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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 2 A country life,is,a healthy life,Unit 2 A country life is a hea,1,Look and say,count country,a country life,like life ride,ill still,re,d f,re,sh,make take,air hair,clean air,hea,d,hea,lthy,grand grandparent fresh food,a.m. =morning p.m. = evening,milk the cows,ride my bike,help,my parents,with,other housework,still,much work,to do,a healthy life,plenty of exercise plenty of fresh milk,Look and say,2,Where does Li Wei live?,He lives,on the farm,.,He loves living,in the country,.,Is he usually busy ?,Yes . He is usually,very busy,.,Where does Li Wei live?,3,When,does Li Wei wake up every moring?,He,wakes,up,at 5 a.m,.,What,does,Li Wei do every morning?,He,helps,his father,milks,the cows,.,milk the cow,When does Li Wei wake up ever,4,How many pupils are there in Li Weis school?,There are 48 pupils .,How many pupils are there in L,5,What does he have for breakfast?,He has plenty of,fresh milk,for breakfast.,What does he have for breakf,6,How,does,Li Wei go to school every day?,He,goes,to school,by bike,.,He,rides his bike,to school.,Li Wei,How does Li Wei go to school e,7,What does Li Wei do after school?,He,gets,home and,does,still much work to do,after school.,What does Li Wei do after sc,8,Why doesnt Li Wei feel tired?,Because he,has plenty of exercise,clean air,and,fresh food,every day.,Why doesnt Li Wei feel tired?,9,My name is Li Wei . I am eleven years old and I live on a small farm with my mum, dad and grandparents. I love living in the country,but Im usually very busy.,My name is Li Wei . I am eleve,10,Every day I wake up at 5 a.m. and help my father milk the cows. We have more than 50 cows. So I always,have plenty of fresh milk,for breakfast.,Every day I wake up at 5 a.m.,11,After breakfast I,ride my bike,to school. It takes about 40,minutes,. My school is very small. There are 48 pupils and only one classroom. We must,all learn together,.,After breakfast I ride my bike,12,When I,get home,after school there is,much work to do,. After I,finish my homework,. I feed our chickens and,help,my parents,with,other housework.,When I get home after school,13,I am always very busy but I,never,feel tired, because I have,plenty of exercise,clean air,and,fresh food,every day. So I think,a country life,is,a healthy life,.,I am always very busy but I ne,14,


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