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MODULE 1My First Day at Sunior HighMODULE 1My First Day at Suni1v学习目标学习目标v1.To read the passage fluently,and have a general comprehension of the passage.朗读课朗读课文,掌握课文大意。文,掌握课文大意。v2.To master the keywords and phrases in this part.掌握本文的重点单词和短语。掌握本文的重点单词和短语。(重难点重难点)v3.To master some key language points in this part.学会运用知识点。学会运用知识点。学习目标2思(思(10-15min)v请同学们认真阅读课本,基本理解请同学们认真阅读课本,基本理解文章大意文章大意,思考思考导学提纲导学提纲部分将其填写完整,并将有关部分将其填写完整,并将有关知识点知识点在课本上标记出来。在课本上标记出来。v认真认真独立思考独立思考,将不会的部分标记出来,将不会的部分标记出来v珍惜时间,不要恋题,做到珍惜时间,不要恋题,做到高效做题。高效做题。翻译翻译知识点知识点导学提纲导学提纲思(10-15min)请同学们认真阅读课本,基本理解文章大意3议(议(5-10min)1、小组内部进行、小组内部进行翻译,总结知识点翻译,总结知识点2、迅速、迅速核对核对导纲答案,红笔导纲答案,红笔勾出疑问勾出疑问的地方的地方3、积极、积极讨论疑难讨论疑难问题问题翻译翻译知识点知识点导学提纲导学提纲核对核对答案答案讨论疑难议(5-10min)1、小组内部进行翻译,总结知识点翻译知识4展展展NOW,5Read the text quickly and match the main idea .v vPara.1 a.The new English class is really interesting.vPara.2 b.We introduced ourselves to each other.vPara.3 c.Ms Shen wants to help us improve our spelling and handwriting.vPara.4 d.Self-introduction.vPara.5 e.Why my new school is good.vPara.6 f.The students in my class.v v。Read the text quickly and matc6v1.Were using a new textbook and Ms shens method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.v1)method.(n.)方法v with this method.v in this way.v by this means.v the method of(doing)sth.1.Were using a new textbook a7v2)nothing like v完全不像,一点也不像not at all likev没有什么能赶得上nothing better than.v(1)The scenes there are what you described.v(2)There is a nice cup of tea.2)nothing like 8v3)that 代替前面提到过的可数名词the method of teaching vthat 用来替代前面出现的特指的单数名词或特指的不可数名词相当于the单数可数名词/不可数名词,同类不同物。vThe book on the desk is better than under the desk.vone 用来代替前面出现的泛指的单数名词,相当于a/an单数可数,同类不同物。vMr zhang gave me a very valuable present I had never seen.3)that 代替前面提到过的可数名词the method 9vthose 用来替代前面出现的特指的复数名词,相当于the 复数名词,同类不同物。vOur goods are as good as made in America.vit 特指,指代前面提到过的同一个事物。v My uncle gave me a pen.I like very much.and Ms Shens method of teaching.those 用来替代前面出现的特指的复数名词,相当于the10填空v1.I have lost my umbrella;Im looking for _.v2.I have lost my umbrella;I think I must buy _.v3.The umbrella you bought is cheaper than _ I bought.填空1.I have lost my umbrella;I11v2.I dont think I will be bored in Ms Shens class!v本句是 结构。使用否定转移时主句的谓语动词一般为believe,imagine,suppose,expect,think等。v我认为这不是个好主意。v我想你们两人以前没见过面。2.I dont think I will be bor12v3.In other words,there are three times as many girls as boys.v1)in others words.vhave a word with sb.vhave words with sb.vin a word vkeep/break ones word.3.In other words,there are t13v2)Three times as many girls as 为一种倍数表达方式,其构成形式为倍数as many/much+n+as.v常见的倍数表达方式。vA谓倍数asadj./adv.as BvA谓倍数adj./adv.的比较级that BvA谓倍数the名词(size/length/width/depth/weight等)ofB.2)Three times as many girls as14vThis river is four times as long as that one.vThis river is four times that one.vThis river is four times that one.v【注】表示两倍时用twice或double,三倍或三倍以上则用基数词times.句式中表示倍数也可用分数、百分数,half等其他程度状语。This river is four times as lo15(教材教材P3)I dont think I will be bored in Ms.Shens class!v翻译下面的句子翻译下面的句子vI dont think it is a good idea.v我认为这不是个好主意。我认为这不是个好主意。vWe dont suppose such things will happen.v我们认为这样的事不会发生。我们认为这样的事不会发生。(教材P3)I dont think I will be16v1)否定转移的三个条件:否定转移的三个条件:主语为第一人称主语为第一人称I 或或we主句的谓语动词的时态为一般现在时主句的谓语动词的时态为一般现在时用于否定转移的动词:用于否定转移的动词:suppose,believe,imagine,expect等。等。v(2)否定转移的否定转移的反意疑问句反意疑问句使用使用肯定式肯定式,且主,且主语是语是宾语从句的主语宾语从句的主语。但若主句主语为第二、。但若主句主语为第二、三人称,反意疑问句应与主句中的主语和谓三人称,反意疑问句应与主句中的主语和谓语相对应,且用肯定形式。语相对应,且用肯定形式。vI dont believe you two have met,have you?v我想你们两人以前没见过面,对吧?我想你们两人以前没见过面,对吧?vHe didnt think you were wrong,did he?v他不认为你有错,是吗?他不认为你有错,是吗?1)否定转移的三个条件:主语为第一人称I 或we主句的谓17v完成句子完成句子v我想他还没有离开。我想他还没有离开。v_ he has left.v我认为他不诚实,是不是?我认为他不诚实,是不是?vI dont suppose that he is honest,_?v她她不不认为我知道这件事,是不是?认为我知道这件事,是不是?vShe doesnt think I know it,_?完成句子18v1.He tried to change the normal methods vA.working B.of working v C.worked D.A and B v2.You took his book without his permission,you stole his book.vA.In a word B.In word vC.In other words D.In your own words 外研版高中英语必修一ppt课件:Module1+阅读19


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