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7Changes in Word Meaning第七部分第七部分Types of Types of changes changesCauses of Causes of changeschanges extensionextension narrowingnarrowing elevationelevation degradationdegradationtransfertransfer Extra-linguistic Extra-linguistic factorsfactors Linguistic factorsLinguistic factors historical reasonhistorical reasonclass reasonclass reason psychological psychological reasonreasonshorteningshortening re-division through re-division through borrowingborrowinganalogyanalogyBACK Changes in Word Meaning nVocabulary:n1.most unstable element of a languagen2.undergoing constant changes both in form and content n3.Comparatively,meaning even more unstableChanges in Word Meaning nQuirk:.almost every word we use today has a slightly different meaning from the one it had a century ago,and a century ago it had a slightly different meaning from the one it had a century before that.Changes in Word Meaning nShakespeares use:nThe rivals of my watch,bid them make hastenrival=partnernThus twice before,and jump at this dead hournjump=justChanges in Word Meaning nHow pregnant sometimes his replies arenpregnant=meaningful7.1 Types of Change 1.Extensionnextension=generation:nchange from a specific meaning to a more general one 1.Extensionnmanuscript=hand+writing n1)first draft written by handn2)writing by any means1.Extensionnlady1)mistressn 2)womanne.g.saleslady;lady novelist;n ladies room=ladiesnsalary:money given to Roman soldiers to buy salt1.ExtensionnHoliday:1)Holy Day n 2)any day or days without work or study1.ExtensionnTechnical terms used as common words:nfeedback(computer)=responsenallergic(medicine)=averse to anything2.NarrowingnNarrowing=specialization:nchange from a general meaning to a specific meaningnwife woman a married womann e.g.The Merry Wives of Winsorn 温莎的风流娘儿们n housewife;midwife2.Narrowingnactor doernmemory memory in computernshroud clothn cloth for wrapping the corpsen a private=a private soldiern a gold=a gold medal3.Elevationnelevation=amelioration:n change nfrom negative to positivenfrom derogatory to appreciativenfrom neutral to appreciativen from unimportant to important3.Elevationngovernorpilotn head of a statenministerservantn head of a ministrynlordloaf giver16Examples:wordOriginal meaningMeaning after elevationMinistera servantA person at the head of a department of stateMarshala horse tenderOfficer of highest rankshrewsevil,bad Keen-witted,clevernicefoolishgood4.Degradationn degradation=pejoration:n changenfrom appreciative to pejorativenfrom positive to negativenfrom important to unimportantnfrom neutral to negative4.Degradationncriticizeappraise n find fault withnvillain worker at a villan wicked person/scoundrelncunningskillful n slynqueenhomosexual wife5.Transfer/transferencenTransfer=transference:nmeaning shift from one thing to another5.Transfer/transferencenTypes of Transfern1.Associated transfer n the meaning is transferred through associationnto dog追踪nto monkey 戏弄5.Transfer/transferencento ape模仿nto fox欺骗nthe teeth of a comb 梳齿nthe tongues of fire 火舌nteeth and tongues semantically motivated5.Transfer/transferencen2.Transfer between abstract and concrete meaningn aftermath n second crop of grass after mowing(concrete)n result or consequence(abstract)5.Transfer/transferencenenvyn feeling of such(abstract)n a person to be envied(concrete)n e.g.Mary is the envy of the class.n (concrete)5.Transfer/transferencen3.Transfer between subjective and objective meaningn The old man is hateful.n The old man is hated by people.n The old man receives hate.n (objective)5.Transfer/transferencenThe teacher was suspicious of the students excuse.nThe teacher suspected the students excuse.(subjective)5.Transfer/transferencenCharacteristics of verbs:nsubjective:havingnshowingnfull ofnobjective:causingndeservingnbringing5.Transfer/transferencenpainfulobjectivenconsideratesubjectivenrespectableobjectivenrespectfulsubjective5.Transfer/transferencencourageoussubjectivendangerousobjectivensuspicioussubjective/objectivenfearfulsubjective/objectivendoubtfulsubjective/objective5.Transfer/transferencenThe man looks suspicious as his behavior is unusual.n(objective)nThe neighbours are suspicious of the man as his behaviour is unusual.n(subjective)5.Transfer/transferencenThe teacher was doubtful1 of the doubtful2 excuse of the student.n(1)subjectiven(2)objective5.Transfer/transference 4.Synesthesia a transfer of sensation from sense to another sensenclear-soundingfrom sight to hearingnloud coloursfrom hearing to sightnsweet musicfrom taste to hearing7.2 Causes of Changes7.2.1 Extra-linguistic Factorsn1.Historical reasonn sun n the luminous heavenly bodyone of the seven planets revolving around the earthn The sun rises and sets.7.2.1 Extra-linguistic Factorsna star around which the earth and other planets revolve.(WNWD)natom from atomos(Greek)n any of the indivisible particles7.2.1 Extra-linguistic Factorsn2.Class reason nchurl peasant free man uncultivated or mean person nhussy housewife n woman of low morals nwench country girl n prostitute7.2.1 Extra-linguistic Factorsn3.Psychological reason ngarbage collector n sanitation engineernbarber beauticiannpoliceman custodian of lawnpoor people the unprivileged7.2.1 Extra-linguistic Factorsndog informer narse despised prisoner nsquare-head honest man7.2.2 Linguistic Factorsn1.Shorteningn gold gold medal n bulb light bulb7.2.2 Linguistic Factorsn2.Borrowingn deer narrowed from animaln animal(L)keeping the same meaningn beast(F)changed in colourn pig/pork sheep/mutton cattle/beef7.2.2 Linguistic Factorsn3.Analogizingn fruition n (1)a pleasure obtained from using or possessing something n (2)the bearing of fruitn (visual similarity and association)


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