivity that yo,6,sports,/,games,an activity or sport with rules in which people or teams compete against each other,ball/ card/ board/ computer/ video games,competitive games in which there is always a winner and a loser,childrens party games like musical chair,sports / gamesan activity or s,7,Game or match or race?,Game or match or race?,8,a game of football/chess/cards,a,game,in tennis =one part of a tennis match,a chess/cards match .,( BrE ) a football match,( BrE, AmE ) a football game,a game of football or a football game/match,a match of football,a game of football/chess/cards,9,to take part in a sport,Its a long time since I _ tennis.,Do you want to _ a game of badminton?,We are going to _ _ Class 2 in football tomorrow.,He used to _ judo, but he gave it up.,I _ aerobics twice a week.,John _ running every morning.,played,play,play against,do,do,goes,play; do; go,to take part in a sportIts a,10,someone who does a sport,One of their _ was injured.,Shes probably the best tennis _ in the country.,A special Olympic village has been built for the _ and _ to live in.,All _ now have to be regularly tested for drugs.,players,player,sportsmen,sportswomen,athletes,player; athlete; sportsman/woman;,someone who does a sport One o,11,Do you know any differences between the ancient and modern Olympic Games?,Ancient,Modern,Do you know any differences be,12,How can you find out what this text is about as quickly as possible?,How can you find out what this,13,The title,An Interview,He had an,interview,last week for the managers job.,In a television,interview,last night she denied she had any intention of resigning.,The police,interviewed,the driver, but had no evidence to go on.,interviewee,interviewer,purpose,job-hunter,employer,If suitable for the job.,anyone,reporter,For news.,suspect,police,About a crime.,The titleAn InterviewHe had an,14,If we want to know what the interview is about, which parts should we read first?,Reading skills:,The questions.,If we want to know what the in,15,Task One: Prediction,If you were Pausanias, what would you like to know about the modern Olympic Games?,Task One: PredictionIf you wer,16,Task Two:,Please underline all the questions asked by Pausanias.,Task Two:Please underline all,17,How often do you hold your Games?,Winter Games? How can the runners enjoy competing in winter? ,athletes are invited from all over the world. Do you mean the Greek world?,Where are all the athletes housed?,Does anyone want to host the Olympic Games?,Did you say medals?.Do you compete for prize money too?,Task Two,How often do you hold your Gam,18,Interview skills:,1. My name is. May I ask you some questions about,Introduce yourself at the beginning of an interview.,2. How often do you hold your Games?,Where are all the athletes housed?,Break the ice by asking some easy questions first.,Interview skills:1. My name is,19,Interview skills:,3.,Please wait a minute!,All those events, all those countries and even women taking part! Where are all the athletes housed?,Did you say medals?,Do you compete for prize money too?,Interrupt the interviewee politely to check whether you have understood the information correctly.,Develop new questions from the interviewers answers.,Interview skills:3. Please wai,20,Interview skills:,4. How interesting! Thank you so much for .,Turn the interview into a pleasant conversation.,Thank your interviewee politely at the end of the interview.,Interview skills:4. How intere,21,Homework,Student A: Suppose you are a reporter from Yangcheng Evening News. You are going to interview Lin Chunhong about,华师附中青春旋律艺术节,. After the interview, you are supposed to tell us why you ask such questions.,Student B: Suppose you are Lin Chunhong. Get ready to answer questions about,华师附中青春旋律艺术节,.,HomeworkStudent A: Suppose you,22,1,st,paragraph,Pausanias, who was a Greek writer about 2,000 years ago, has come,on,a,magical,journey,on March 18th, 2007 to find out about the present-day Olympic Games. He is now interviewing Li Yan, a,volunteer,for the 2008 Olympic Games.,magical, magic,1st paragraph Pausanias, w,23,Information about,the ancient,and modern Olympics,item,ancient,modern,How often,Events,Athletes,Prizes,Scan and find out:,Information about the ancient,24,New features of modern Olympic Games,the modern Olympic Games is hosted by different countries,every country (and not just Greece) can send athletes to the Games,each athlete has to reach a certain standard to enter the Olympic Games,women can compete in the Games,there are many more events,medals, not olive wreaths, are given to the winners,New features of modern Olympic,25,Ex. 3: Put the pieces together.,Atlanta was a very beautiful princess.,She could run faster than any man in Greece.,Many men tried to compete with her, but failed and so were killed.,One man wanted to win and marry Atlanta very much.,He asked the Goddess of Love for help.,She gave him three golden apples.,When the race began, Atlanta ran past him.,He threw the golden apples one after another.,She stopped to pick them up.,She ran too slowly and he won.,Atlanta married him and they lived happily ever after.,Ex. 3: Put the pieces together,26,Part 2: the end of the story,Part 2: the end of the story,27,Listening (p48),Phidippides and,Marathon,Listening (p48)Phidippides an,28,Listening (p48),Phidippides and,Marathon,Listening (p48)Phidippides an,29,Using Words & Expressions, page 49,Sporting events in the Winter Olympic Games,skiing,ice hockey,ice skating,Using Words & Expressions, pag,30,Sporting events played between teams,接力,Relay Race,Sporting events played between,31,Sporting events done best by Chinese athletes:,Sporting events done best by C,32,Other sporting events:,Other sporting events:,33,A Bridge Between The Ancient And The Modern Olympics,Listening Task, page 51,A Bridge Between The Ancient A,34,Reading Task,(p51),What do you call the behavior that is fair, honest, and polite in a game or sports competition?,sportsmanship,Sportsmanship is behavior and attitudes that show respect for the rules of a game and for the other players.,Reading Task (p51)What do you,35,Reading Task,(p51),Bjornar Hakensmoen,What happened,What he did,What he said,What Sarah said,A Canadians skiing pole,broke during a race.,He gave her his own pole even though his Norwegian team were competing against her team.,It is only what any good sportsman would do.,Hakensmoen showed the true meaning of sport.,Reading Task (p51)Bjornar Hak,36,Reading Task,(p51),Eric Williams,His situation,What he does,What people say,He has low mental ability.,He takes part in the Special Olympics.,He does his best and appreciates any help given to him.,Reading Task (p51)Eric Willia,37,Reading Task,(p51),Kip Keino,His situation,What he did,What it showed,What people thought,He was very ill and in great pain.,He still took part in the race.,True courage and perseverance.,They praised him by putting him on the front cover of a sports magazine.,Reading Task (p51)Kip KeinoHi,38,Discovering useful structures, page 13,1 When and where,will,the next Olympic Games,be held,?,2 The 2008 Olympics,will be held,in Beijing, China.,3 And after that the 2012 Olympics,will be held,in London.,The Future Passive Voice,Discovering useful structures,39,Using structures, page 50,Ex. 1,Ex. 2,permit,permi,tt,ed,commit,commi,tt,ed,transmit,transmi,tt,ed,refer,refe,rr,ed,prefer,prefe,rr,ed,transfer,transfe,rr,ed,Using structures, page 50Ex. 1,40,Writing Task,(p15),Think of a title for your writing, such as:,Basketball is fun.,I like playing table tennis.,Running is a good exercise.,Include the items listed on top of page 16.,Write a draft before you transfer it onto your writing book.,Write about your favorite sport,Writing Task (p15)Think of a t,41,


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