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Youarewhatyouwrite!托福写作很重要,语法词汇不可少,多练多看多比较,表达句式用得巧,有理有利还有节,满分一定能拿到。Youarewhatyouwrite!托福写作很重要,1 课 程 设 置托福写作介绍独立写作:语言修饰:综合写作:题目串讲:课 程 设 置托福写作介绍2揭开托福写作的神秘面纱揭开托福写作的神秘面纱3写作是表达,而不是翻译写作是表达,而不是翻译4美中不足:American China no foot;A fly in the ointment心花怒放:Heart flower angry open;be wild with joy美中不足:5红颜知己:Red face know me;Female/Male Intimate 人山人海people mountain people seahuge crowds of people红颜知己:6马马虎虎Horse horse tiger tigerFair to middling不三不四No three no fourneither fish nor fowl马马虎虎7我们为什么考托福?我们为什么考托福?8试试看出国留学可以学习知识,增强阅历,为未来打下基础!试试看出国留学可以学习知识,增强阅历,为未来打下基础!9By studying abroad,we accumulate knowledge,gain new experience and prepare ourselves for the future.By studying abroad,we accumul10Studying abroad helps us accumulate knowledge,gain new experiences and prepare ourselves for the future.Studying abroad helps us accum11Our knowledge and experiences for future developments can be accumulated by studying abroad.Our knowledge and experiences 12Studying abroad,we can gain knowledge,experiences,and skills for future developments.Studying abroad,we can gain 13Bringing new knowledge and more experiences,studying abroad is beneficial for our future developments.Bringing new knowledge and mor14 句子三种训练方法多种方法表达同一句意;扩充丰富已有句型;对句式进行各种变换。句子三种训练方法多种方法表达同一句意;15 再试试我认为,我同意这个观点:勤奋才能成功。再试试我认为,我同意这个观点:勤奋才能成16I agree with the idea:I will succeed if I work hard.I agree with the idea:I will 17用高级词汇替换低级词汇I support the announcement:I will succeed if I spare no effort for working.用高级词汇替换低级词汇I support the annou18 添加副词和形容词I strongly support the classical announcement:I will definitely succeed if I spare no effort for working.添加副词和形容词I strongly suppor19 找出潜在的逻辑关系According to my personal experience and education,I strongly support the classical announcement:final success results from hard-work.找出潜在的逻辑关系According to my p20Based on my personal experience and educational background,I strongly support the classical saying:final success comes from continual hard-work.Based on my personal experienc21I agree with the idea:I will succeed if I work hard.Based on my personal experience and educational background,I strongly support the classical saying:final success comes from continual hard-working.I agree with the idea:I will 22如果既不了解敌人,又不了解自己,你就完蛋了!如果既不了解敌人,又不了解自己,你就完蛋了!23“If you know neither yourself nor your enemy,you will always endanger yourself”“If you know neither yourself 24 If you know neither vocabulary nor grammar,you will always endanger yourself!If you know neither vocabul25你了解自己吗?你了解自己吗?26People working in big company are supposed to use computer.People working in big company 27There is an evidence that advertising profoundly affects human being the world over.There is an evidence that adve28The person with broad and profound knowledge can have a better life than the person who does not.The person with broad and prof29The man bitten by the homeless dog has died.The man bitten by the homeless30The majority of Chinese are fond of watching television.The majority of Chinese are fo31A large amount of people go abroad to learn knowledge.A large amount of people go ab32Judgments made in most of the book are believable.Judgments made in most of the 33Dinosaurs have extincted.Dinosaurs have extincted.34 拼写重要吗?pattimepronouncationchangeable writtingtruely suceedninteenth maintenance 拼写重要吗?pattime35 一、托福写作介绍 一、托福写作介绍36托福写作课上内部资料课件37 分值换算表Raw ScoreScaled Score5.00304.75294.50284.25274.00253.75243.5223.25213.0020 分值换算表Raw ScoreScal38 Percentile RankiBT Scaled ScorePercentile Rank3097.92995.92893.42790.52587.22482.92277.42172.4 Percentile RankiBT Scaled Sco39托福写作课上内部资料课件40 Integrated writingReading:3 mins,200-300 wordsListening:2 mins,200-300 wordsWriting:20 mins,150-225 words Independent WritingWriting:30 mins,300-400words Integrated w41 ETS会做的是:数字数数每段句子数、每个句子的平均字数单词的字母数逻辑衔接词的使用数量是人数的!ETS会做的是:数字数42 写作须知不要写标题禁止使用启示语气写作格式:缩行式(首句空4到6个字母)空行式(段与段之间空一行)标点符号后面要空格句子首字母要大写,专有名词首字母大写I,China,Japanese(日语),Shanyuan Street,The Pulitzer Prize。写作须知不要写标题43英式英语还是美式英语?colo(u)r,program(me),labo(u)r书面语还是口语?当然是书面语BTW,U dunno,&,4u 2B or not 2B,thats a?英式英语还是美式英语?44 推荐书目TPOOG,Deltas Key,Kaplan,Barron,Princeton词汇:俞敏洪 TOEFL词汇:词根+联想记忆法张洪伟、戴云 托福10000词语法:戴云 托福语法满分精要张道真 实用英语语法 推荐书目TPO45 推荐网站托福机经网小马过河太傻、寄托天下新东方批改网 推荐网站托福机经网46 二、独 立 写 作托福写作课上内部资料课件47托福写作课上内部资料课件48 5分标准Effectively addresses the topic and taskWell organized and well developedAppropriate explanations,exemplifications and detailsUnity,progression and coherenceDisplays consistent facility in the use of language,demonstrating syntactic variety,appropriate word choice and idiomaticity.Minor lexical or grammatical errors 5分标准Effectively addresses t49 4分标准but may contain occasional redundancy,or lack of clarity,digression,or unclear connectionsand contains sentence variety and a range of vocabulary,but may have occasional noticeable minor language errors that do not interfere with meaning.4分标准but may conta50 3分标准but connections among ideas may be occasionally obscured,unclear;or inconsistent in using language effectively,with errors in grammar and vocabulary that occasionally obscure meaningbut limited range of syntactic structures and vocabulary 3分标准but connections a51 官方指南的话 考生是否赞同某一观点并不重要,评分人员经过培训可以接受所有不同类型的观点重要的是考生在议论中具备的能力:直接切入问题的能力,明确提出主张的能力,以及写出 结构严谨 例证恰当 句子多样化且 结构正确文章的能力。官方指南的话 考生是否赞同某一观点并不重要52 独立写作圣经1第一要义,观点要表达清楚不基于考生的真实身份,可以造假只考语言水平,不侧重思想水平 不测试考生的真实想法写作基于表达,不基于翻译 独立写作圣经1第一要义,观点要表达清楚53 独立写作圣经2不同于平时的写作内容、语言同等重要,不要过分追求语言观点的层次比观点的数量更重要逻辑错误比语言错误重要跑题你就完蛋了 独立写作圣经2不同于平时的写作54 关于字数通常,一篇作文大约需要300词。少于300词的作文也能获得高分,但是经验表明,较短的作文无法对一些论点展开讨论,而要获得5分的成绩,对论点的讨论是必须的。关于字数通常,一篇作文大约需要355 比字数更重要的 作文数字没有上限,但是不要为写而写,应针对话题有的放矢。观点的数目固然重要,但评分人员更看重观点的质量和陈述观点的有效性。比字数更重要的 作文数字没有上限,但是不要为写而561、独立写作分类1、独立写作分类57 题型分类-11、观点选择:Which would you prefer 2、比较对比:rather than;asas;compare3、自主定义:在一定范围内自主选择 58 观点选择类 Some prefer to work for a large company.Others prefer to work for a small company.Which would you prefer?Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.观点选择类 Some prefer to work f59 Some people prefer to live in a small town,Others prefer to live in a big city,which place would you prefer to live in?Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.Some people prefer to live 60 比较对比类 It has been said,“Not everything that is learned is contained in books.”Compare and Contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books.In your opinion,Which source is more important?Why?比较对比类 It has been 61Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Being creative,rather than planning carefully,helps people come up with the best solution to problems.Do you agree or disagree with 62Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People think it is more enjoyable to work three days a week for long time than to work five days a week for shorter time.Do you agree or disagree with 63 A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community.Do you support or oppose the factory?Explain your position.A company has announced tha64 自主定义 You have a opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks.Which country would you like to visit?Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.自主定义 You have a 65判断题型类别判断题型类别66 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People should not be permitted to use mobile phones on public transportation vehicles,such as buses,trains,or aero planes.Do you agree67 Some people prefer to finish a project completely before starting another.Others prefer to do two or several projects at the same time.Which way would you prefer?Some people prefer to finis68 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People can benefit more from traveling in their own country than traveling in foreign countries.Do you agree or disagree wi69 Do agree or disagree with the following statement?Most advertisements make the product seem much better than it really is.Do agree or d70 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People can solve important problems by themselves or with the help from their family members so theres no need for the government to help them.Do you agre71 Do agree or disagree with the following statement?Most advertisements make the product seem much better than it really is.Do agree or disagree with t72 It is better to use our personal knowledge and experience to solve problems,rather than asking other people for advice.It is better to use our per73 If you could invent some thing new,what product would you develop?If you could invent some th74 If you could change one important thing about your hometown,What would you change?Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.If you could change one imp75 独立写作分类-2 独立写作分类-276 单一事物利弊Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People should not be permitted to use mobile phones on public transportation vehicles,such as buses,trains,or aero planes.单一事物利弊Do you agree or77 多事物利弊Some people prefer to finish a project completely before starting another.Others prefer to do two or several projects at the same time.Which way would you prefer?多事物利弊Some people pr78 事实类Do agree or disagree with the following statement?Most advertisements make the product seem much better than it really is.事实类Do agree or d79 因果类Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People can solve important problems by themselves or with the help from their family members so theres no need for the government to help them.因果类Do you agree 80独立写作分类题材(词汇积累)1、学校和教育(school and education)2、科学技术(Technology)3、媒体(Media)4、工作和成功(Work and success)5、政府(Government)6、交通运输(Transportation)7、环境(Environment)8、生活(life):友谊、休闲9、金钱和工资(Money/Salary)独立写作分类题材(词汇积累)1、学校和教育(school 81 托福作文 容易跑题更容易写得不严谨 托福作文 822、审 题2、审 题83Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Parents are the best teachers for their children.Do you agree or disagree with 84Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?A person should never make an important decision alone.Do you agree or disagree with 85 You have a opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks.Which country would you like to visit?Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice You have a opportunity to v86 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?To truly understand any events happened in the world,we should draw our news from newspapers;television cannot provide enough information.Do you agree or disagree wi87 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Scientists should be responsible for the negative impact of their scientific research.Do you agree or disagree wi88 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Parents find it hard to control their children for the children are now influenced by many things outside home like television or movies.Do you agree or disagree wi89 People attend to university or college for many different reasons(for example,new experiences,career preparation,increased knowledge).Why do you think people attend to university or college?Use specific reasons and examples to support your idea.People attend to university90 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People who do not work because they have enough money are rarely happy.Do you agree or disagree wi91 Some people say that physical exercise should be a required part of every school day.Other people believe that students should spend the whole school day on academic studies.Which opinion do you agree with?Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.Some people say that physic92 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school.Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.Do you agree or disagree wi93 You need to travel from your home to a place 40 miles(64Kilometers)away.Compare the different kinds of transportation you could use.Tell Which method of travel you would choose.Give specific reasons for your choice.You need to travel from you94Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In twenty years,students will not use printed books any more.Do you agree or disagree with 95Many teachers assign homework to students every day.Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students?Many teachers assign homework 96 审题方法判断题型找绝对词(only/never/best/anything/always/no/forever/entire)找限定词 two weeks/city,town/one of the followings/40 miles)找争论的焦点 审题方法判断题型97便健经交幸,成环品科国便健经交幸,成环品科国983、写作原则3、写作原则99 写作原则KISS有理:符合社会规范、合乎常理 不涉及宗教、政治等敏感议题有利:分论点有利于总论点,细节、例子有利于分论点有节:只写会写的,只写好写的,节制感情,节制时间。有话可说、有例可举 写作原则KISS有理:符合社会规范、合乎常理100Keep it simple,systematic!Keep it simple,systematic!1014、文章结构4、文章结构102开头(1段)主体(3段)结尾(1段)段落划分开头(1段)段落划分103 文章结构一边倒让步 折中 文章结构一边倒104 一边倒中间倒3段:支持方的3个优点详写,比重相当;支持方的2个优点详写,反对方的1个缺点稍略写;中间倒2段:支持方的2个优点详细论证,比重相当。住校内好还是校外好 一边倒中间倒3段:105 让步中间3段:支持方2个优点详细写,反对方1-2个优点简略写。打工还是创业?让步中间3段:106 让步段三大“杯具”对让步内容没有展开;对让步内容没有进行削弱和反驳;对让步内容态度坚定,内容过长,且感情强烈。让步段三大“杯具”对让步内容没有展开;107 让步段写法主题句(topic sentence)支持句(supporting sentence)举例(example)段内小结(sum)让步段与支持段结构一致,只是主题句和段内小结的写法不同。让步段要对让步内容不断削弱。让步段写法主题句(topic senten108 让步段主题句写法四种方法可以削弱让步内容:从语气上削弱:admittedly/I concede/I compromise/I confess从可能性上削弱:may/might/possibly/probably从数量上削弱:one/one or two/a couple of/minor/several从程度上削弱:to some extent/to some degree 让步段主题句写法四种方法可以削弱让步内容:109让步段主题句说话方式两种说话方法:我坦诚的说/我坦白的说/我妥协的说另一个方面也可能/或许有一个/两个好处;Admittedly,B may have one advantage.我坦诚的说/我坦白的说/我妥协的说某物/某事在一定程度上也可能有点Admittedly,B may be helpful to some extent.让步段主题句说话方式两种说话方法:110 “杯具”与“洗具”Although B may have one advantage,the advantages we gain from A far outweigh them.Admittedly,B may have one advantage.“杯具”与“洗具”Although B 111开头结尾与中间段落配合我选A;A的好处1;A的好处2;A的好处3;我真的选A哈!尽管B有一个好处,但是A的好处比B多;A的好处1;A的好处2;B也有一个好处,但是A的好处比B多;尽管B有一个好处,但是A的好处真的比B多哈!开头结尾与中间段落配合我选A;尽管B有一个好处,但是A的好处112对让步内容削弱和反驳的方法辩证法次要法少数法提解决方案对让步内容削弱和反驳的方法辩证法113 辩证法好处从某种角度来看也是坏处,坏处从某种角度来看也是好处;However,the only advantage of B may shift to a nightmare/drawback if we look at it from a different angle住大城市还是住小镇?在家看电影还是在电影院看电影?辩证法好处从某种角度来看也是坏114 次要法让步方的好处比支持方的好处次要,或支持方的坏处比起好处来次要;严禁“霸王硬上弓”,强说别人次要;However,the advantages of A are more important than those of B.住大城市还是住小镇?在家看电影还是去电影院看电影?次要法让步方的好处比支持方的好处次115 少数法让步方优点与支持方优点比起来较少,或支持方缺点与优点比起来较少;严禁“霸王硬上弓”,人多欺人少;However,the advantages of A are far more than those of B.However,the advantages of A outnumber those of B.住大城市还是住小镇?在家看电影还是去电影院看电影?少数法让步方优点与支持方优点比起来116 提解决方案对方的好处我方也可以有办法得到,我方的坏处可以有办法消除;However,the problem can be solved byHowever,the negative influence can be eliminated by住大城市还是住小镇?在家看电影还是去电影院看电影?提解决方案对方的好处我方也可以有办法得到117让步的精髓是让一小步让步的精髓是让一小步118 让步段要避免“杯具”让步段同样要对让步内容进行展开;让步段内容展开要适度,每个让步观点展开比重不宜超过支持段;让步段结尾要对让步内容进行削弱和反驳。让步段要避免“杯具”让步段同样要对让步内容进行展开;119 让步段主题句Admittedly,watching television may also have one advantage for children.让步段主题句Admittedly120 让步段支持句They are possibly able to increase some knowledge from watching some programs,such as Discoveries.让步段支持句They are possib121 让步段例子及细节For instance,they might know the evolutionary process of human society.让步段例子及细节For instance,t122对让步内容进行削弱和反驳However,the disadvantages far outweigh the only benefit.Moreover,the knowledge from television can be also accumulated by reading books.对让步内容进行削弱和反驳However,the disad123 让步结构的好处避免了写支持面第三个观点,转而写不利于支持方的一个理由(容易凑字数);显得考虑问题比较周全;对方比较容易接受。让步结构的好处避免了写支持面第三个观点,124 让步的方法用不利于己方的观点进行让步;单一事物让步多事物让步程度让步(去绝对化)让步的方法用不利于己方的观点进行让步;125自己玩好还是跟团玩好?哪种类型的题目?结构设计1+1+1 comparison2+1(反对方缺点)2-1(反对方优点)2-1(支持方缺点)自己玩好还是跟团玩好?哪种类型的题目?结构设计126 折中高薪工作时间长还是低薪工作时间短?住大城市还是住小镇?住校内还是住校外?跟导游玩还是自己玩?买房子还是买企业?折中高薪工作时间长还是低薪工127推荐方案让步一边倒3段一边倒2段折中一边倒1段推荐方案让步128 5、论 证 5、论 证129 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.Do you agree or disagree wi130 立论方法法1:如果有了钱只有有了钱,才能法2:如果没有钱,恶劣后果1、2、3法3:比较:最重要的因素有A、B、钱 钱比A重要 钱比B重要 立论方法法1:如果有了钱只有有了钱,131 驳论方法法1:尽管钱重要,但最重要的是A,A比钱重要:1、2、3、法2:如果钱是最重要的:恶果1、2 所以钱不值最重要的 驳论方法法1:尽管钱重要,但最重132 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?One should never judge a person by external appearances,Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.Do you agree or disagree wi133 立论更简单立论1:尽管外表有用,但是A更重要 立论2:如果以貌取人,恶果1、2、3,所以不能以貌取人。立论更简单立论1:尽管外表有用,但是A134 驳 论驳论1:让步?+某种情况可以通过外 表判断(脸红了Shy)驳论2:让步?+如果永远不用外表判断,恶果1、2、3 驳 论驳论1:让步?+某种135 Do you agree or disagree with the following statements:Playing a game is fun only when you win.Use specific reasons and details to support your answers.Do you agree or disagree wi136 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Television,newspapers,magazines,and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities.Do you agree or disagree wi137 The young should decide what they want to do and what they want to be as soon as they can,in order to save the time for developing his career.The young should decide wha138论证注意事项论证注意事项139 第三人称复数Some other;There are many peopleIt is well known that taking sports not only builds peoples bodies,but also builds their minds.And I really agree with the idea that people can learn a lot from the building progress that sports boast on both sides.第三人称复数Some other140 6、论 点 6、论 点141 论点一定要展开展开论点就是用各种支持内容(事例、细节、理由等)来支持文章的观点。不要为了增加文章的字数而死记硬背一些冗长的句、段。论点一定要展开展开论点就是用各种支持内容(事例、细142必须是并列关系 坚持很重要:1、工作中重要;2、学习中重要;3、Wright brother 发明飞机不能过于细致:建餐馆导致水污染、空气污染。必须是并列关系143论点从何而来?论点从何而来?144利弊类:万金由利弊类:万金由145 讲义第4页 讲义第4页146住校内好,还是校外好?住大城市好,还是小城市好?住校内好,还是校外好?住大城市好,还是小城市好?147万金由万能应用理由(1)健康和安全(Health/Fitness and Safety)营养(Nutrition)缓解压力(relieve the stress/pressure)食品安全(food safety)生活习惯(living style)体育锻炼(sports/exercise/games)身体伤害(body injury)财产安全(property safety)万金由万能应用理由(1)健康和安全(Health/Fitn148(2)便利(convenience)节省时间(Saving time)时间灵活(flexible)交通(traffic)休闲(recreation)娱乐(entertainment/relaxation)健身(fitness activity)购物(shopping)教育(education)医疗(medical care)(2)便利(convenience)节省时间(Savin149(3)经济economy/economical/economic就业问题(unemployment/employment)职业(occupations)农业(agriculture)工业(industry)heavy/light industry;service industries 工资(wage/salary)a good wage收入(income)on a high income 支出(spending/expenditure/expense)利润(profit)税收(tax/tariffs)旅游(tourism/journeys/traveling)(3)经济economy/economical/econom150(4)交流 communication交友(making friends)集体活动(collective activity)谈话(conversation)聊天(chatting)人际关系(interpersonal relationship)社交圈子(social circle)(4)交流 communication交友(making 151(5)幸福与情感Happiness/Love/Affection激情(passion/enthusiasm)兴趣(interests)亲情(family love)友情(friendship)爱情(Love)乐趣(fun/happiness)好恶(personal choice/favor/preference/taste)(5)幸福与情感Happiness/Love/Affecti152(6)成功(success)成就感(a sense of achievement)荣誉感(a sense of honor)财富(wealth)自信(self-confidence)竞争(competitions)潜力(potentialities)动机(motivations)压力(pressures/stress)(6)成功(success)成就感(a sense of 153(7)环保 environmental protection生态平衡(ecological balance/eco-balance)沙漠化(desertification)砍伐森林(deforestation)沙尘暴(sand storm)干旱(drought)洪水(flood)濒危动物(endangered animals)环境污染(environmental pollution)(7)环保 environmental protection154(8)品格(virtue)聪明(clever/brilliant)合作(cooperation/collaboration)坚忍不拔(perseverance/persistence)勤奋(industrious/diligence)独立(independence)负责任(be responsible to)宽容(tolerant/forgiving)体贴(considerate)谦虚(modest/humble)诚实(honesty/integrity)(8)品格(virtue)聪明(clever/brilli155(9)科技、教育、培训science/education/training科技的发展发明(Scientific development and inventions)效率(efficient)实习(intern/internships)教育(education)(9)科技、教育、培训science/education/t156(10)国家和文明(nation and civilization)慈善事业(charities)志愿者(volunteers)人与自然的和谐(harmonious relationship between people and nature)社会公平(social justice)(10)国家和文明(nation and civilizat157便健经交幸,成环品科国便健经交幸,成环品科国1587、开篇方法7、开篇方法159 开篇背景法 是否同意建工厂?背景-论题-各方观点、理由-我的观点理由背景-论题-反面-过渡-正面(我的观点、理由)背景-论题-我的观点、理由论题+他人的观点、理由-我的观点、理由一定要有论题,我的观点后一定要有理由 开篇背景法 160 背景句型Some people think A,other people think BAccording to a recent statistic on the internet,the number of single-child family occupies 75%of Chinese families,and undoubtedly has a tendency of increasing.It is not rare to see many students dozing off or doing other things wh


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