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The Asian Games1 The Asian Games is a multi-sport event held every four years among athletes from all over Asia.The games are regulated by the Olympic Council of Asia(OCA)under the supervision of the International Olympic Committee(IOC).Medals are awarded in each event,with gold for first place,silver for second and bronze for third,a tradition which started in 1951.亚运会是一个由多种运动项目组成、全亚洲运动员参加的、四年举办一次的运动会。亚亚运会是一个由多种运动项目组成、全亚洲运动员参加的、四年举办一次的运动会。亚运会由奥林匹克亚洲委员会负责管理,国际奥委会负责监督。每次奥运会都将颁发奖牌,第运会由奥林匹克亚洲委员会负责管理,国际奥委会负责监督。每次奥运会都将颁发奖牌,第一名为金牌,第二名为银牌,第三名为铜牌。这个传统是由一名为金牌,第二名为银牌,第三名为铜牌。这个传统是由1951年开始的。年开始的。The Asian Games is a mu2 广州亚运会游泳场馆广州亚运会游泳场馆The 16th Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou this year,the second city to obtain the right to host the Asian Games.Beijing had held the 11th Asian Games in 1990.Guangzhou Asian Games will be located 41 events,the largest events ever.The Tenth Asian disabled will be held after the Guangzhou Asian Games.第第16届亚运会将于届亚运会将于2010年在中国广州进行,广州是中国第二个取得亚运会主年在中国广州进行,广州是中国第二个取得亚运会主办权的城市。北京曾于办权的城市。北京曾于1990年举办第年举办第11届亚运会。广州亚运会将设届亚运会。广州亚运会将设41项比赛项比赛项目,是亚运会历史上比赛项目最多的一届。广州还将在亚运会后举办第十项目,是亚运会历史上比赛项目最多的一届。广州还将在亚运会后举办第十届残疾人亚运会。届残疾人亚运会。广州亚运会游泳场馆3Apart from the 28 items ,there are 13 non-Olympic Games in Asian Games,including wushu,dragon boat and other Chinese traditional items.除了有除了有28项奥运会比赛项目,项奥运会比赛项目,该届亚运会还有该届亚运会还有13项非奥运会项非奥运会项目的正式比赛项目,其中包项目的正式比赛项目,其中包括新增设的武术、龙舟等中国括新增设的武术、龙舟等中国传统项目。传统项目。Apart from the 28 items ,th4During the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games,there will be 14,700 athletes and team officials,6300 technology officials and umpires,10,000 media staffs,60,000 volunteers and 10,000 VIP guest from 45 countries and regions come to Guangzhou.在在2010年广州亚运会,将年广州亚运会,将有有14,700名运动员和随队名运动员和随队官员,技术官员和裁判员官员,技术官员和裁判员6300,10,000名媒体人员,名媒体人员,志愿者和志愿者和60,000 10,000贵贵宾来自宾来自45个国家和地区的个国家和地区的客人来到广州。客人来到广州。During the 2010 Guangzhou Asia5The Asian Games Mascot 亚运会吉祥物亚运会吉祥物Guangzhou Asian Games Two Signs 广州亚运会二级标志广州亚运会二级标志Patriotic Action 爱国行动The Asian Games MascotGuangzho6The Asian Games MascotThe Asian Games MascotGuangzhou Asian Games mascot figures creativity originates from five immortals rides the mouth title rice ears immortal sheep to arrive at Guangzhous fable separately.Before the millennium“five Yang Xiangu”the fable enables“five sheep”to become a Guangzhou city most well-known marking.Names“A Xiang”,“A He”,“A Ru”,“A Yi”,“Le Yangyang”,composing“auspicious pleasant happy vast”广州亚运会吉祥物的创意来源于五位仙人分别骑着口衔稻广州亚运会吉祥物的创意来源于五位仙人分别骑着口衔稻穗的仙羊降临广州的传说。千年前的穗的仙羊降临广州的传说。千年前的“五羊衔谷五羊衔谷”传说使传说使得得“五羊五羊”成为广州城市最为知名的一个标识。分别取名成为广州城市最为知名的一个标识。分别取名“阿祥阿祥”、“阿和阿和”、“阿如阿如”、“阿意阿意”、“乐羊羊乐羊羊”,组成,组成“祥和如意乐洋洋祥和如意乐洋洋”。The Asian Games MascotGuangzho7If China ancient times in the writing“the sheep”If China ancient times in the writing“the sheep”passed“auspicious”,“propitious”might also write passed“auspicious”,“propitious”might also write“the lucky sheep”;The Chinese traditions esthetics“the lucky sheep”;The Chinese traditions esthetics idea is“the sheep is big”is“US”.In the Asian many idea is“the sheep is big”is“US”.In the Asian many countrys traditional culture,“the sheep”is also the countrys traditional culture,“the sheep”is also the propitious thing,can bring luckily to the human.the propitious thing,can bring luckily to the human.the Guangzhou Asian Games mascot figure takes“the Guangzhou Asian Games mascot figure takes“the sheep”the creativity,will express in 2010 Guangzhou sheep”the creativity,will express in 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games to give Asia the people brought Asian Games to give Asia the people brought“propitious,harmonious,happy,are complete and“propitious,harmonious,happy,are complete and are joyful”the best wish,also has simultaneously are joyful”the best wish,also has simultaneously transmitted the games“the harmony,the fervor”idea.transmitted the games“the harmony,the fervor”idea.For the Asian different culture,the different religions For the Asian different culture,the different religions people will accept and likes.people will accept and likes.如中国古代文字中如中国古代文字中“羊羊”通通“祥祥”,“吉祥吉祥”也可写作也可写作“吉羊吉羊”;中;中国传统的美学观念是国传统的美学观念是“羊大羊大”为为“美美”。在亚洲许多国家的传统文化。在亚洲许多国家的传统文化中,中,“羊羊”也是吉祥之物,能给人带来幸运。也是吉祥之物,能给人带来幸运。广州亚运会吉祥物取广州亚运会吉祥物取“羊羊”的创意,表达了的创意,表达了2010年广州亚运会将给亚年广州亚运会将给亚洲人民带来洲人民带来“吉祥、和谐、幸福、圆满和快乐吉祥、和谐、幸福、圆满和快乐”的美好祝愿,也同时的美好祝愿,也同时传达了运动会传达了运动会“和谐、激情和谐、激情”的理念。将为亚洲不同文化、不同宗教的理念。将为亚洲不同文化、不同宗教的人们所接受和喜爱。的人们所接受和喜爱。If China ancient times in the 8“A Xiang”is the blue color,the symbol is continuous“A Xiang”is the blue color,the symbol is continuous Pearl River which the flow,grows continually;“A He”is a Pearl River which the flow,grows continually;“A He”is a black,symbolizes the Lingnan culture precipitation to be black,symbolizes the Lingnan culture precipitation to be deep,to be well-established;“A Ru”for red,symbolizes deep,to be well-established;“A Ru”for red,symbolizes Guangzhous city flower tree cotton;“A Yi”are the Guangzhous city flower tree cotton;“A Yi”are the greens,elegant nimble and resourceful,symbolizes Baiyun greens,elegant nimble and resourceful,symbolizes Baiyun Mountain;“Le Yangyang”the coloration is the yellow,the Mountain;“Le Yangyang”the coloration is the yellow,the symbol host city“Suicheng”(rice ear color),has the symbol host city“Suicheng”(rice ear color),has the abundant harvest,joyful meaning.the five kind of colors abundant harvest,joyful meaning.the five kind of colors were also consistent with the Olympics five links colors,were also consistent with the Olympics five links colors,have manifested Guangzhou Asian Games and develop to the have manifested Guangzhou Asian Games and develop to the Olympics spirit inheritance.Olympics spirit inheritance.“阿祥”为蓝色,象征绵延流淌、生生不息的珠江;“阿和”为黑色,象征着岭南文化的沉淀深厚、源远流长;“阿如”为红色,象征广州的市花木棉花;“阿意”为绿色,飘逸灵动,象征白云山;“乐羊羊”着色为黄色,象征主办城市“穗城”(稻穗颜色),有丰收、喜悦之意。五种颜色也与奥林匹克五环的颜色一致,体现了广州亚运会对奥林匹克精神的传承和发扬。“A Xiang”is the blue color,t9The Asian Games Mascot 亚运会吉祥物亚运会吉祥物Guangzhou Asian Games Two Signs 广州亚运会二级标志广州亚运会二级标志Patriotic Action 爱国行动The Asian Games MascotGuangzho10Guangzhou Asian Games two signs 广州亚运会二级标志Cultural identity 文化活动标识文化活动标识Environment logo 环境标志环境标志Volunteers Logo 志愿者标志志愿者标志Guangzhou Asian Games two sign11Cultural identityEnvironment logoVolunteers LogoCultural identityEnvironment l12粤剧是岭南特有的传统戏曲剧种。广州亚运会文化活动标志的原型取自粤剧脸谱。标志传神地演绎了花旦唱念间的飞扬神采和眼神回转的动人瞬间,具有浓厚的岭南韵味和鲜明的艺术特色。标志设计象征着广州亚运会将以开放的姿态欢迎远道而来的四方宾客,表达了广州亚运会不仅成为亚洲多元文化交流的盛会,也将为国内外来宾展示独特精彩的岭南文化活动。Cultural identityCantonese opera is a unique tradition of Lingnan operas.Guangzhou Asian Games emblem of cultural activities from opera mask prototype.Logo interpretation of the artistes who vividly flying between the look and style of singing eyes turn moving moment,with a strong flavor and distinctive art of Lingnan characteristics.Logo design symbolizes the Guangzhou Asian Games will open attitude welcome guests from afar,expressed not only in Asia,Guangzhou Asian Games diverse cultural exchange event,will also show visitors the unique domestic and exciting Lingnan cultural activities.粤剧是岭南特有的传统戏曲剧种。广州亚运会文化活动标志的原型取13Environment logoGuangzhou Asian Games logo ideas from the environment:campaigns to human health,growth,stronger;environmental protection,sustainable development for the earth,the endless ideas.Logo shaped like a brilliant smile,a smile emotional connection between man and nature.Arcuate shape,is a symbol of the earth.Smiles,green leaves,the earth together,the expression of a vitality,joy and harmony in the world,to convey the Guangzhou Asian Games,the Office will promote green ideas.广州亚运会环境标志创意源自:运动,让人类健康成长,更加强壮;环保,让地球持续发展,生生不息的理念。标志形似灿烂的笑脸,以微笑连接人与自然的情感。弧状的外形,是地球的象征。笑脸、绿叶、地球融合在一起,表达了一个勃勃生机,欢乐和谐的世界,传达了广州亚运会倡导绿色环保的办会理念。Environment logo广州亚运会环境标志创意源自:14Volunteers LogoOne up,more exciting!,The slogan for all wishing to participate in the Asian Games,Asian Games volunteer service call.Guangzhou Asian Games Volunteers logo is the slogan of the image of the show volunteers.Signs will be ready to sacrifice the love and despite the difficulties of the action to become integrated and emphasized that determination and action;logo design of heart,feet,had a fusion.Red heart,is the simple smile of volunteers with a symbol of sincere service.The heart of that pair of feet below,represents the effective action.Volunteers sign evokes the spirit resonance,representing the outstanding volunteer service,friendly operation,full of strong appeal,calling everyone together to organize a more exciting Asian Games.“一起来,更精彩!”,这一口号是对所有希望参与亚运、服务亚运的志愿者的号召。广州亚运会志愿者标志是志愿者口号的形象展现。标志将乐于奉献的“爱”与不畏艰苦的“行动”结为一体,强调“有心,更有行动”;标志设计把“心、脚”进行了融合。红色的心,是志愿者的纯朴的微笑与真诚的服务的象征。而心灵下方的那一双的脚,代表了切实的行动。志愿者标志唤起了人们的心灵共鸣,代表着志愿者出色的服务、友善的行动,富有强烈的感染力,号召大家一起来,举办一场更精彩的亚运会。Volunteers Logo“一起来,更精彩!”,这一口号15The Asian Games Mascot 亚运会吉祥物亚运会吉祥物Guangzhou Asian Games Two Signs 广州亚运会二级标志广州亚运会二级标志Patriotic Action 爱国行动The Asian Games MascotGuangzho16In order to use the most dynamic city image and a good citizen civilized quality welcome from all over Asia and the world,we propose the three guests:Start from me,to be polite to be good citizens,shaping a civilized citizen image,learning and practicing civilization etiquette,shaping the first-class quality of citizens.为了以最具活力的城市形象和良好的市民文明素质欢迎来自全亚洲乃至全世界的四方宾客,我们倡议:从我做起,争当知礼向善公民,塑造文明市民形象,学习文明礼仪,践行文明规范,塑造一流的市民素质。In order to use the most dynam17Start from me,everyone to maintain public order,observe social ethics,and abide by the traffic rules,discard the public not civilization vices,forming the first-class public order.Start from me,the whole city by city environment,regulation,and extensive patriotic health movement,make effort to build a better homes,first-class urban-rural environment.从我做起,人人维护公共秩序,处处遵守社会公德,自觉遵守交通规则,摒弃公共场所的不文明陋习,形成一流的公共秩序。从我做起,全市人民齐动手,大力整治市容环境,广泛开展爱国卫生运动,齐心共建美好家园,努力营造一流的城乡环境。Start from me,everyone to mai18Believe all students have enrolled in most of the Asian Games volunteers,and how well you prepared,and anyway,you and I accompanied the Asian Games!相信,在座的大多数同学已报名参加亚运会志愿者了,那你准备得怎么样了,不管怎样,亚运会你我同行!Believe all students have enro19Thank you for your listening!20


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