2aunit3Warminguplisteningspeaking (2)课件

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Unit 3 Art and architecture 7/22/20247/22/20247/22/20247/22/20247/22/20247/22/2024Art and architecture7/22/20247/22/2024What words and phrases do you think will be useful when you want to talk about art and architecture?7/22/20247/22/2024Where would you prefer to live?Why?7/22/20247/22/2024Traditional houseadvantages:1.The house is very special.2.2.The building materials are nice.3.3.The house is very quiet.4.4.There is a lot of contact with the neighbors.5.5.There are flowers and birds in the garden.shortages:1.The house is old and the rooms are small.2.Sometimes there is no own toilet or bathroom.3.3.The house is not comfortable.7/22/20247/22/2024Block of flatsadvantages:1.The house is modern and the rooms are big.2.The house is comfortable to live in.3.Every house has a toilet and bathroom.shortages:1.All the houses are the same.2.The building material is not very beautiful.3.You often hear noise from the neighbors.4.To see flowers or birds,we have to go to a park.5.There is not much contact with the neighbors.7/22/20247/22/2024If you were free to design your own dream house,what would the house look like?What materials would you use?werewouldwould7/22/20247/22/2024listeningAmy and Danny want to buy some furniture for their new home.They visit a shop and talk with a shop assistant about their tastes and preferences.Tick the things which Amy talks about.()kitchen table ()wooden tables()something on the wall ()heater()double bed ()fridge()sofa ()classical music()comfortable chairs ()honey7/22/20247/22/20242.Listen to the tape again and tick the sentences that are true.()1.Amy only likes classical furniture.()2.Danny prefers modern things.()3.They choose a kitchen table made of wood.()4.The shop assistant doesnt understand what Amy and Danny want.()5.Amy and Danny know very well what they want.TTFFF7/22/20247/22/20243.Complete the following sentences from the dialogue with the missing words.1.We can use a few more _,and perhaps _ some very old _.2.I think a table made of _ _ look much nicer.3.Wood is _,and makes you feel _.4.Theres a big piece of white _ over the _.5.Oh no.You can show us _.thingsreplacepieceswoodwouldwarmcomfortablewallsofasomething modern7/22/20247/22/2024Speaking Look at the pictures and talk with your partner which of the things you prefer.7/22/20247/22/20247/22/20247/22/2024Sample dialogue:A:Which type of furniture do you like,the modern ones or the traditional ones?B:I prefer something modern.So Id rather decorate my house with the modern furniture.I think the wooden ones are too big,and they are not comfortable,either.A:I dont get very excited about modern furniture.In my opinion,such furniture look the same everywhere around the world.Id rather have some furniture that look Chinese,such as those wooden chairs.7/22/20247/22/2024B:Well,I cant stand that type of old-fashioned things.Modern furniture and art are part of modern life.Besides,they also make our homes look larger.A:I wouldnt feel happy with all those cold,modern things around me.What I like are old and beautiful things.7/22/20247/22/2024Id rather Im much more interested in In my opinion I wouldnt feel happy if Im not very interested inI dont get very excited about If you ask me,then I prefer something that I like seeing something What I like is I cant stand Useful expressions7/22/20247/22/2024Lets practice!7/22/20247/22/2024Homework Try to find out the history of art and architecture,names of artists and architects,famous buildings and works of art in the world.Share your ideas with your classmates and teachers.7/22/20247/22/20247/22/20247/22/2024


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