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三亚介绍英文版三亚介绍英文版1 Tourist sign Tourist sign易水寒江雪敬奉2mapHainan province is located in the southern China,located in the east longitude 108 37 111 05,latitude 3 30 20 18 海南省位于中国最南端,位于东经1083711105,北纬3302018mapHainan province is located 3NanChang To HaiNanNanChang To HaiNan4GeographySanyaisthesouthernmostcityinChinaandisapartofHainanProvince.Thewholeprovincein2011withatotalpopulationof685000people三亚是中国最南端的城市和是海南省的一部分2011年三亚总人口为68.5万人GeographySanya is the souther5climateThemostsuitablecityChinaannualaveragetemperature,annualaveragetemperature25.4.climateThe most suitable city 6Hainan rapid economic development,tourism is a pillar industry项 目 2000年 2005年 2010年年 2020年年 旅游收入(亿元)旅游收入(亿元)78 78 120 120 174 373 旅游收入占全省旅游收入占全省GDPGDP比例比例 1515 1515 17 19 海南海南GDPGDP(亿元(亿元 518 518 798 798 1000 2000 其中:旅游业带动所形成的其中:旅游业带动所形成的GDPGDP(亿元)(亿元)195 195 300 300 435 932.5 Hainan rapid economic developm7History The ancient name of Sanya is Yazhou(崖州).Some prime ministers in various dynasties were exiled there and a monk named Jianzhen accidentally sailed there and used the place as one of his harbors for his long Buddhist missionary journey to Japan.History The ancient name of Sa8Sanya universitySanya university is located in the southernmost tip of only one full-time Comprehensive UniversitiesSanya universitySanya universi9Hainan is rich in tropical fruit place Coconut mango Hainan is rich in tropical fru10pineappleRambutansugar canepineappleRambutansugar cane11美食 food美景 sights美食 food12BreakfastBreakfast13三亚介绍英文版课件14Wen chang chickenWen chang chicken15Dong shan sheepDong shan sheep16Jia ji duckJia ji duck17He le crabHe le crab18Endsoftheearth,SouthernpillarEndsoftheearth,Southernpillar天涯海角,南天一柱天涯海角,南天一柱 Sanya-三亚Ends of the earth,Sou19love s witness love s witness 20Three side a Buddism godness GuanyinThree side a Buddism godness G21 The undersea world The undersea world22海海边夜景夜景AtnightAtnightbythebytheseasea海边夜景At night by the sea23SAY BYE BYELove her very much,take her to Sanya to see the sea.Sanya is waiting for you yo!SAY BYE BYELove her very much,24


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