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形容词和副词的比较级和最高级形容词和副词的比较级和最高级形容词和副词的比较级和最高级形容词和副词的比较级和最高级学.科.网形容词和副词的比较级和最高级学.科.网1一、单音节和、单音节和 部分双音节词部分双音节词Task1:形容词和副词比较级和最高级构成形容词和副词比较级和最高级构成1.slow fast young tall2.fine lateslower slowestyounger youngest一般在词尾加一般在词尾加 er,est以字母以字母e 结尾的词结尾的词,加加 r,stfiner finestlater latesttaller tallestfaster fastest一、单音节和 部分双音节词Task1:形容词和副词比较级和23.thin big4.easy lucky重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母时重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母时,双写辅双写辅音字母音字母,加加 er,est以辅音字母加以辅音字母加“y”结尾的双音节词结尾的双音节词,先改先改“y”为为“i”再加再加er,esteasier easiestthinner thinnestbigger biggestluckier luckiest3.thin 3delicious easilymore delicious most deliciousmore easily most easilybetter bestworse worst more mostfarther farthest further furthestless least不规则变化不规则变化good/wellbad/badly/illmany/muchlittlefar在词前加在词前加more或或most二、多音节和部分双音节词二、多音节和部分双音节词delicious 4Look at the boys.Tom is very young.Tony is _ than Tom.Who is _ _?Peter is.younger the youngestPeterTonyLook at the boys.Tomy5Summer is hot.Summer is _ than spring.Winter is cold.Winter is _ than autumn.hottercolderSummer is hot.hottercolder6The earth is _.The moon is big.The sun is _ _ of the three.biggerthe biggestzxxkwThe earth is _.The moon 7He is _ than she.She is _ than he.She is _ than it.He is _ _.It is _ _.heavierlighterheavierthe heaviest the lightestheavylightHe is _ than she.heavier8The football is _ than the bench.The bench is _ _ than the football.The bike is _ _ _ of all.80 yuan120 yuan 180 yuancheapermore expensive the most expensiveThe football is _ than t9The children are good at English.Peters English is _.Kens English is _ than Peter.Annes English is _ _.But her math is _ _ of the three.Girls do _(well)in language study than boys.goodbetter the best the worstbetterThe children are good at Engli101 18yuan/a kilo10yuan/a kilo20 yuan/a kilo2 23 318yuan/a kilo10yuan/a kilo20 11The third chicken is The third chicken is .The second one is The second one is .The first one is The first one is of of allall.cheapcheaperthe cheapest zxxkwThe third chicken is 121.我比你瘦我比你瘦.2.我摘的苹果比你少我摘的苹果比你少.3.中国印度中国印度.哪个国家更大哪个国家更大?4.我认为语文比数学更有趣我认为语文比数学更有趣.Task 2 形容词和副词的比较级形容词和副词的比较级I am thinner than you.I picked fewer apples than you(did).Which country is larger,China or India?I think Chinese is more interesting than maths.1.我比你瘦.Task 2 形容词和副词的比较级I am 13Task3:中译英并归纳中译英并归纳1.白天变得越来越长白天变得越来越长.2.我们的国家变得越来越美我们的国家变得越来越美.3.汤姆是两兄弟中较高的一个汤姆是两兄弟中较高的一个.The day is getting longer and longer.Our country is getting more and more beautiful.比较级比较级+and+比较级表示比较级表示“越来越越来越Tom is the taller of the two brothers.比较级前一般不用比较级前一般不用the修饰,但特指两修饰,但特指两者之一时用者之一时用the修饰。修饰。Task3:中译英并归纳1.白天变得越来越长.2.我们的144.汉语比英语难的多汉语比英语难的多.5.他比你跑地快一点儿他比你跑地快一点儿.6.我父亲比我母亲年长三岁我父亲比我母亲年长三岁.He runs a little faster than you.My father is three years older than my mother.比较级前可用表示程度的副词修饰,如比较级前可用表示程度的副词修饰,如 a little,a bit,much,a lot,even,four years old等等Chinese is much more difficult than English.4.汉语比英语难的多.5.他比你跑地快一点儿.6.我父15The more she eats,the fatter she will be.The more trees we plant,the better the environment will be.The 加比较级加句子,加比较级加句子,the加比较级加加比较级加句子,表示句子,表示:越越,越越7.她吃得越多就越胖她吃得越多就越胖.8.我们种越多的树我们种越多的树,环境就会越好环境就会越好.The more she eats,the fatter 16Task4:形容词和副词的最高级形容词和副词的最高级He is the cleverest of the four boys.Which subject is the most popular in our class?Who gets up the earliest in your family?中译英中译英1.在这四个男孩中,他最聪明在这四个男孩中,他最聪明.2.在我们班在我们班,哪门学科最受欢迎哪门学科最受欢迎?3.在你家在你家,谁起床最早谁起床最早?Task4:形容词和副词的最高级He is the cle17Who does homework the most carefully,Lily Lucy or Kate?Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world.Who is the second tallest boy in our class?4.谁做作业最仔细谁做作业最仔细,Lily,Lucy还是还是Kate?5.上海是世界上最大城市之一上海是世界上最大城市之一.6.谁是我们班第二高的男孩谁是我们班第二高的男孩?Who does homework the most car18Task5:如何表达甲与乙在某方面相同时?如何表达甲与乙在某方面相同时?用用as加形容词或副词的原级加形容词或副词的原级as1.我的学校和你的一样新我的学校和你的一样新.My school is as new as yours.I got up as late as you this morning.He speaks English as well as you.I think taking exercise is as important as learning knowledge.2.今天早上我和你起床一样晚今天早上我和你起床一样晚.3.他英语说地和你一样好他英语说地和你一样好.4.我认为体育锻炼和学习知识一样重要我认为体育锻炼和学习知识一样重要.Task5:如何表达甲与乙在某方面相同时?用as加形容词或19Task6:如何表达甲在某方面不如乙?如何表达甲在某方面不如乙?not as(so)+形容词或副词原级形容词或副词原级+asTom is not as/so strong as Lilei.Sound doesnt travel as/so fast as light.Tom is less strong than LileiSound travels less fast than lightLess+形容词或副词原形形容词或副词原形+than1.汤姆不及李雷强壮汤姆不及李雷强壮.2.声音没有光速快声音没有光速快Task6:如何表达甲在某方面不如乙?not as(so20I dont run as/so quickly as you.Beef is not as/so delicious as porkI run less quickly than youBeef is less delicious than pork3.我跑得没你快我跑得没你快.4.牛肉不及猪肉美味牛肉不及猪肉美味.I dont run as/so quickly as y21Nobody else jumped farther than I/me in our class.I jumped farther than any other student in our classI jumped farther than the other students in our class同义句转换同义句转换1.I jumped the farthest in our class.zxxkwNobody else jumped farther tha22Nanjing is the biggest city in Jiangsu.Nanjing is bigger than the other cities in JiangsuShe prefers spring to winter.They like swimming better than skating.2.Nanjing is bigger than any other city in Jiangsu3.She likes spring better than winter.4.They prefer swimming to skating.Nanjing is the biggest city in23中考热点中考热点1.The ice in the lake is as _ as it was before.A.thin B.thinner C.thinnest D.the thinnest2.-How can I speak English_ you?-Youd better speak more.I think.Aas good as B.more than C.as well as D.as much asAC中考热点1.The ice in the lake is 243.In order to keep healthy,you should eat _fast food,_ fresh vegetables and take enough exercise.A.fewer,fewer B.less,more C.fewer,more D.less,less4.My sister is good at sports.she can jump _than me.A.highest B.very high C.too high D.much higher BD3.In order to keep healthy,y255.-Which is _,the sun,the moon or the earth?-Of course,the moon is A.small B.smaller C.smallest D.the smallest6.Oct.15th was one of _days in 2003.Shenzhou-V was sent up successfully.A.exciting B.more exciting C.the most exciting D.much exciting.DC5.-Which is _,the sun,the m267.The more exercise you take,the _ you wi11 be.A.weaker B.healthier C.luckier D.worse8.Everyone knows China is getting _ A.strong and strong B.stronger and stronger C.more strong and strong D.strongest and strongestBB7.The more exercise you take,271.这些卡通电影没那些有趣。2.2.她表演的没平时表演的好。3.3.她比她们班上其他学生到校都早。4.4.我喜欢那两个苹果中较大的那个。These cartoon movies arent as interesting as those.She didnt perform as well as she usually doesShe gets to school earlier than any other student in her class./the other studentsI like the bigger one of the two apples.这些卡通电影没那些有趣。These cartoon movi28zxxkw5.她跑的越来越快,最终抓住了小偷。6.你练习用英语越多,你就学的越好。7.这里的天气比我家乡的要热的多。8.这个商店的鞋子比那个商店的好的多She ran faster and faster and caught thethief in the end.The more you practice using English,thebetter you will learn it.The weather here is much hotter than thatIn my hometown.The shoes in this shop are a lot better thanthose in that shop.zxxkw5.她跑的越来越快,最终抓住了小偷。She ra29 additional expressionsBelieve it or not!Dont give up,boys!信不信由你别放弃,信不信由你别放弃,boyszxxkw additional expressionsBelieve30


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