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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,0,Unit 4 I have a pen pal,PEP,六年级上册,单元复习课件,Unit 4 I have a pen pal PEP,1,当堂检测,词汇,语法,句型,对话,当堂检测词汇语法句型对话,2,What are your hobbies?/What,do,you like,?,dancing,singing,reading stories,doing kung fu,playing football,词汇复习,What are your hobbies?/What do,3,John,lives,in Australia, but he,studies,Chinese.,cooks Chinese food,studies Chinese,does word puzzles,goes hiking,词汇复习,back,John lives in Australia, but h,4,1.,直接加,ing,。,如果谈论经常性的爱好,like,后动词要变成,ing,形式。,2.,以不发音的字母,e,结尾,去,e,加,ing,。,3.,重读闭音节词,双写最后一个字母加,ing,。,动词变,ing,形式,playing singing reading buying,dancing making riding driving taking,run,n,ing swim,m,ing stop,p,ing,语法复习,1.直接加 ing。如果谈论经常性的爱好,like 后动词要,5,V,V,-ing,swim,sing,collect stamps,ride a bike,play chess,make mooncakes,fly kites,swimming,singing,collecting stamps,riding a bike,playing chess,making mooncakes,flying kites,语法复习,VV-ingswim sing collect stamp,6,like,like,s,语法复习,like likes语法复习,7,动词变第三人称单数形式,1.,一般情况直接加,s,。,2.,以,s, x, o, sh, ch,结尾的加,es,。,3.,以辅音字母加,y,结尾的把,y,变,i,再加,es,。,如:,play,s ,wait,s ,find,s ,buy,s,如:,pass,es ,mix,es,go,es,brush,es,watch,es,如:,stud,ies,fl,ies,4.,特殊变化。,如:,has,语法复习,动词变第三人称单数形式1. 一般情况直接加s。2. 以s,8,动词原形,第三单,mix,study,brush,catch,run,do,have,mixes,studies,brushes,catches,runs,does,has,语法复习,back,动词原形第三单mix study brushcatchrun,9,问他,/,她的爱好,用句型:,或:,What does he/she like?,He/She likes ving.,回答:,What are his /her hobbies?,句型复习,问他/她的爱好,用句型:或:What does he/she,10,3. Does he live on the South Island?,5. What are Peters hobbies?,1. Tea is ready!,2. You,like,tea,a lot,!,4. He,lives,on,a,farm.,6. He likes reading stories.,你很喜欢茶!,茶准备好啦,!,他住在南岛吗?,他住在一个农场里。,彼得的爱好是什么?,他喜欢读故事。,句型复习,3. Does he live on the South I,11,8. He,also,likes,singing.,9. You like singing,too,.,10. Im,going,to,teach,him the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower,”,!,他也喜欢唱歌。,你也喜欢唱歌。,我将教给他中国的歌曲“茉莉花”。,句型复习,7. Sometimes he reads to the cows.,有时候他读给奶牛听。,8. He also likes singing.9. Yo,12,13. Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking?,他喜欢猜字谜和远足吗?,14. Can I also be his pen pal?,我也可以成为他的笔友吗?,句型复习,11. Im writing an email to my new pen pal in Australia.,我正在给澳大利亚的新笔友写电子邮件。,12. Does he live in Sydney?,他住在悉尼吗?,13. Does he like doing word pu,13,17. Shall we dance?,我们将要跳舞吗?,18. There is a dance class on Sunday at 1 p.m.,在周日的下午一点有舞蹈课。,句型复习,15.Why not?,为什么不可以呢?,16. Come and see my new pen pal.,来见见我的新笔友。,17. Shall we dance?我们将要跳舞吗?18.,14,19. I need a partner.,我需要一个舞伴。,20. Do you want,to learn,about robots?,你想了解机器人吗?,21. He teaches students,to make,robots.,他教给学生制作机器人。,句型复习,back,19. I need a partner.我需要一个舞伴。2,15,一、听,Oliver,和,Zhang Peng,对话,判断正误,正确的写,T,错误的写,F,。,( ) 1. Peter lives,on,a farm.,( ) 2. Peter likes reading,to,the cow.,( ) 3. Oliver likes doing kung fu and skating ,too.,( ) 4. Peter also likes singing.,( ) 5. Zhang Peng will teach Peter a Chinese song .,T,T,F,T,T,对话复习,一、听Oliver和Zhang Peng对话,判断正误,正确,16,二、听录音回答问题。,1. Does Yifans pen pal in Sydney?,2. Whats his name?,3. What does his pen pal like?,4. Does,this,John want to be,tha,t Johns pen pal?,No, he doesnt.,His name is John.,He likes,doing,word puzzles and,going,hiking.,Yes ,he does.,对话复习,二、听录音回答问题。1. Does Yifans pen,17,1. Mary,likes,dancing very much .She wants to have a dancing partner. She can call_.,3. If you like reading , you can call _.,三、听录音,选择。,2. Wang Ping likes playing football. He wants to join a football club. He can send an email to _.,4. If you want to learn about robots, please send an email to _.,Robin,B.,j,ohn,Call Amy:1346650849 D. Call Mike:1362100639,C,B,D,A,back,对话复习,1. Mary likes dancing very muc,18,( ) 1. My aunt is a _. She likes _.,A. singing;,sing,B.,singer;,sings.,C.,singer; singing,( ) 2. Oliver often _ hiking.,A. go B. goes C. going,C,B,一,.,单项选择,当堂检测,( ) 1. My aunt is a _,19,( ) 3. Lily and her sister _Chinese,every day.,A. studies B. study C. are studying,( ) 4. Does Peter _ riding a bike.,A.,like B. liking C. likes,B,A,当堂检测,( ) 3. Lily and her si,20,二,.,按要求完成句子:,1. I like,running and swimming,.(,就划线部分提问,),_ _ your _,?,2. collecting, too ,he, likes, stamps (.),(连词成句),_,3. He lives in China.(,变一般疑问句,),_,What,are,hobbies,He likes collecting stamps, too.,Does he live in China?,当堂检测,二. 按要求完成句子:WhatarehobbiesHe li,21,4. also he reads cows to the (,连词成句),_,5.,Does he like doing words puzzles?(,做否定回答),_,6. I also like singing Chinese songs.(,改为同义句,),_,7. teaches to robot he make students (,连词成句,),_,He also reads to the cows.,No, he doesnt.,I like singing Chinese songs , too.,He teaches students to make robots.,当堂检测,4. also he reads cows to th,22,Thank you!,Thank you!,23,Unit 4 I have a pen pal,PEP,六,年级,上册,Unit 4 I have a pen palPEP,24,单元加油站,(,一,),单元加油站(一),25,一、听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。,(,) 1. A.,B.,(,) 2. A. B.,(,) 3,. A.,B,.,(,) 4,. A.,B,.,(,) 5,. A.,B,.,B,A,B,B,B,一、听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。BABBB,26,二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。,(,) 1,. A. What are Peters,hobbies? B,. What is Peters hobby?,(,) 2,. A. He likes flying kites and singing.,B,. She likes flying kites and swimming.,(,) 3,. A. What are your,hobbies? B,. What are his hobbies?,(,) 4,. A. She also likes reading stories.,B,. She likes reading stories, too.,(,) 5,. A. The film is very interesting.,B,. Im interested in the film.,B,A,A,A,A,二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。BAAAA,27,三、听录音,补全短文。,I have a new_ _. His name is John.,He _ on,a farm. Sometimes,he _ to,the cows. He,likes_ _ _,and,_.,He also likes_. Im going to teach him the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”,!,pen,pal,lives,reads,Doing kung fu,swimming,singing,三、听录音,补全短文。pen pallive,28,四、说一说,。同学们,一定有很多的爱好,大家一起来说说下面这些爱好吧,!,四、说一说。同学们一定有很多的爱好,大家一起来说说下面这些爱,29,五、争做朗读小明星。,1. He likes reading stories.,2. He lives on a farm.,3. He also likes singing.,4. Im going to teach him the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”,!,五、争做朗读小明星。,30,六、给下列图片选择正确的短语。,1. 2. 3,.,(,),(,),(,),4,.,5.,6,.,(,),(,),(,),A. read stories,B,. fly,kites,C,. play football,D. play the,pipa,E,. do kung,fu,F,. sing and dance,C,E,A,F,D,B,六、给下列图片选择正确的短语。A. read stories,31,七、读一读,圈出正确的一,项,1. I,like (,danceing,dancing).,2. We,like (,sing,singing) after school.,3. Can,you (,swim,swimming)?,4. He is going,to(fly,flying) a kite at the park,this Saturday,.,5. She doesnt like(clean,cleaning) the rooms.,七、读一读,圈出正确的一项,32,八、用所给词的正确形式填空,。,1,. Im going,to _ her the _ song,.,2. What,are _ pen,pals,_?,She,_ _,mountains.,3. They like_ _,,,too.,like China you climb interest,talk hobby with teach read story,teach Chinese,your hobbies,likes,climbing,reading,stories,八、用所给词的正确形式填空。 like China,33,4,. Zhang Peng is,_ _,Oliver about,his weekend,plan.,5. That film,is_.,like China you climb interest,talk hobby with teach read story,talking,with,interesting,4. Zhang Peng is_ _,34,九、给下列句子选恰当的答语。,(,) 1,. Who is your best friend?,(,) 2,. Im going to teach him how to swim.,(,) 3,. What are Mikes hobbies?,(,) 4,. Sometimes he reads to the sheep.,(,) 5,. Does she like playing the piano?,C,E,B,A,. Yes, she does.,B,. He likes swimming and running.,C. Robin.,D,. Thats interesting.,E,. Good idea.,D,A,九、给下列句子选恰当的答语。CEBA. Yes, she d,35,十、阅读短文,完成下列各题。,My best friend is Lily. She is a pretty girl. She is 12 years old. She lives in Shanghai. I live in Hefei. We write letters to each other every week. She likes drawing cartoons and going shopping. She has an art lesson every Saturday. I like playing the pipa and the piano. Thats interesting.,十、阅读短文,完成下列各题。,36,1. Is Lily a pretty girl?,_,2,. How old is Lily?,_,3,. Where does Lily live?,_,Yes, she is.,Shes 12 years old.,She lives in Shanghai.,1. Is Lily a pretty girl?Yes,37,4. What are Lilys hobbies?,_,5,. What does Lily do every Saturday,?,_,She likes drawing cartoons and going shopping.,She has an art lesson every Saturday.,4. What are Lilys hobbies?She,38,听力原文,一、,1. play the,pipa,2. do kung fu,3. dance,4. draw pictures,5. swim,听力原文一、1. play the pipa2. do k,39,听力原文,二、,1. What is Peters hobby?,2. He likes flying kites and singing.,3. What are your hobbies?,4. She also likes reading stories.,5. The film is very interesting.,听力原文二、1. What is Peters hobby,40,听力原文,三、,I have a new pen pal. His name is John. He lives on a farm. Sometimes he reads to the cows. He likes doing kung fu and swimming. He also likes singing. Im going to teach him the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”,!,听力原文三、I have a new pen pal. Hi,41,Thank you!,Thank you!,42,PEP,六,年级,上册,Unit 4 I have a pen pal,PEP 六年级上册 Unit 4 I have a p,43,单元加油站,(,二,),单元加油站(二),44,一、听录音,给下面的图片标上序号。,(,) (,) (,),(,) (,),2,4,1,3,5,一、听录音,给下面的图片标上序号。 24135,45,二、听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是,(T),否,(F),一致。,(,) 1,. There is a football class on Thursday.,(,) 2,. We meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4 oclock.,(,) 3,. Different people in our club teach different things.,(,) 4,. Jane teaches her brother to fly kites.,(,) 5,. Im writing to my new pen pal in America.,F,F,T,F,F,二、听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是(T)否(F)一致。FF,46,三、听录音,补全句子。,1. W,:,What are your,_?,M,:,I like,_ _ _,and_.,2. I have a new pen pal.,_ she _ in,China?,No, she_.,3. Mike often_ _after supper.,4. Do you want_,_?,5. Do you like_,_?,hobbies,doing,word puzzles,dancing,Does live,doesnt,does,dishes,to,cook,telling,stories,三、听录音,补全句子。hobbiesdoing,47,四、同学们,你们都参加了哪些课外活动?你能读出来吗?,四、同学们,你们都参加了哪些课外活动?你能读出来吗?,48,五、争当朗读小能手。,Does he live in Sydney?,No, he doesnt.,Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking?,Yes, he does.,五、争当朗读小能手。,49,六、选择与所给单词同类的一,项。,(,) 1,.,Sydney A,. Monday,B. Canberra,C. Mike,(,) 2,.,join A,. read,B,. club,C,. football,(,) 3,.,teaches A,. buy,B,. science,C,. talks,(,) 4,.,reading A,. dishes,B,. singing,C,. hall,(,) 5,.,puzzle A,. book,B,. does,C,. share,B,A,C,B,A,六、选择与所给单词同类的一项。BACBA,50,七、根据句意和首字母提示写单词完成句子。,1. Does he like,p_ football,?,2. Mike g,_ hiking,every week.,3. Miss Liu l,_ in,America.,4. Does Amy c,_ Chinese,food?,5. Amy talks about d_.,laying,oes,ives,ook,reams,七、根据句意和首字母提示写单词完成句子。layingoesi,51,八、单项选择,。,(,) 1,.,Lets _ football,together.,A. play,B,. to play,C. plays,(,) 2,.,What _ your,sisters,_?,A,.,are; hobbies B,.,is; hobbies C,.,are; hobbys,(,) 3,. Can your father,go _ us,?,A,. and,B,. with,C,.,to,A,A,B,八、单项选择。AAB,52,(,) 4,. _your pen pal live in Beijing?,A. Does,B. Do,C,. Is,(,) 5,. Oliver _ pictures.,A. doesnt like draw,B. doesnt like drawing,C. doesnt likes drawing,A,B,() 4. _your pen pal l,53,九、看图回答问题,。,1. What,are his hobbies,?,_,2.,Does,she like playing the piano?,_,3.,Where,do you live?,_,_,He likes doing kung fu and going hiking.,Yes, she does.,I live in China.,九、看图回答问题。He likes doing kung f,54,4. When does he go home?,_,5. What does she do after dinner?,_,He goes home at 9,:,00 p. m.,She does word puzzles after dinner.,4. When does he go home?He goe,55,十、阅读短文,完成任务。,Lily is my new pen pal. She likes singing. She is going to teach me an English song. Her father is a teacher. He likes climbing mountains. He also likes playing football. He goes to work by bus.,十、阅读短文,完成任务。,56,1. Lily,likes singing.,Yes,No,2. Lilys father likes singing English songs.,Yes,No,(,) 3,. Lily is going to _.,A. teach me a,song B. climb a mountain,C,. play,football,A,1. Lily likes singing. A,57,4. What are Lilys fathers hobbies?,_,5,. How does Lilys father go to work?,_,He likes climbing mountains and playing football.,He goes to work by bus.,4. What are Lilys fathers ho,58,听力原文,一、,1. go hiking,2,. cook noodles,3,. study,Chinese 4,. play football,5,. do word puzzles,听力原文一、1. go hiking 2.,59,听力原文,二、,1. There is a football class on Tuesday.,2. We meet every Wednesday afternoon at 6 oclock.,3. Different people in our club teach different things.,4. Jane teaches her sister to fly kites.,5. Im writing to my pen pal in China.,听力原文二、1. There is a football c,60,听力原文,三、,1. W: What are your hobbies?,M,: I like doing word puzzles and dancing.,2. I have a new pen pal. Does she live in China?,No, she doesnt.,3. Mike often does dishes after supper.,4. Do you want to cook?,5. Do you like telling stories?,听力原文三、1. W: What are your hobb,61,Thank you!,Thank you!,62,Unit 4 I have a pen pal,PEP,六,年级,上册,三要素法写征笔友信,Unit 4 I have a pen palPEP,63,题目:,你想结交笔友吗?你会写电子邮件吗?请写一封电子邮件介绍一下自己的兴趣爱好及对笔友的要求。,题目:你想结交笔友吗?你会写电子邮件吗?请写一封电子邮件介绍,64,三要素法用于写征笔友信,要素一,:,称呼。,要素二,:,正文。此封书信的主要内容是围绕着征集笔友来 展开,所以在内容上,应该包括以下方面:,首先,简要说明你,写信的目的。,其次,介绍自己的,个人信息。,最后,提出你,对笔友的要求。,要素三,:,落款,。,三要素法用于写征笔友信要素一: 称呼。,65,Dear friends,I am Cao Jia.,I am looking for a pen pal,.,I have many hobbies.,I like singing, dancing and making friends. often go hiking on the weekend. I can cook Chinese food. Do you like Chinese food?,I want to study English. Can you help me?,Write to me soon.,Yours,Cao Jia,范文:,Dear friends, 范文:,66,亲爱的,朋友们:,我叫曹佳。我在寻找一位笔友。我有很多爱好。我喜欢唱歌、跳舞和交朋友。在周末我经常去远足。我能做中国食物。你喜欢中国食物吗?我想学英语。你能帮助我吗?尽快给我写信。,你的朋友,,曹佳,译文,:,亲爱的朋友们:译文:,67,小练笔:,以“,My pen pal,”,为题,介绍你的笔友的爱好,不少于,50,个单词。,小练笔:以“My pen pal”为题,介绍你的笔友的爱好,,68,My pen pal,I have a pen pal. His name is Tom. He likes English very much. He reads English every day. He likes speaking English. Sometimes he teaches me to learn English. He likes playing football. He often plays football after school. His teachers and friends love him very much. He loves them, too.,参考例文:,69,Thank you!,Thank you!,70,


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