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The fourth chapter The fourth chapter The The carneouscarneous morphousmorphous structure and structure and chemical composition chemical composition The first section The carneous morphous structure and chemical composition第四章 肉的形态结构与化学组成第一节 肉的形态结构一、The concept of meat(肉的概念)From meat Industry and commodity,meat is carcass or livestock carcass meat except hair、skin、head、hoof、tail、internal organs livestock carcasss,head、hoof、tail、internal organs are named by-product or offal,here the meat includes muscle、bone、cartilage、nerves、anadesma、vessel and lymphonode so on kinds of ingredients.肉品学和商品学上的肉是专指:去掉毛或皮、头、蹄、尾和内脏的家畜胴体或白条肉。去掉的部分称为副产品或下水。这里所指的肉包括肌肉、骨、软骨、筋膜、神经脉管、淋巴管等。Meat consists of muscle tissue、fat tissue、skeleton tissue and connective tissue.(肉是由肌肉组织、脂肪组织、结缔组织和骨组织构成)二、二、The carneous morphous structure 肉的形态结构肉的形态结构 1.The distribution:muscle turgor vitalis in hip、neck、waist for livestock then in chest and leg muscle for poultry.(肌肉组织的分布:家畜的臀部、颈部和腰部的肌肉较丰满,家禽则以胸肌和腿肌最发达)(一)Muscular tissue:is different with anatomy,mainly skeletal muscle or striped muscle(与解剖学上的不同,它指生物学中的骨骼肌或横纹肌部分)与解剖学上的不同,它指生物学中的骨骼肌或横纹肌部分)2.The composition:muscle fibers are the basic unit of muscle tissue (肌肉组织结构:肌肉结构的最基本单元是肌纤维)3.The color:the reason of different color muscle is muscle hemoglobin in muscle fiber and hemoglobin remaining in blood vessel.(肌肉组织的颜色:肌肉的不同颜色是由于肌红蛋白和肌肉组织的颜色:肌肉的不同颜色是由于肌红蛋白和存留于血液中血红蛋白的缘故存留于血液中血红蛋白的缘故)1.The distribution:the immature resides in among muscle bundles,the adult in subcutaneouly、mesenterium、epiploon etc.(幼龄的存在于肌束间,成年动物的存在于皮下、肠系膜、大网膜等处)(二)Fatty tissue(脂肪组织):2.The composition:adipose cells aggregate(脂肪细胞聚集而成)3.The color:swine fat is white color,fowl yellow (猪为白色,鸡、鸭为黄色)(三)Connective tissue(结缔组织):Connective tissue is main ingredient of tendon、anadesma and muscle endomembrane and outer membrane.(构成肌腱、(构成肌腱、筋膜、韧带及肌肉外膜的主要成分)筋膜、韧带及肌肉外膜的主要成分)1.The distribution:livestock every part(muscle tissue;membrane、blood vessel and lymph vessel of fatty tissue etc.)gives flexibility and tenacity.(畜体各部分即肌肉组织、脂肪组织中的膜以及血管、淋巴管等)赋于肉伸缩性和韧性)2.The composition:collagen fibers and elastic fiber.(胶原纤维和弹性纤维)(四四)Bone tissue)Bone tissue:(骨组织):(骨组织)the frame of supporting muscle.(支撑肌肉的支架)1.The composition:consist of external dense bone and inner spongy bone.(外部的密质骨和内部的松质骨)2.The effect:may provide essential elements for human body(Ca、P、Fe etc.).The second section:Carneous chemical compositionCarneous chemical composition:water、protein、fat、mineral matter、carbohydrate(肉的化学组成:水、蛋白质、脂肪、矿物质、碳水化合物)(一)Protein:myofibrillae protein、myosinogen and matrix protein.(一)蛋白质:肌原纤维中的蛋白、肌浆蛋白、基质蛋白)第二节肉的化学组成 1、myofibrillae protein(肌原纤维中的蛋白):main protein is myosin and actin.(主要是肌凝蛋白和肌纤蛋白)(1)myosin:named myoglobulin,the moity of muscle rod dark band thick myofilament,constitutes myofibrilla main structural protein and possesses ATP enzymatic activity.(肌凝蛋白:也称肌球蛋白,是肌节中暗带粗丝的组成成分,并具有ATP酶活性)(2)actin:consistutes myofilament main component,it has not ATP enzymatic activity,it exists in globular and fiber.(肌纤蛋白:也称肌动蛋白,是构成肌原纤维细丝的主要成分,不具有ATP酶活性分球形和纤维形)2Sacroplasmic protein:it has myogen and myoglbin.Myogen possesses enzymic activity with pertinent glycometabolism then myoglbin is concerned with the red of meat.(肌浆蛋白:具有肌溶蛋白和肌红蛋白。肌溶蛋白大多与糖代谢有关的酶。肌红蛋白与肌肉呈现红色有关)3Stroma protein:includes collagen、elastin and reticulin.(基质蛋白:包括胶原蛋白、弹性蛋白和网状蛋白)肌红蛋白(二)Fat:脂肪Phospholipids are live with fragrant meat.(磷脂富于肉以香味)(三)Carbohydrate:The form of carbohydrate in meat is glucogen(animal starch),the glucogen content is different too.The better resting before animal abatage,the more glucogen content.(碳水化合物:以糖原(动物淀粉)形式存在,动物宰前休息越好,糖原含量超多)(四)Mineral matter and Vitamin(矿物质与维生素)(五)Containing nitrogen extract and no containing nitrogen extract(含氮浸出物和无氮浸出物)The third section:Carneous edible meaning 1.To provide the material basis of vital movement(提供生命活动的物质基础)2.To improve the meat value,good palatability(提高肉品的价值,适口性好 第三节肉的食用意义3.To provide rich nutrition for mankind,improve edible taste(人类提供丰富的营养,改善食用时的滋味)人类提供丰富的营养,改善食用时的滋味)4.To provide essential elements for human body(提供人体所需的微量元素)5.To promote human body metabolism,the activity of digestive gland,increase the flavor of broth and improve the taste of meat.(促进人体代谢,增进消化腺的活动,增加肉汤香味提高肉的味道)6.To supply the mankind activity energy(供给人类活动时所需的能量)7.The effect of food curing(食疗作用)The fifth chapterThe fifth chapterAbatageAbatage post post carneouscarneous variance and freshness variance and freshness test testThe first sectionThe first section:CarneousCarneous rigor and ripening rigor and ripening一、Meat rigor:1、The definition:After livestock being killed,following the glycolysis in progress,muscle is missing elasticity,becomes spastic state.(牲畜屠宰后,随着糖元酵解的进行,肌肉失去弹性,变得僵硬的状态)2、The mechanism of occurrence:the basic reason about production of acid medium is less ATP.(酸性介质的产生,根本原因是ATP减少)3、The character of rigor meat:(宰后肉的变化及新鲜度检验)二、Meat ripening:二、Meat ripening:二、Meat ripening1.The definition:After meat was rigor,muscle tissue becomes soft、elasticity、cut surface rich water content under the acid action of anaerobic glycolysis enzyme condition,easy to boiling,improves fragrant and taste,the processing is called meat ripening.(是指在肉的僵直后,肉在酸性反应下使得肌肉组织变得柔软、富有弹性、切面富含水份,易煮烂,香味和滋味都改善的过程)2.The reason of occurrence:the content of muscle glycogen and environmental factor temperature (肌糖原含量和环境因素温度)3.The feature:forms dry membrane in the surface the effect of dry membrane the kinds of feature about meat broth clear and transparent.(1)表面形成干膜;(2)干膜的作用;(3)肉具有几种特性;(4)肉汤澄清透明The second sectionThe second section:CarneousCarneous autolysis and spoilage autolysis and spoilage 一、Carneous autolysis1.The definition:meat occupies in a kind of higher temperature environment for long-term then lead to catheptic enzyme activity strength and tissue protein to resolve under the illegitimate conservation condition,the processing is called carneous autolysis,named carneous darkening.3.Hygienic assessment:3.Hygienic assessment:定义:指肉在不合理的保藏条件下,使肉长期处于一种高温环境等,使组织蛋白酶活性增强,致使组织蛋白质分解的过程。也称肉的自体分解,也称肉的变黑。肉的自溶与腐败2.The character:muscle relaxation,deficient elasticity,without bloom,partake sour taste,offering intense acid reaction;the reaction of hydrogen sulfide is positive,the ammonia is negative.(肌肉松弛,缺乏弹性,无光泽,带有酸味,呈强烈的酸性反应;硫化氢反应阳性,氨反应为阴性)3.Hygienic treatment:二、Carneous spoilage Carneous spoilage:1.The definition:Protein resolves thoroughly then leads to deprived eating quality because spoilage microorganism and its enzymes and endotryptase affected,the processing is called carneous spoilage.定义:指由致腐微生物及其酶类和肽链内切酶的作用下使肉发生蛋白质分解的过程,从而使肉的食用价值丧失的过程。2.The reason:endogenous and exogenous contamination,among exogenous contamination is main(microbial contamination)3.The senses variation:abnormal flavour sticking,mildew stain slake and soft tissue,without elasticity lumination and discoloration 原因:内因和外因污染,外因为主(微生物污染)感官变化:有异味发粘,有霉斑组织松软,无弹性发光,变色 The third section:The test of meat freshness The test of meat freshness has the senses test、characteristics and quantity of spoilage product、bacteriological analysis three aspects.肉新鲜度检验主要有感官检验、腐败产物的特性和数量、细菌学检验三方面。肉新鲜度检验The sense organ test:To set about carneous color and luster、odor、consistency and elasticity.(着手于肉的色泽、气味、粘度与弹性)The physical and chemical test:(The characteristics and amount of spoilage microorganism)(腐败微生物的特性和数量)The test of total volatile basic nitrogen:总挥发性盐基氮The test of NH3 and H2SThe test of pHGlobulin precipitation test:球蛋白沉淀试验The bacteriological analysis in lab test(实验室检验之细菌学检验)Total dacterial countMaximum probable number of coliform group(MPN)Pathogenic bacteria and touching piece test under microscope.细菌学检验:常用的有以下几种:细菌总数测定大肠菌群最近似数的测定致病菌及触片镜检The sixth chapter:Meat reserved hygiene肉储藏卫生The first sectionThe first section:The hygienic test of meat reserved in low temperatureThe hygienic test of meat reserved in low temperature第一节低温保藏肉的卫生检验 The theory of meat reserved in low temperature低温保存肉的原理 Sanitary requirement of meat reservation in low temperature Meat low temperature reservation divides chilling、freezing、freezed storing.(肉低温保藏的卫生要求:肉低温保藏分为冷却、冻结、冻藏三种形式)To hinder the microbic growth and breeding in low temperature(低温阻碍微生物生长和繁殖)To cut down the microbic metabolism enzyme activity(低温降低微生物代谢酶活性)Part microorganism dead in low temperature(低温下部分微生物死亡)Microorganic DNA duplicating and ribose synthesis becoming slow(微生物DNA复制和酶合成降低)1.The definition:naked body of abatage and disintegration just now(heat fresh meat),using the method of artificial refrigeration,its temperature of thickest deep layer arrived 04,the processing is called meat chilling.The meat named chilled meat.Meat chilling:肉的冷却定义:是将刚屠宰解体后的胴体,用人们制冷的方法使其最厚处的深层温度达到04的过程,此种肉称为冷却肉。2.The meaning:lowering meat enzymatic activity,deferring carneous rigor period、maturation period and the velocity of microorganic growth and breeding moisture content forming in the surface layer of chilling meat,chilling meat surface existing a layer dry membrane,it preventing microorganism and remaining water deferring meat physiological functions and biochemical changing process,meat keeping freshness、fragrant、appearance、nutritive value.意义:降低肉中酶的活性,延缓肉的僵直期、成熟期以及微生物的繁殖速度,冷却肉表面形成水分又仅限于表层,使冷却肉表面形成干膜,阻止微生物生长繁殖,减少水分干耗。延缓肉的生理、生化变化过程,肉保持新鲜度、香味、外观和营养价值。(2)two stages cooling:when cooling begins(the first stage),air temperature is very low,cooling storeroom temperature is in-10-15 mostly,the second stage airy temperature hightens,storeroom temperature 0-2,the final temperature 4 or so.(1)一段冷却法:(2)两段冷却法:一阶段温度很低,一般在-10-15;二阶段温度提高在0-2,最后温度在4左右。3.The method:use a stage cooling、two stages cooling and superspeed cooling.(一段冷却法、两段冷却法、超高速冷却法)(1)a stage cooling:only a kind of temperature 0 or a little low.(在进行中只有一种温度,即0或略低)(4)liquid cooling:use cold water、cold saline to soak or sprinkle,poultry often uses.(液体冷却法:用冷水、冷盐水浸泡或喷洒,禽常用。)(3)superspeed cooling:the common used method in foreign,the storeroom temperature-30 or 20-25.(超高速冷却法:在国外普遍应用的方法,冷库的温度在-30 或 20-25)Meat freezing:1.The definition:Carneous part and all moisture content changed into ice crystal then the deep layer temperature of meat dropped-15 following process.The meat named frozen meat or freezing meat,to freeze meat aims at preserving meat long-term.定义:即肉的水分部分或全部变成冰,肉深层温度降-15以下的过程。这种肉称为冻结肉或冷冻肉,对肉进行冻结的目的在于长期保存。3.Carneous freezing three phases:(1)The first phase:from some first temperature to cooling freezing point;(2)The second phase:fast freezing is good idea;(3)The third phase:temperature continues to descend from-5,less freezing content,reduces the temperature quickly then reaches refrigeration.(第一阶段:从肉的某一初温冷却到冰点;第二阶段:快速冻结较理想;第三阶段:温度从-5继续下降,结冰量很少,降温速度快,直到冷藏。)2.The freezing method:two step freezing、once freezing and ultra low temperature once freezing(两步冻结法、一次冻结法、超低温一次冻结法)(三)The freezing and reservation of meat1.The keeping time of frozen meat:the keeping time order about kinds of meat is beef、mutton、pork and poultry meat.2.The sanitary requirement of frozen meat for refrigeration:(三)肉的冷冻储藏:1 冷冻肉的保存期:各种动物肉的保存时间次序是牛肉、羊肉、猪肉和禽肉。2 冷藏冻肉的卫生要求:(四)The thawing of frozen meat:1.Deferred thawing:the reasonable thawing method,is air thawing.缓慢解冻:合理的解冻方法,也是空气解冻。2.Room temperature thawing:using room temperature 20 to thaw.室温解冻:用室温20解冻3.Current soak thawing:running off meat nutrient.流水浸泡解冻:营养物质会流失4.Vaccum thawing:utilizing low temperature steam to thaw.真空解冻:利用低温蒸汽进行解冻5.Steam congealed thawing:蒸汽冷凝解冻6.High frequency thawing:高频解冻The second section:The test and processing sanitation of canned meat 一、The sanitary requirement of canned meat processing The most basis processing craft flow-sheet:the raw material(frozen meat thawing)acceptedthe raw material handledpro-heat treatmentcanned(pulsing sapid substance)ventingsealed upsterilizedcooledincubation testpackagewarehousing.肉罐头最基本的生产工艺流程是:原料验收(冻肉解冻)原料处理预热处理装罐(加调味料)排气密封灭菌冷却保温检验包装入库(一)The sanitary requirement of the raw material accepted and handled(二)Preventing cross-contamination(三)The sanitary requirement and varieties and containers of canned meat1、Canister:commonly used tin plate the next aluminium material or thin chroming steel can.2、Glass cup:3、Soft canned goods compound membrane:(一)原料验收和处理的卫生要求:(二)防止交叉污染:(三)罐头容器和种类及其卫生要求:1金属罐:常用材料是马口铁,其次是镀铬薄钢板罐。2玻璃罐:3软罐头:The second sectionThe second section:The test and processing sanitation of cannedThe test and processing sanitation of canned meat meat第二节肉类罐头的加工卫生与检验(四)Packing and sealing canned goods(装罐与封罐)(五)Sterilize、cooling and incubation test:incubation test is to put canned goods in 372 for 5-7 days.(杀菌、冷却及保温试验:372条件下保温57天)Physical swelled can(物理性胖听)Biological swelled can(生物性胖听)Chemical swelled can(化学性胖听)The meat canned item tested has main physical test、sense test and bacteriological analysis.(肉类罐头的卫生质量检验:物理、感官和细菌学检验)1、Physical test:Hand evaluation、Leak tightness test、Vacuity test、the inner wall of container test、the content test(物理检验:外观检验、密封检验、真空检验、容器内壁检验、内容物检验)2、The experiment test:二、二、The meat canned sanitary quality test (肉类罐头卫生质量检验)


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