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?读后续写的具体要求提供一段提供一段350350词以内词以内的语言材料,要求考生依的语言材料,要求考生依据该材料内容、所给段落开头语进行续写(据该材料内容、所给段落开头语进行续写(150150词词左右左右),将其发展成一篇与给定材料),将其发展成一篇与给定材料有逻辑衔接有逻辑衔接、情节和结构完整情节和结构完整的短文。的短文。读后续写的具体要求提供一段350词以内的语言材料,要求考生依1如何构思续写的内容Step1Readforelements(要素)Step2Readforplots(情节)Step3Step4GatherMakeideaspredictions(预测)1如何构思续写的内容Step 1Read for eleme读后续写公开课ppt课件elementsStep1ReadforelementsStep 1 Read for when:where:who:what:why:between spring and summeron the road through the countryside my mom,I,receptionist,broke down gave flowers to nursing home,Leaving flowers for someone makes mom feel good.Tip1:We can get the main idea with the help of_.5W questionswhen:where:who:what:why:betweStep2ReadforplotsStep 2 Read for plotsRead for plots and feelingstimeswritersbehaviorswriters waysto express feelings feelingsrebellious(unhappyadj.叛逆的)叛逆的)somewhere between were driving,spring and summer,Suddenly,cried,skimmed,impatient,in the middle of looked backannoyednowhereBefore she started.drove to ask:“Do you know someone there?”the car,curious,“What did you do with the confusedNot long after we flowers?”“What?”continued driving,“Did you leave your name?”actionsdialoguessurroundings Suddenly,heard the car burst No garage,no passers-byworriedno garage,no passers-byhopelessRead for plots and feelingstimadjActionsDialoguesSimile(比喻)SurroundingadjActionsDialoguesSimile(比喻)SFeeling analysisClimaxworried,hopelesscurious,confusedimpatient,annoyedalways unhappyBeginningThe writer has_with his mommisunderstandingEndingFeeling analysisClimaxworried,Step3GatherideasStep 3 Gather ideasgather the ideas信息整理:genre(体裁):narration(记叙文)tense(时态):the past tense(一般过去时)main idea原文核心信息解读:Betweenspring andsummer,on the road throughthe countryside my momgaveflowersto a nursinghome,because leavingflowersfor othersmadeher feelgood.Unluckily,our car brokedown.gathertheideas信息整理:genre(体裁):nStep4MakepredictionsStep 4Make predictions Group talking for the plot developments?Para.1:Wewere worried about what could be done.feeling1.How would the writer show theirworries?2.Did anyone come to help them?Who?3.How did the writer feel about being helped?Tip3 The ending of Para1 should be connected with Para2The car should have been repairedGroup talking for the plot devVarious ways to express worriesadj.:Worried and depressed,I was wandering along the road aimlessly.actions:After what seemed to be ages,I scratched my head,stamped my foot andwalked back and forth hopelessly.dialogues:“What if no one is willing to help us?Would we die from thirsty?”I murmured in a low voice.surroundings:The air wasthick andthe hot sun was burning us,I stood there clumsily with nothing to do.Deadly silence swallowed the road thoroughly,leaving nothing but hopelessness.simile:比喻比喻I was walking back and forth like an ant on a hot pan.Various ways to express worrieGroup talking for the plot developments?Para.1:Wewere worried about what could be done.feeling1.How would the writer show theirworries?2.Did anyone come to help them?Who?the receptionist?an old garage man?a stranger?3.How did the writer feel about being helped?relievedhopefulthankfulGroup talking for the plot devGroup talking for the plot developmentsPara.2:As we drove along,a flower shop came into sight on the road.1.Seeing a flower shop,what would the writer do?buy some flowers to mom?be given some flowers?.2.How would the writer feel?excited?proud?understanding?active or negative?3.How could para.2 be ended reasonably?Group talking for the plot devnatural endingmeaningful ending surrouning ending feeling endingnatural endingmeaningful endinespecially for the endingnatural ending:We continued our travel with a sweet smile.feeling ending:Just at that moment,a ripple of(一阵一阵)excitement beganto cross my face.surrounding ending:A pleasant breeze was blowing,making the leaves of trees swinging lightly as if to be cheering for us.meaningful ending:What mom did reminded me of a famous saying:Roses given,fragrance in hand.especially for the endingnaturOne possible versionPara.1:We were worried about what could be done.After what seemed to be ages,under the hot burning son,I scratched my head,stamped my foot and walked back and forth hopelessly.All of a sudden,one man with his hands waving at mom came into our view.“He is the receptionist from the nursing home.”Mom explained to me.“Why are you here?”Mom asked excitedly.“I just intended to thank you for your flowers formally.”How lucky we were!What amazed me most was that he was a retired garage man.As a consequence,he had our car repaired in a short while.One possible versionPara.1:WeOne possible version?Paragraph 2:As we drove along,a flower shop came into sight on the road.I paced quickly into the flower shop,where a bunch offlowersglowing(绚丽夺目绚丽夺目)red in full bloom caught my eye.Having witnessed the effect of my mothers kindness,I decided to send mom the sweet flowers.Soon,the heavenly scent filled the car again.Mom tried to conceal(隐藏隐藏)her excitement,but the glittering(晶莹的晶莹的)tears filled her eyes.Through this trip,I discovered that,despite my occasional anger towards her,I actually felt proud of her.Just at that moment,a pleasant wind was blowing,making the leaves of trees swinging lightly as if to be cheering for us.One possible version?Paragrap读后续写公开课ppt课件Assignment?Continue the rest part of the story.?Polish your writing with your partners.Assignment?Continue the rest


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