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句句 子子1名词名词-noun动词动词-verb形容词形容词-adjective副词副词-adverb介词介词-preposition代词代词-pronoun短语短语-phrase2从句从句-clause语气语气-tone时态时态-tense现在分词现在分词-present participle过去分词过去分词-past participle及物动词及物动词 transitive verb不及物动词不及物动词 intransitive verb3句子句子句子成分句子成分;sentence component基本句型基本句型;sentence pattern句子分句子分类;sentence types句子句子结构构;sentence structure4一一 句子成分句子成分1.主主语;subject2.谓语;verb3.宾语;object4.表表语;predicative5.定定语;attribute5一一 句子成分句子成分6.状状语;adverbial7.同位同位语;appositive8.补足足语;complement9.独立成分独立成分;independent component6二二 基本句型基本句型1.S+V2.S+V+O3.S+V+P4.S+V+Oi+Od5.S+V+O+C6.There be结构结构7三三 句子分类句子分类1.陈述句陈述句-declarative sentence2.祈使句祈使句-imperative sentence3.疑问句疑问句-interrogative sentence4.感叹句感叹句-exclamatory sentence8四四 句子结构句子结构1.简单句简单句-simple sentence2.并列句并列句-compound sentence3.复合句复合句-complex sentence4.并列复合句并列复合句-compound complex sentence9 句子成分句子成分10 主语主语LiHua plays football.-名词Nobody can help you.-代词Honesty is the best policy.-抽象名词Four and five makes nine.-数词The old need our help.-形容词11 主语主语To become a nurse is my wish.-不定式Running is good for your health.-doingBetween 6 and 7 in the moring is a good time for reading.-介词短语That he forgot to tell me the time caused lots of trouble.-从句12 谓语谓语表示主语的行为,动作或所处状表示主语的行为,动作或所处状态。动词有人称、数的变化。态。动词有人称、数的变化。Jack hates Rose.The plane took off at 8.I would like to invite my friends here.13宾语宾语He buys two books.We should help the poor.I advise waiting until tomorrow.You understand what I mean.直接宾语、间接宾语直接宾语、间接宾语.Show me your book,please.My boyfriend buys me a camera.直宾:your book间宾:me14表语表语系系+表结构组成复合谓语,说明主表结构组成复合谓语,说明主语的特征、类型、状态、身份等。语的特征、类型、状态、身份等。You are a teacher.Pollution becomes a problem.Im worried about your study.Wasting time is killing yourself.My wish is to become a singer.15定语定语描述名词或代词的修饰语。描述名词或代词的修饰语。Open your mouth.She cut the cake into two piece.This is a stone table.He is a handsome boy.The above photo was taken 50 years ago.16-I have somthing important to tell you.-The buildings around were old.-The books on the top were bought today.17状语状语修饰动词修饰动词/形容词形容词/副词副词/其他状语其他状语/主句等。主句等。表示时间、地点、方式、比较、程度、原因、表示时间、地点、方式、比较、程度、原因、目的、结果等。目的、结果等。Lily speaks English very fast.We work to live.Arriving there,call me.The meeting is going to be held in Room 321 tomorrow morning.18同位语同位语对句子中某一成分作进一步解释、说明。对句子中某一成分作进一步解释、说明。与前面的名词在语法上处于同等地位的句与前面的名词在语法上处于同等地位的句子成分。子成分。We have two foreign teachers,a Japanese and an American.They each can get a chance to go abroad.You three are ready to leave.The news that he is going to Beijing is true.19补足语补足语有些动词除了需要一个宾语外,还需要宾语补有些动词除了需要一个宾语外,还需要宾语补足语才能使句子意义完整。宾语和宾语补足语足语才能使句子意义完整。宾语和宾语补足语在逻辑上有主谓关系。在逻辑上有主谓关系。We find him funny.We find him going around the house.20独立成分独立成分Aha!You are here.Hi,everyone!I want to introduce myself to you.Nobody knows it,I say,nobody.21 二二 基本句型基本句型1.S+V2.S+V+O3.S+V+P4.S+V+Oi+Od5.S+V+O+C6.There be结构结构221.S+V主语+谓语I work.God does not exist.She ran.They leave.232.S+V+O主语主语+谓语谓语(动词动词)+宾语宾语I love you.Mike plays football.My father has a shop.243.S+V+P主语主语+系动词系动词+表语表语She is beautiful.I feel sick.The leaves become yellow in Autumn.This flower smells very sweet.一be:is am are四变:get become turn go五感官:feel taste smell sound look 254.S+V+Oi+Od主语主语+谓语谓语(动词动词)+间接宾语间接宾语+直接直接宾语宾语Our shop offers you fruits.I will find you an empty room.Bring me some drink before you leave.265.S+V+O+C主语主语+谓语谓语(动词动词)+宾语宾语+宾语补宾语补足语足语They painted the door red.We made our class a family.Mary asks Jack to buy a book.I saw Tom swimming in the lake.When I woke up,I found myself in a strange place.276.There be结构结构There is a pen,two pencils on the desk.There will be a big show this Sunday.28 三三 句子分类句子分类1.陈述句陈述句2.祈使句祈使句3.疑问句疑问句4.感叹句感叹句291.陈述句陈述句叙述一件事;叙述一件事;表明说话人的看法,态度;表明说话人的看法,态度;句末用句号。句末用句号。I know you will come.She cannot play the piano.Jack saves Rose.302.祈使句祈使句表示请求或命令;表示请求或命令;句末用句号句末用句号/感叹号。感叹号。Please close the window.Dont do that again!Lets go to see a movie.No smoking.No parking.313.疑问句疑问句提出问题;提出问题;句末用问号。句末用问号。What are you doing?Are you crazy?Who are you?324.感叹句感叹句喜、怒、哀、乐等感情;喜、怒、哀、乐等感情;How、what开头;开头;句末用感叹号。句末用感叹号。What a good day!What an interesting game!How boring the teacher is!33 四四 句子结构句子结构1.简单句简单句2.并列句并列句3.复合句复合句4.并列复合句并列复合句341.简单句简单句只有一个主语只有一个主语(并列主语并列主语)和一个和一个谓语谓语(并列谓语并列谓语)。Kate learn English.Nancy and her sister study in the same class.352.并列句并列句并列连词连接的;并列连词连接的;被连接的两个或多个句子是对等并被连接的两个或多个句子是对等并列关系。列关系。and/not only.but also/or/but/either.or/still/so/therefore等.362.并列句并列句Some students like Chinese and others like English.You can stay here,or you can leave.Nancy tried her best to study,but she failed.373.复合句复合句由一个主句和一个或多个从句构由一个主句和一个或多个从句构成;成;主句是复合句的主干部分;主句是复合句的主干部分;从句是修饰主句。从句是修饰主句。383.复合句复合句What you did made your mother angry.You always give him what he wants.This is because you are too lazy.A doctor is a person who looks after peoples health.394.并列复合句并列复合句由由and 或其他并列连词将一个或其他并列连词将一个或多个简单句同一个或多个复或多个简单句同一个或多个复合句连结起来构成。合句连结起来构成。404.并列复合句并列复合句You can ask Jane for help if you like,but I believe that you can do it by yourself.You can call me Miss Huang if you like,but I hope that you will call my English name because it is simple.41 Thank You!42


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