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*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,Unit 1 Welcome to our school!,Lesson 5,精通版,五年级下册,Unit 1 Welcome to our school,New words,许多,New words许多,路;道路,路;道路,请,请,也;同样,也;同样,New words,New words,Just talk,Just talk,Li Yan:,This way, please. This is,our art club. We often,draw and paint here.,Visitor:,How many art lessons,do you have in a week?,Li Yan:,We have two.,Li Yan: This way, please. This,Gao Wei:,This is our music club.,We often sing and,dance here.,Visitor:,How many music,lessons do you have in,a week?,Gao Wei:,We have two.,Gao Wei: This is our music clu,Visitor:,Do you like music?,Gao Wei:,Yes, I like singing.,Li Yan:,I like dancing.,Visitor:,Great! Can you sing,and dance for us?,Li Yan and Gao Wei:,Certainly!,Visitor: Do you like music?,Language points,1. I like dancing.,我喜欢跳舞。,I like+,动词,-ing,形式表示“喜欢做,”,,,指长时间喜欢做某事,,是一种兴趣爱好。,例句:我喜欢看书。,I like reading books.,Language points1. I like danci,拓展:,like to do sth.,意为“喜欢做,”,,表示,偶,尔,一次喜欢做某事,或,突然喜欢,干某事。,例句:我喜欢在家看电视。,I like to watch TV at home.,拓展:like to do sth.意为“喜欢做”,表示,2. Can you sing and dance for us?,你能为我们唱歌跳舞吗?,这是一个由情态动词,can,引导的一般疑问句,用来询问某人能否做某事。,肯定回答,是,“Yes,人称代词,(,主格,)+can.”,,,否定回答,是,“No,人称代词,(,主格,)+cant.”,。,2. Can you sing and dance for,拓展,: “Can you?”,句型的其他含义:,表示说话人请求对方做某事。,例:你能为我们唱一首歌吗?,Can you sing a song for us?,表示客气地邀请。,例:你能来参加我的生日聚会吗?,Can you come to my birthday party?,拓展: “Can you?”句型的其他含义:,Just practice,Just practice,art club,美术,(,艺术,),俱乐部,paint a picture,(,用颜料,),绘画,art club美术(艺术)俱乐部paint a pictu,music club,音乐俱乐部,play the piano,弹钢琴,music club音乐俱乐部play the piano弹,How many music lessons do you have in a week?,We have two.,How many music lessons do you,How many art lessons do you have in a week?,We have three.,How many art lessons do you ha,We often draw pictures in our art club.,We often play the piano in our music club.,We often draw pictures in our,play the piano.,弹钢琴。,play,后面跟“,the+,乐器”,意为“演奏,”,。,例如:,play the violin,拉小提琴,play the drum,打鼓,Language points,play the piano.弹钢琴。Language po,Lets talk,Lets talk,How many English lessons do you have in a week?,We have five.,How many English lessons do yo,Play roles,How many music lessons do you have in a week?,We have three.,Play rolesHow many music lesso,How many maths lessons do you have in a week?,We have five.,How many maths lessons do you,How many PE lessons do you have in a week?,We have four.,How many PE lessons do you hav,Lets chant,Lets chant,The farmer drives a big car,To his farm, not too far.,The artist works in the park.,He draws stars on his card.,ar,The farmer drives a big car,ar,语音知识专讲,字母组合,ar,在单词中的发音规则,字母组合,ar,发音,/a:/,的音。,/a:/,是长元音。发音时口张大,舌身压低并后缩,后舌稍隆起,双唇稍收圆。,语音知识专讲,课堂小结,What have you learned from this lesson ?,课堂小结,HW,(家庭作业),把在本节课上学到的单词、短语和句子读给父母听。,HW(家庭作业),Goodbye !,疫情面前,我们共同面对!,学习数学,我们持之以恒!,温暖花开,我们彼此拥抱!,Goodbye ! 疫情面前,我们共同面对!,


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