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仓库作业安全仓库作业安全Safety in Warehouse Operations 仓库作业安全 Safety in Warehouse Operations 内容 Table of Content1.公司物流链对于仓库作业安全的战略远景及到达远景状态的步骤公司物流链对于仓库作业安全的战略远景及到达远景状态的步骤 CO-Supply Chain Strategic Vision on Safety in Warehouse Operations and Steps to“Vision”State2.关于仓库作业安全的建议关于仓库作业安全的建议 Recommendation on Safety in Warehouse Operations2.1 关于仓库良好场地管理的建议关于仓库良好场地管理的建议 Recommendations on good housekeeping 2.2关于减少滑倒关于减少滑倒,绊倒和坠落的建议绊倒和坠落的建议 Recommendations to reduce slips/trips and falls2.3 关于组织安全运输路线的建议关于组织安全运输路线的建议 Recommendations on organizing safe traffic routes2.4 关于地面安全存储的建议关于地面安全存储的建议 Recommendations on safe block stacking 2.5 关于货架存储的建议关于货架存储的建议 Recommendations on rack storage 2.6 关于叉车电池安全的建议关于叉车电池安全的建议 Recommendations on battery safety for forklift 2.7 关于安全驾驶叉车的建议关于安全驾驶叉车的建议 Recommendations on operating a forklift truck safely 2.8 关于装卸月台安全管理的建议关于装卸月台安全管理的建议 Recommendations on safety at dock3.对于安全的态度对于安全的态度 Attitude on Safety4.结束语结束语 Closing Notes2GCR Supply Chain1公司物流链对于仓库作业安全的战略远景及到达远景状态的步骤CO-Supply Chain Strategic Vision and Steps to“Vision”State仓库作业安全 Safety in Warehouse Operations 3GCR Supply Chain仓库作业安全的站略远景及到达远景状态的步骤SC Strategic Vision and Steps to“Vision”State远景Vision:安全的仓库/DC实现由于仓库作业造成的“零”(损失时间)伤害Safe Warehouses/Distribution CentresTo achieve zero(Lost Time)Injuries due to warehouse activities(LTIFr=“0”)到达远景的步骤 Steps to“Vision”state:知晓知晓 Awareness我们设立安全目标并向全体人员沟通.We set our safety objectives and communicate this to all personnel.培训培训 Training适当的关于安全的培训是实现目标改进的基本工具.Proper training on safety is a fundamental tool for our improvement goals.定期评估定期评估Periodic Assessment评估的目的是确认存在的安全程序被贯彻被遵守,并确保这些程序符合当前的需要和风险.The aim of the assessment is to ensure that safety procedures are implemented and followed when they exist and to make sure that these procedures correspond to the current needs and risks.4GCR Supply Chain2关于仓库业作安全的建议Recommendations on Safety in Warehouse Operations仓库作业安全 Safety in Warehouse Operations 5GCR Supply Chain2.1关于仓库良好场地管理的建议Recommendations on Good Housekeeping仓库操作安全Safety in Warehouse Operations6GCR Supply Chain关于仓库良好场地管理的建议Recommendations on Good Housekeeping-1 良好的仓库场地管理有非常简单的原则:保持整洁,物在其位.Good warehouse housekeeping begins with a simple rule:Keep it neat and make sure everything is in its place.在现场的维修作业应有清晰标识并加以围护.Maintenance activities on the site should be clearly indicated and protected with barriers.立即清理散落物.Clean up all spills immediately.7GCR Supply Chain关于仓库良好场地管理的建议Recommendations on Good Housekeeping-2 不要将物件留在过道,地面或不安全地放于 某一地方.Do not leave items in aisles,on the floor or perched insecurely on a surface.不要阻挡火灾喷洒装置,紧急出口或灭火器.Do not block sprinklers,fire exits or fire extinguishers.8GCR Supply Chain立即将物品放在其应在的地方,而不要将他们挪来挪去,每一次挪动都可能造成新的阻碍.Put items in their assigned places immediately,rather than moving them from one stopping point to another不要让切割物或其他尖锐工具或物品任其突出.Do not leave cutters or other sharp tools or materials sticking out.让绳索和电线远离地面.Keep cords and wires off the floor.上报地面松动情况或其他易造成绊倒的危险情况.Report loose flooring or other tripping hazards.在适当的箱体里立即处理所有垃圾.Dispose of all trash immediately in proper containers.关于仓库良好场地管理的建议Recommendations on Good Housekeeping-3 9GCR Supply Chain2.2 关于减少滑倒,绊倒和坠落的建议Recommendations to reduce slips/trips and falls仓库作业安全 Safety in Warehouse Operations 10GCR Supply Chain湿物质的溢出物和干物质的落地物湿物质的溢出物和干物质的落地物 Spillage of wet and dry substances立即清理溢出物,如果溢出物是油性液体,确定使用合适的清洁剂.清洁后,有一段时间地面还会湿,可能的话,弄干地面.使用适当的隔离物告诉人们地面还湿,并安排绕行路线.Clean spills up immediately,if a liquid is greasy,make sure a suitable cleaning agent is used.After cleaning,the floor can be wet for some time;dry it where possible.Use appropriate barriers to tell people the floor is still wet and arrange alternative bypass routes.地毯地毯/垫子垫子 Rugs/mats确保垫子安全地固定,没有卷边.Ensure mats are securely fixed and do not have curling edges.关于减少滑倒关于减少滑倒,绊倒和坠落的建议绊倒和坠落的建议Recommendations to reduce slips/trips and falls-111GCR Supply Chain拖曳的缆线拖曳的缆线 Trailing cables为设备选择安装地址时应避免缆线横穿人行道;使用缆线罩安全地将缆线固定在地面或墙面;为避免碰触,限制进入.考虑使用无线工具.要记住承包方员工也需要管理.Position equipment to avoid cables crossing pedestrian routes,use cablecovers to securely fix to surfaces,restrict access to prevent contact.Consideruse of cordless tools.Remember that contractors need to be managed.杂物杂物,例如塑料袋例如塑料袋 Miscellaneous rubbish,e.g.plastic bags保持区域干净,及时处理垃圾,不允许堆积.Keep areas clear,remove rubbish and do not allow it to build up.关于减少滑倒关于减少滑倒,绊倒和坠落的建议绊倒和坠落的建议Recommendations to reduce slips/trips and falls-212GCR Supply Chain照明不好照明不好 Poor lighting改善照明条件,优化照明设备的布置,以确保通行区域/工作区域(过道,备货区)均衡的照明.Improve lighting levels and placement of light fittings to ensure more even lighting of all circulating/working areas(aisles,staging).光滑的表面光滑的表面 Slippery surfaces评估原因并相应处理,例如如果是潮湿造成问题,那就保持干燥.在某些情况下,你可能用化学方式处理这些表面并使用合适的清洁方法.用贴于表面的粗糙的条带增加摩擦力的方式也能帮助减少危险.Assess the cause and treat accordingly,for example always keep them dry if wet causes the problem.In certain situations you may have to treat them chemically and use appropriate cleaning method etc.Using abrasive strips to increase traction can also help to reduce the danger.人行道人行道 Walkways使用专门的小路和人行道.如果人行道不能通行,那就逆交通方向走,尽量靠近路边.Use designated sidewalks and walkways.If walkways are impassable,walk against traffic,close to curb as possible.楼梯楼梯 Staircases使用楼梯上的扶手.台阶上无障碍物.Use handrails on stairs.Keep walkways free from any obstacles.关于减少滑倒关于减少滑倒,绊倒和坠落的建议绊倒和坠落的建议Recommendations to reduce slips/trips and falls-313GCR Supply Chain高空作业高空作业 Working on high areas高空作业使用梯子.避免蹦跳.如果利用叉车,那就使用放在叉子上的专门的笼子.Use ladder when working at height.Avoid jumping.When样using a forklift,use ad hoc cages on the forks.斜坡斜坡 Slopes改进可视度,提供扶手并使用地面标识.Improve visibility,provide hand rails and use floor markings.烟雾烟雾/蒸汽阻挡视线蒸汽阻挡视线 Smoke/steam obscuring view通过将烟雾/蒸汽引导到远离风险区域的办法,消除或控制这方面危险;改进通风.Eliminate or control by redirecting it away from risk areas;improve ventilation.不适合的鞋不适合的鞋 Unsuitable footwear确保工人选用合适的鞋,尤其鞋要有正确类型的鞋底.Ensure workers choose suitable footwear,particularly with the correct type of sole.速度速度 Speed 在仓库,行走而不要跑动.为避免叉车而调整行走速度,尤其在拐弯处和十字路口.Walk and do not run in a warehouse.Adapted speed for the forklifts,in particular in the curves and intersections.关于减少滑倒关于减少滑倒,绊倒和坠落的建议绊倒和坠落的建议Recommendations to reduce slips/trips and falls-414GCR Supply Chain2.3关于组织安全运输路线的建议Recommendations on Organizing Safe Traffic Routes仓库作业安全 Safety in Warehouse Operations 15GCR Supply Chain尽最大可能让行人和车辆各行其道.Keep pedestrians and vehicles apart as much as possible.所有的交通路线应有清晰标识;使用安全标识,考虑 单向交通系统.All traffic routes should be clearly signed;using safety signs,and considers one-way traffic systems.如使用物料搬运设备(MHE),设备运行的通道应该平坦无障碍.If using material handling equipments,equipment pathways should be flat and without obstruction.在地面上清楚地标示货物存储区域及通道.Mark out storage areas and pathways clearly on the floor.通道应足够宽,以便物料搬运设备安全地运作.Pathways should be wide enough to allow the movement of material-handling equipment safely.为行人的进出提供带有合适扶手的楼梯和/或斜坡.Provide staircases and/or ramps with suitable handrails for pedestrian access.关于安全组织运输路线的建议Recommendations on Organizing Safe Traffic Routes-116GCR Supply Chain如行人与车辆使用同一门道,提供带有透視玻璃或膠片的门道.并标注 安全净空高度.If pedestrians share the same doorway with a truck or vehicle,provide a doorway with vision panels and clearly mark them with the safe clearance height.车辆通道应避免急弯和盲点.如果此要求在现实中不合理,那就利用警示标牌和位置适当的镜子来帮助.Avoid sharp bends and blind corners for vehicles.If this is not reasonably practicable,use suitable warning signs and well-positioned mirrors.关于安全组织运输路线的建议Recommendations on Organizing Safe Traffic Routes-2穹顶穹顶 360 镜镜Full Dome 360 Mirror圆形凸镜圆形凸镜Circular Convex Mirror工业和仓库镜工业和仓库镜 Industrial&Warehouse mirrors 圆角镜圆角镜 Round angular mirror17GCR Supply Chain正确维护路面,尤其不要让路面上的坑洞恶化.Maintain road surfaces properly and,in particular,do not allow pot holes to develop.推行合理限速.Enforce a reasonable speed limit.所有道路有足够的照明.All roads should be adequately lit.可能的话避免倒车.如果倒车,给司机提供帮助.Avoid reversing where possible and provide help for drivers who are reversing.推行严格的规定:车辆无人时,车辆应关掉发动机,钥匙不留在车里.Have a strict site rule that unattended vehicles are always switched off and the keys removed.关于安全组织运输路线的建议Recommendations on Organizing Safe Traffic Routes-3限速限速101018GCR Supply Chain小心避免碰撞高处的电缆(如果有电缆的话).Take precautions to avoid contact with overhead electrical cables if there are any.保持车辆处于安全状态.定期检查刹车,镜子,雨刷和车灯.Keep vehicles maintained in a safe condition.Regularly check brakes,mirrors,wipers and lights.确保那些必需在车辆运作附近工作的人员穿安全 鞋和高可视反光衣.Make sure that people wear safety footwear and reflective high-visibility clothing when they have to work near moving vehicles.培训在现场工作的工人识别危险源.Train all site workers to recognize the dangers.关于安全组织运输路线的建议Recommendations on Organizing Safe Traffic Routes-419GCR Supply Chain2.4关于地面安全存储的建议Recommendations on safe block stacking仓库作业安全 Safety in Warehouse Operations 20GCR Supply Chain关于地面安全存储的建议Recommendations on safe block stacking-1地面存储不应该超过2托盘.然而,如果这不实际,对于码垛极限应做适当的风险评估(评估应有书面文件).Block stacking should not be more than 2 pallets.However,if this is not practical,a proper risk assessment(documented)is conducted to determine the maximum stack height of the stackable pallets.将托盘上的材料坚实水平地放置,以便相互码放.Make sure that any loads on pallets,which can be stacked directly on top of each other are positioned on a firm level base.只能按生产商的指示堆存.如无此信息,做风险评估来决定安全的堆存高度.无论如何,堆存高度不应阻挡 火灾喷水器或接触高处的照明或管线.Stacking should only be carried out in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.If this information is not available carry out a risk assessment to determine a safe stacking height.Nevertheless,stacking height must not block sprinklers or come in contact with overhead lights or pipes.21GCR Supply Chain确保只有能够码垛的材料方可地面码放堆存.Ensure that only products that are stackable are allowed to be block stacked每排之间保留足够的空隙以便安全码放.Keep enough clearance between rows so you can stack safely.定期检查每垛的稳定情况.如有必要及时采取措施.Inspect stacks regularly for stability and use corrective measures if necessary.关于地面安全存储的建议Recommendations on safe block stacking-222GCR Supply Chain2.5关于货架存储的建议Recommendations on rack storage仓库作业安全 Safety in Warehouse Operations 23GCR Supply Chain关于货架存储的建议Recommendations on rack storage-1保护货架保护货架 Protecting Racking如果货架可能被叉车和其他车辆碰撞,就需要保护它.使用可恢复的柱状保护设施(renewable column guards)或引导围栏(guide rails)以阻止车辆靠近货架主结构.边角处的直立柱更有被撞的危险,小心保护它们,并涂上明亮的吸引视觉注意的颜色.If racking is likely to be struck by forklift trucks and other vehicles,protect it.Use renewable column guards or guide rails to prevent trucks getting too close to the main structure.Corner uprights are especially at risk andcarefully protect and paint them in a bright obvious and eye catching colour.24GCR Supply Chain安装安全货架安装安全货架Installing Safe Racking确保Ensure:按制造商指示安装货架.Installing racking in line with the manufacturers instructions.将货架安装在可靠的水平地面,此地面可以承受货架底座的集中载荷.Mounting racking on sound,level floors which can withstand the point loading at each base plate.货架安全地固定在地面.The racking is securely fixed to the floor.通道要足够宽,以允许机械物料搬运设备安全运作.Aisles are wide enough to allow any mechanical-handling equipment to move safely.货架上标示安全的载重,绝不可超载.Marking racking with the safe working load.We must never carry more than this.关于货架存储的建议Recommendations on rack storage-225GCR Supply Chain货架维护货架维护 Maintaining the Racking确认货架已被维护 To make sure racking is maintained:定期检查以发现任何问题,保留检查,损伤和修理的记录.Regularly inspect it to find any faults and keep a logbook of inspections,damage and repairs.鼓励员工汇报任何损伤,无论多小,以便我们可以评估其在安全上的影响.Encourage employees to report any damage,however minor,so that we can assess its effect on safety.如货架系统不安全,联系厂家寻求建议.If the racking system is not safe,contact the manufacturer for advice.防止有问题货架仍在使用-通常安全地将货物从该货架上取下,然后将控制措施做到位.Prevent faulty racking from being used normally by unloading it safely and putting control measures in place.关于货架存储的建议Recommendations on rack storage-326GCR Supply ChainPlacing and retrieving stock 存放或取出货物存放或取出货物应使用物料搬运设备(MHE)存放或取出货物,而不要人工搬运.如果这不现实,考虑人工搬动为最后的手段.然而,应考虑如下情况:MHE should be used to place and retrieve stock from racking instead of manual handling.If this is not reasonablypracticable,consider manual handling as a last resort.However,the following should be taken into account:避免爬上货架存放或取出货物.Avoid climbing the racking or shelving to place or remove goods.使用自立式可移动的平台,强于使用普通梯子.Use free-standing mobile platform steps rather than ordinary ladders.当需要执行此类任务时,给予员工足够的信息,指导和培训.Give employees adequate information,instruction and training as well as supervision,when needed to carry out tasks.关于货架存储的建议Recommendations on rack storage-427GCR Supply Chain2.6关于叉车电池安全的建议Recommendations on Battery Safety for Forklift仓库作业安全 Safety in Warehouse Operations 28GCR Supply Chain关于叉车电池安全的建议Recommendations on Battery Safety for Forklift-1电池存放与充电的地方必须通风良好,远离火花或明火的地方.此专用区域应有围护.Store and charge batteries in a well ventilated area away from sparks or open flames.Barriers should be set-up in this designated area.破损电池应存放在有正确标识的抗酸的密闭结构里(无需最好的).Damaged batteries should be kept in properly labeled acid-resistant secondary containment structures.保持电池的排气帽安全就位.Keep battery vent caps securely in place.使用非金属容器和漏斗 Use nonmetallic containers and funnels.在电池充电区应备有PH纸以便检查地面上的液体是水还是电池泄露液.Availability of PH papers in the battery charging area to check if liquid on floor is water or from battery leakages29GCR Supply Chain在电池存储和充电区不允许吸烟,不允许有其他燃烧源.必须张贴“禁止吸烟”的标识.Smoking and other ignition sources are prohibited in the storage and charging area.“No Smoking”signs must be posted.在电池充电区,必须采取措施防止明火,火星或电弧.Precautions must be taken to prevent open flames,sparks or electric arcs in battery charging areas.电池的存储与充电装置应放在一指定区域,该区域备有冲淋和中和溅出的电解液设备,防火设施,防止充 电仪器被车辆撞坏设施,并有充分的通风设施以便驱散电池充电产生的废气.Battery storage and charging installations should be located in designated charging areas that provide flushing and neutralizing of spilled electrolyte,fire protection,protection of charging apparatus from damage by trucks,and adequate ventilation for dispersal of battery gassing fumes.重装电池时,电池应安全地放在车辆的正确位置.Reinstalled batteries should be properly positioned and secured in the truck.关于叉车电池安全的建议Recommendations on Battery Safety for Forklift-230GCR Supply Chain备有垂直的温水安全喷淋设施和清洗眼睛的区域.Plumbed tepid water safety shower and eyewash station.如果垂直喷淋设施不能安装,紧临电池充电处应配有针对个人的或轻便的眼睛清洗站.然而,充电站附 近还是必须备有垂直温水清洗站以便冲洗眼部和肌肤.Personal or portable eyewash stations should be installed in the area immediate to the battery charging,if plumbed units can not be installed.However,plumbed tepid water wash stations must be installed nearby to facilitate the required flushing of the eyes and skin.在换电池或充电前,车辆应停在适当位置,并使用刹车.Trucks should be properly positioned and brake applied before attempting to change or charge batteries.n打开的电池上面不应放有工具或其他金属件.Tools and other metallic objects should be kept away from the top of uncovered batteries.关于叉车电池安全的建议Recommendations on Battery Safety for Forklift-331GCR Supply Chain当操作电池时,必须使用PPE,包括密封的安全护目镜,抗酸手套,围群(如有酸液溅出的可能),有钢片保 护脚趾的安全鞋(steel-toe boots)或足部保护设施(如电池被举起.)Personal protective equipment must be worn when handling the batteries.These includes non-vented safety goggles,acid resistant gloves,apron(If there is a potential to spill acid)and steel-toe boots or foot guards if the battery is lifted只使用专门为电池充电而设计的充电器 Use only chargers that are designed for the battery being charged.当移动电池时,必须保证排气帽稳固以防电解液溅出.充电时确保排气帽正常工作,打开电池盖以散热.充电结束后,确认排气帽恢复原位.When moving batteries,vent caps must be kept firmly in place to avoid electrolyte splashing.When charging batteries,ensure vent caps are functioning and the battery(or compartment)cover(s)are open to dissipate heat.When charging is complete,be sure to replace the vent cap firmly.关于叉车电池安全的建议Recommendations on Battery Safety for Forklift-432GCR Supply Chain叉车,电池或充电系统的生产商关于安全的要求或操作的程序必须被遵守.Any additional safety requirements or operating procedures specified by the manufacturer of the forklift,battery or charging system must be followed如果酸液溅入眼睛,立即用水清洗,并迅速寻求医护.If acid gets into the eyes,flush immediately with water,and then promptly seek medical attention.如果酸液溅上肌肤,用大量水清洗相关部位.如果化学灼伤呈现出二度或更严重灼伤情形,则寻求医护.If acid gets on your skin,rinse the affected area immediately with large amounts of water.Seek medical attention if the chemical burns appears to be a second degree or greater.保持电池清洁.Keep battery clean.关于叉车电池安全的建议Recommendations on Battery Safety for Forklift-533GCR Supply Chain2.7关于安全驾驶叉车的建议Recommendations on Operating a Forklift Truck Safely 仓库作业安全 Safety in Warehouse Operations 34GCR Supply Chain选择合适的叉车用于工作 Get the right truck for the job.依据生产厂家的指示定期维护叉车,确保座位被维护以便尽最大可能减少振动,减少造成司机不健康坐姿 的可能.Maintain all lift trucks regularly in line with manufacturers instructions and make sure seats are maintained to reduce,as far as possible,unhealthy postures and vibration.选择合适的有相应能力的人员加以培训,成为司机.并正式书面授权 其操作叉车.Choose only suitable and competent employees to train as operators and authorise them in writing to operate lift trucks.确保存在防止非授权人员操作叉车的机制.Make sure that there is a system for preventing unauthorised employees from operating forklift trucks.关于安全驾驶叉车的建议Recommendations on Operating a Forklift Truck Safely-135GCR Supply Chain叉车司机必须使用PPE,例如安全鞋和高可视背心(high visibility vest);并系紧安全带.The forklift driver must wear Personal Protective Equipment(PPE:high visibility vest and safety shoes)and fasten seat belt叉车移动时,将叉子和货物放低并向后倾斜.Keep forks and loads low and tilted back while moving.如果叉车与人员相临很近工作,则强力推行低速规则及安全倒车规则.If trucks and people work alongside each other,enforce rules for low speed and safe reversing.关于安全驾驶叉车的建议Recommendations on Operating a Forklift Truck Safely-236GCR Supply Chain叉车路线避免靠近容易被撞伤的区域或设备,例如可燃液体储存 区;如避免不了,那就得保护这样的区域.Avoid routes near vulnerable areas or equipment,for example,flammable liquid stores or protect these stores.用实物围栏将人行通道和叉车通道分开.并用清楚的警示标识.Separate pedestrian routes from ones used by forklift trucks using a physical barrier.Also use clear warning signs.如设置实物围栏不实际,应该确保使用其他措施,例如听觉警示 装置,或视觉警示装置(镜子)If putting up a physical barrier is not reasonably practicable,you should make sure there are other arrangements,such as using audible or visual warning devices like mirror.关于安全驾驶叉车的建议Recommendations on Operating a Forklift Truck Safely-337GCR Supply Chain叉车举起货物时或空叉子举起时,决不要站在其下或从其下行走.Never stand or walk under the raised part of a forklift,even if its empty.叉车运行区地面应足够坚固,良好维护,平整并无障碍物.Driving areas should be strong enough,well maintained,as flat as possible and free from obstructions.如叉车在公路上使用(例如装卸),有必要安排另一个人帮助协调控制交通.If the truck is used on the road(to load and unload,for example),provide a second person to help with controlling traffic,as necessary.叉车停下来时,叉子正常水平放下,使用刹车,取走钥匙.Park a forklift with forks lowered and tilted flat,brake set,and key removed.当叉车不用时,妥善保管叉车钥匙.Keep keys secure when the trucks are not being used.关于安全驾驶叉车的建议Recommendations on Operating a Forklift Truck Safely-438GCR Supply Chain小心放置货物以便货物平稳不会掉下或使叉车翻倒.Place forklift loads carefully so they are stable and wont fall off or tip the truck over.不要使用叉子,托盘或箱柜将人举起在高空作业.必须正确使用专门设计的可移动的工作平台或安全围笼.Do not use forks,pallets or bins to lift people to work at heights.You must use properly designed mobile work platforms or safety cages.关于安全驾驶叉车的建议Recommendations on Operating a Forklift Truck Safely-539GCR Supply Chain维修中叉车必须正当地放置指示标签,并停放在特定区域.Forklifts in maintenance must be tagged properly and kept in a specific area 确保叉车安装有保护设施,例如,当需要时,翻倒保护结构(ROPS),坠落物保护结构(FOPS)和 控制性系统(座位安全带).Make sure forklift trucks are fitted with protective devices,such as roll-over protective structures (ROPS),falling object protective structures(FOPS)and restraining systems(seat belts),where necessary.关于安全驾驶叉车的建议Recommendations on Operating a Forklift Truck Safely-640GCR Supply Chain2.8 关于装卸月台安全的建议Recommendations on safety at dock仓库作业安全 Safety in Warehouse Operations 41GCR Supply Chain关于装卸月台安全的建议Recommendations on safety at dock-1当装卸卡车和拖车时,使用止轮块(wheel chocks)或其他车辆移动限制装置.当放置或取出止轮块或其他车 辆移动限制装置时,卡车或拖车不可以移动.Use wheel chocks or other vehicle-restraining device when loading and unloading trucks and trailers.Ensure that the trucks and trailers are not movable while placing or removing the wheel chocks or other vehicle-restraining device.42GCR Supply Chain关于装卸月台安全的建议Recommendations on safety at dock-2确定用于装卸的叉车备有聚光灯,还要使用安装于月台的照明补充叉车灯光,当人工装卸时亦如此.Make sure


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