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,PEP,五年级上册,Part A,第,1,课时,Unit 3 What would you like?,PEP 五年级上册 Part A 第1课时Unit,Learning goals,能够完成听录音选单词填空的活动。,2.,能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。,3.,能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话并能进行角色表演。,4.,能够在情景中运用句型,What would you like?,询问对方饮食喜好,。,5.,能够观察对话部分的配图,描述图中其它食物。,Learning goals能够完成听录音选单词填空的活动。,Warm-up,Whats your favourite food?,Salad. Its healthy.,Warm-upWhats your favourite f,Warm-up,What would,you like?,Id like some noodles.,Warm-upWhat wouldId like some,New words,drink,thirsty,喝;饮,渴的,口渴的,New wordsdrink喝;饮渴的,口渴的,Lets try,Sarah is hungry. What would she like to eat?,Listen and fill in the blanks.,She would like some _ and _.,bread,noodles,chicken,bread,chicken,Lets trySarah is hungry. What,Lets talk,点击播放,Lets talk点击播放,Father: Im hungry.,Mother: What would you like to eat?,Father: A sandwich, please.,Mother: OK.,sandwich,(三明治),What would you like to eat?,(你想吃什么?),Father: Im hungry.sandwich(三明,Sarah: What would you like to drink?,Father: Id like some water. Im thirsty!,Sarah: Here you are.,Father: Thanks.,drink,(渴的,口渴的),Here you are.,(给你),thirsty,(喝,饮),Sarah: What would you like to,What would Sarahs father like to eat and drink?,Listen again and answer the questions.,A sandwich and some water.,What would Sarahs father like,1.What would you like to eat?,你想吃什么?,Grammar,(,1,)询问对方想吃,/,喝什么,要用句型“What would you like to eat/drink?”,其答语要用句型“Id like+食物,/,饮料.=I would like+食物,/,饮料.”。其中,would常可缩写为d。,1.What would you like to eat?,例如:,What would you like,to eat, Wu Yifan?,I would like,to eat a hamburger.,Id like,a hamburger.,A hamburger, please.,例如: What would you like t,(,2,),would like意为“想要”,,相当于want。would没有人称和数的变化,语气委婉、客气。否定回答为“No,thanks.”,“Would you like ?(你想要吗?)”是日常生活中征求对方意见的常用句型。答语为:,Yes,please./No,thanks.,例:,Would you like some water?, Yes, please./ No, thanks.,(2)would like意为“想要”,相当于wan,例:,Would you like to play football with us?,Yes, Id like to./ Yes, Id love to.,Sorry, I had to finish my homework first.,“,Would you like to,?,(你愿意吗?)”是向,对方提出建议或邀请的句型。其肯定回答为“,Yes,Id like to./Yes,Id love to.,”,;,否定回答为“,Sorry.,”,例:Would you like to play,这个句子在英语口语中很常见,它的基本意思是“给你”。但它在不同情境中有不同的含义:,2. Here you are.,给你。,表示把某物递给某人时,意为“给你;拿去吧;这就是你要的东西。”,例:,Pass me the keys,please.,Here you are.,这个句子在英语口语中很常见,它的基本意思是“给你”。,如果别人找东西,你帮他,/,她找到了,你可以说:“Here you are.(你的东西在这里。)”,如果你在商店购物,售货员会对你说:“Here you are.(你要的东西在这里。)”,出租车司机把乘客带到了目的地,他,/,她会说:“Here you are.(你的目的地到了。)”,如果别人找东西,你帮他/她找到了,你可以说:“He,Look at the picture below. What can you see on the table?,rice,juice,vegetables,ice,cream,bread,Look at the picture below. Wha,What would you,like to eat?,What would you like to drink?,Ask and answer.,chicken and bread,rice and vegetables,water,orange juice,beef noodles,tea,What would youWhat would you l,Play roles,What would you like to eat?,Id like to eat chicken and bread.,Play rolesWhat would you like,What would you like to drink?,Id like to drink some orange juice.,What would you like to drink?,Would you like to eat beef noodles?,No, thanks.,Would you like to eat beef noo,Practice,根据问句选择相应的答句。,( )1.What would you like to eat?,A.,Sorry, I wouldnt.,B.,Id like to eat a sandwich.,( )2.Would you like to drink orange juice?,A.No,thanks.,B.Yes, some water, please.,B,A,Practice根据问句选择相应的答句。( )1.Wh,PEP,五年级上册,Part B,第,2,课时,Unit 3 What would you like?,PEP 五年级上册 Part B 第2课时Unit 3,Learning goals,1.,能够听、说、读,、写,有关食物的单词:,sandwich, salad, hamburger, ice cream, tea,。,2.,能够在语境中正确运用本课关于食物的单词。,3.,能够完成关于课余文化活动对同学饮食进行问询,对话。,Learning goals1.能够听、说、读、写有关食物的,New words,三明治,New words三明治,蔬菜沙拉;混合沙拉,蔬菜沙拉;混合沙拉,汉堡包,汉堡包,冰激凌,冰激凌,茶;茶水,茶;茶水,New Words,New Words,What would you like to eat?,Id like a sandsich,please.,ice cream,tea,sandwich,hamburger,salad,Lets learn,What would you like to eat?Id,What would you like to eat?,Id like an ice cream,please.,ice cream,What would you like to eat?Id,Would you like to eat a hamburger?,No, thanks.,hamburger,Would you like to eat a hambur,W,hat would you like to drink?,A cup of tea, please,.,tea,What would you like to drink?A,Roleplay,Ask about your partners,Eating habits,(饮食喜好),,write them down, then role-play.,My order,Food,Drink,My partners order,sandwich,orange juice,salad,tea and coffee,RoleplayAsk about your partne,W,hat would you like to eat?,Id like a sandwich, a hot dog, a hamburger,What would you like to eat?Id,W,hat would you like to drink?,Id like some tea,.,What would you like to drink?I,Practice,一、根据情景选择正确的答案。,( )1.当你问别人想喝什么时,应该说:,A.What do you like?,B.What would you like to drink?,C.What would you like to eat?,Practice一、根据情景选择正确的答案。,( )2.,当你想告诉别人你想吃一个汉堡包时,应该说:,A.Id like a sandwich.,B.Id like some hamburgers.,C.Id like a hamburger.,( )2.当你想告诉别人你想吃一个汉堡包时,应该说:,二、给单词分类,将序号填在横线上。,A.sandwich B.tea C.water D.hot dog E.salad F.juice G.hamburger H.milk I.cake J.bread,Food:,_,Drink:,_,A,D E G I J,B,C F H,二、给单词分类,将序号填在横线上。A.sandwich,PEP,五年级上册,Part A,第,3,课时,Unit 3 What would you like?,PEP 五年级上册 Part A 第3课时Unit 3,Learning goals,1.,能够通过听例词发音,观察例词结构中共有的特征,学习,ow,在单词中的发音规则;能够跟着录音说唱歌谣,强化记忆,ow,的发音规则。,2.,能够根据,ow,的发音规则读出生词;能够通过听录音圈单词的活动强化,ow,的音形对应关系。,3.,能够在单线上完成抄写句子的活动,做到书写规范正确。,Learning goals1.能够通过听例词发音,观察例词,New words,奶牛,New words奶牛,花儿,花儿,哇,哇,向下,向下,缓慢,缓慢,雪花,雪花,黄色的;黄色,黄色的;黄色,窗户,窗户,Lets spell,Read,listen and chant.,c,ow,fl,ow,er,w,ow,d,ow,n,sl,ow,sn,ow,yell,ow,wind,ow,Lets spellRead,listen and cha,点击播放,点击播放,Lets chant,点击播放,Lets chant点击播放,Tips for pronunciation,Tips for pronunciation,Listen, circle and say.,点击播放,Listen, circle and say.点击播放,Listen, write and say.,点击播放,Listen, write and say.点击播放,人教版五年级英语上册Unit3第三单元整单元ppt课件(整单元,Write and read.,Choose one sentence from above and write.,I see a yellow flower.,我看见了一朵黄色的花儿。,slow down.,减速慢行。,How about tomorrow?,明天怎么样?,Write and read.Choose one sent,Practice,选出每组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。,( )1.A.home B.no C.dog,( )2.A.how B.flower C.window,( )3.A.now B.slow C.snowy,( )4.A.wow B.yellow C.tomorrow,( )5.A.down B.snow C.cow,C,C,A,A,B,Practice 选出每组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。,PEP,五年级上册,Part B,第,1,课时,Unit 3 What would you like?,PEP 五年级上册 Part B 第1课时Unit,Learning goals,能够完成听录音连线的活动。,2.,能够在图片和教师的帮助下正确理解对话大意。,3.,能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话并能进行角色表演。,4.,能够在情景中运用句型,whats your favourite food?,询问对方的饮食喜好,。,Learning goals能够完成听录音连线的活动。,Warm-up,What would like to eat?,A hot dog, please.,Warm-upWhat would like to eat?,Warm-up,What would like to drink?,A cup of tea, please.,Warm-upWhat would like to drin,New words,favourite,food,adj.,特别喜爱的,n.,食物,New wordsfavouriteadj. 特别喜爱的,Lets try,Zhang Peng and Sarah are thirsty. Listen,and match.,Lets tryZhang Peng and Sarah,Lets talk,点击播放,Lets talk点击播放,Sarah: Whats your favourite food?,Zhang Peng: Noodles. I love beef noodles. Theyre,delicious. Whats your favourite food?,Sarah: Fish.,Zhang Peng: Well, lets see. We have beef noodles,and fish sandwiches today.,Sarah: Great!,Whats your favourite food?,你最喜欢的食物是什么?,delicious,美味的,beef noodles,牛肉面,Sarah: Whats your favou,Whats Zhang Pengs favourite food?,Answer the questions.,Noodles.,Whats Sarahs favourite food?,Fish.,What would they eat today?,Beef noodles and fish sandwiches.,Whats Zhang Pengs favourite,Grammar,beef noodles,牛肉面,类似结构的短语还有,:fish sandwich,鱼肉三明治,tomato soup,西红柿汤,通常名词作定语修饰名词时都用原形,如:,potato soup,土豆汤;但,man,woman,sports,clothes,等词除外。,Grammar beef noodles 牛肉面类似结构的短,Whats your favourite food?,你最喜欢的食物是什么?,(1),询问对方最喜欢吃的食物和喝的饮料用句型:,Whats your favourite food/drink?,其答语如下:,Whats your favourite food? 你最,Whats your favourite drink?,Apple juice.,My favourite drink is apple juice.,Apple juice is my favourite drink.,I like apple juice best.,Whats your favourite drink?,我们还可以用下面的句型来询问对方最喜欢的事物,:,What do you like best?,你最喜欢什么?,Which do you like best ?,你最喜欢哪一个?,我们还可以用下面的句型来询问对方最喜欢的事物:What d,Theyre delicious.,它们很美味。,描述食物的味道可以用下面的句型:,在这个句型中,,be,动词要根据主语的不同而采用不同的形式。,例:,The fish is fresh.,鱼很新鲜。,The noodles are delicious.,面条很美味。,Theyre delicious.它们很美味。描述食物的味,Ask your friends about their favourite food,and drink.,Name,Favourite food,Favourite drink,Ask your friends about their f,Sarahs favourite food,is fish. Her favourite,drink is milk.,Zhang Pengs favourite,food is beef noodles. His,favourite drink is juice.,Olivers favourite food is vegetable. Her favourite,drink is coffee.,Sarahs favourite food Zhang P,Play roles,Whats your favourite food?,Noodles. They are delicious.,Play rolesWhats your favourit,My favourite drink,is coffee.,Whats your,favourite drink?,My favourite drink Whats your,Whats your favourite food and drink?,I like Fish and tea best.,Whats your favourite food and,Practice,单项选择。,( )1._ your favourite food?,A.Whos B. What C.Whats,( )2.We _ beef noodles.,A.have B.are C.has,( )3._ favourite food is fish.,A.Sarah B.Sarahs C.Sarahs,Practice单项选择。( )1._ y,PEP,五年级上册,Part B,第,2,课时,Unit 3 What would you like?,PEP 五年级上册 Part B 第2课时Unit 3,Learning goals,1.能够,听、说、读、写,5,个形容食物的单词。,2.,能够在语境中正确运用这,5,个词组,。,3.,能够完成看图片写词语,朗读句子的活动。,Learning goals1.能够听、说、读、写5个形容食,Warm-up,Whats your favourite food?,Beef noodles.,Warm-upWhats your favourite f,Whats your favourite drink?,I like tea best.,Whats your favourite drink?I,New words,新鲜的,刚摘的,New words新鲜的,刚摘的,健康的,健康的,美味的,可口的,美味的,可口的,辣的,辛辣的,辣的,辛辣的,含糖的;甜的,含糖的;甜的,New Words,New Words,Lets learn,fresh,healthy,delicious,hot,sweet,Lets learnfreshhealthydelicio,fresh,healthy,delicious,hot,sweet,Whats your favourite food?,Ice cream. Its sweet!,freshhealthydelicioushotsweetW,Role play,Whats your favourite food?,Vegetable. Its healthy!,Role playWhats your favourite,Whats your favourite food?,I like tomatoes best. Theyre fresh!,Whats your favourite food?I l,Look, write and say,They are _.,They are _.,They are _.,They are _.,hot,healthy,delicious,sweet,Look, write and sayThey are _,I love ice cream. Its sweet. What about you?,I love ice cream. Its sweet.,Practice,单项选择。,( )1.I like apples. _ fresh.,A.Its B.They C.Theyre,( )2.Whats _ favourite food?,A.you B.your C.she,( )3.I like ice cream best. Its _.,A.,s,weet B.hot C.drink,Practice单项选择。( )1.I like a,选择句子,补全对话。,Sarah:Whats your favourite drink, John?,John:1._,Sarah:I dont like tea. 2._,John:3._,Sarah:I like hamburgers. 4._,John:I like beef. 5._,选择句子,补全对话。Sarah:Whats your fa,参考答案:,1.B 2.E 3.D 4.A 5.C,A.What about you?,B.I like tea.,C.Its delicious.,D.Whats your favourite food?,E.I like orange juice.,参考答案:1.B 2.E 3.D 4.A,PEP,五年级上册,Part B,第,3,课时,Unit 3 What would you like?,PEP 五年级上册 Part B 第3课时Unit,Learning goals,能够在图片的帮助下读懂短文,根据短文内容勾选正确的答案。,了解书信基本格式。,检测部分要求学生能够熟练地听、说、读、写本单元对话部分的主要句型;能够听、说、读、写词汇部分的所有单词。,能够在教师的帮助下总结名词的复数形式,完成相应练习。掌握询问饮食喜好的句型。,Learning goals能够在图片的帮助下读懂短文,根据,Warm-up,Listen to the childrens song.,What would you like to eat today?,What would you like to eat today?,Eat today? Eat today?,What would you like to eat today?,Something sweet to eat.,Warm-upListen to the children,New words,(用于信函抬头的名字或头衔前),亲爱的,New words(用于信函抬头的名字或头衔前),洋葱,葱头,洋葱,葱头,Read and write,Read and answer.,What are Robin and Grandpas eating habits?,Robin,Grandpa,Read and writeRead and answer.,Dear,Robin,My favourite food is ice cream.,It is,sweet,. I dont like beef but chicken is OK. Onions are my favourite vegetable. I like salad very much.,Thank you!,Yifan,Dear Robin,My favourite food is chicken.It is,delicious,. I like vegetables but not carrots.,Thanks.,Grandpa,Onions,洋葱,葱头,注意信件格式,Dear Robin,Dear Robin,Onions洋葱,Here you are! Chicken ice cream!,Oh, no!,Here you are! Chicken ice crea,Robin,Grandpa,He doesnt like beef but chicken is OK;,Onions are his favourite vegetable;,He likes salad very much.,His,favourite food is chicken;,He likes vegetables but not,carrots.,RobinGrandpaHe doesnt like be,What can they both eat? Read and tick.,What can they both eat? Read a,I dont like beef but chicken is OK.,句子的前半部分,I dont like beef.,是一个否定句,,like,在句中意为“喜欢”,是行为动词。,dont=do not,。意为“不”,是否定词。,句子的后半部分“,but chicken is OK.,”是一个由转折连词,but,引导的并列句。,but,可以连接两个词、短语或句子。,but,连接的句子的否定形式就是在,but,后直接加,not,。,I dont like beef but chicken,如何表达自己的喜恶:,如何表达自己的喜恶:,What would you like to eat? Write to Robin, please.,Dear Robin,My favourite food is _. It is _.,I dont like _ but I like _.,Thank you!,_,What would you like to eat? Wr,Lets check,What would Amy like? Listen and tick.,Lets checkWhat would Amy like,What is Amys favourite drink? Fill in the blank.,Her favourite drink is _,_,_.,tea,What is Amys favourite drink?,Lets wrap it up,one banana,two banana,s,one sandwich,two sandwich,es,Lets wrap it upone banana two,Fill in the table.,Add-s,Add-es,banana,pear,carrot,noodle,hamburger,onion,sandwich,potato,tomato,dress,box,class,banana,s,sandwich,es,pear,s,carrot,s,noodle,s,hamburger,s,onion,s,potato,es,tomato,es,dress,es,box,es,class,es,Fill in the table. Add-sAdd-es,(1)可数名词复数形式的变化有以下几种情况:,情况,变化规则,例词,一般情况,在词尾加,-,s,mapmaps boyboys,以,-s,-sh,-x,-ch结尾的名词,在词尾加-es,watchwatches,boxboxes,以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,先变y为i,再加-es,family,families,以-f或-fe结尾的名词,先变f或fe为v,再加-es,leafleaves,(1)可数名词复数形式的变化有以下几种情况:情况变化规则例词,(,2,)少数可数名词复数形式的变化是不规则的。例如:,manmen,男人,womanwomen,女人,toothteeth,牙齿,childchildren,儿童,单复数同形:,sheepsheep,绵羊,fishfish,鱼,(2)少数可数名词复数形式的变化是不规则的。例如:manm,人教版五年级英语上册Unit3第三单元整单元ppt课件(整单元,Story time,Im hungry,.,What would you like to eat?,Id like a salad,.,No problem. I have tomatoes,carrots, and onions.,Story timeIm hungry.What woul,The vegetables are so fresh!,Theyre delicious, too.,The vegetables are so fresh!Th,Please clean the vegetables.,OK.,Please clean the vegetables.OK,I will.,Thank you.,Be careful!,I will. Be careful!,Its healthy, too.,It looks nice!,Its healthy, too.It looks nic,Heres some fresh milk.,Thank you. Dinner at the farm is great!,Heres some fresh milk.Thank y,No problem.,没问题。,(1),No problem.,用来表示同意或愉快地回答请求,意为“没问题;小事一桩”。,Could you post the letter for me?,No problem.,例如:,No problem. 没问题。 (1)No probl,No problem.的其他用法:,常用来表示安慰(也说Thats no problem),意为“没问题;那不成问题”。,用于回答感谢(主要用于美式英语中),意为“不用谢; 别客气;没什么”。,Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。,No problem. 没什么。,例如:,No problem.的其他用法:Thank you ve,Please clean the vegetables.请把这些蔬菜洗干净。,这是一个,祈使句,,其句型结构为“动词原形+其他”,它的主要用法是表示请求、命令、希望、建议、劝告等。,Please clean the vegetables.请把,Heres some fresh milk.这儿有一些新鲜的牛奶。,(,1,)此句是一个倒装句型,,常用来强调东西的位置,。其句型结构为“,Heres+,主语.”用,is,还是,are,,取决于后面名词的单复数,单数用,is,,复数,用are,。,例句:,Here are your pencils.,你的铅笔在这里。,here,放在句首时,,如主语是代词,,here后面,的内容不倒装。,例如:Here it is.它在这里。,Here he comes!他来了!,Heres some fresh milk.这儿有一些新鲜,(2)milk意为“牛奶”,为不可数名词。常见的不可数名词有:water,bread,juice,beef等。不可数名词前不能用冠词a或an,但可以用定冠词the。不可数名词不可以与many连用,但可以与much,some等连用。不可数名词没有复数形式,可以用“数词+量词+of+不可数名词”表数量。例如:,(2)milk意为“牛奶”,为不可数名词。常见的不,Practice,一、单项选择。,( )1.Id like some _ for my lunch.,A.potato B.potatoes C.potatos,( )2.I dont like papper(,辣椒,). Its _.,A.delicious B.healthy C.hot,( )3.I like vegetables _ not carrots.,A.but B.and C.or,Practice 一、单项选择。,二、判断下列翻译是(,T,)否(,F,)正确。,( ),1,、这里有一些新鲜的牛奶。,Here some fresh milk is.,( ),2,、请清洗这些蔬菜。,Please clean the vegetables.,( ),3,、我不喜欢牛肉,但鸡肉还可以。,I dont like beef but chicken is OK.,F,T,T,二、判断下列翻译是(T)否(F)正确。FTT,


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