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完成句子(Unit 2,必修3)1 It may take you a few weeks _(重新恢重新恢复体力复体力).(build)2 I dont know the managers address,so I have to _(在电话号码簿里找找在电话号码簿里找找).(consult)3 I will help as much as I can,but _(我能做的我能做的也是有限度的)也是有限度的).(limit)4 The fall in interests rates is _(很有益很有益)to these small businesses.(benefit)5 We should believe that we cant _(犯了犯了错误而不受惩罚错误而不受惩罚).(get)to build up your strength againconsult the telephone book for it what I can do is limitedof great benefit get away with making mistakes6 Perhaps with a discount and a new sign,he could_ _(赢回他的顾客赢回他的顾客).(win)7 After ten years of hard work,the couple _(还清了所还清了所有的债务有的债务)at last.(pay)8 No other book _(对我有更大的影响对我有更大的影响).(effect)9 They were so frightened that they _(让灯亮着让灯亮着)on night long.(have/burn)10 I found _(很难保持平衡很难保持平衡)on the icy path.(balance)win his customers backpaid off all his debtshas a greater effect on me had the light burning It hard to keep my balance翻译1 我们盼望着有个长假。(look forward to)2 她和她的父亲都不是中学教师。(neither/nor)3 尽管他很老了,依然在街上卖报纸为生。(earn a living)4 如果你想减肥,决心很重要。(lose weight)5 别担心,你不久就会好的。(before long)6 因为得了肺病,医生叫他少抽烟。(cut down)We look forward to having a long holiday.Neither she nor her father is a middle school teacher.Though he is old,he still earns a living by selling newspapers in the street.If you want to lose weight,determination is of importantce Dont worry,youll be fine before long.Because of the lung disease,the doctor told him to cut down somking/on his smoking.1.He is best known for his novels_(以他的童年生活为背景).(set)(必修三,Unit 3)2.With a million pound bank a man _(能坚持一个月)in London.(survive)3._(无论你走到哪里),you cant miss your hometown.(go)4._(最后一个离开的)must lock the door.(whoever)5._(无论会议什么时候开)makes no difference to me.(hold)6.It has been agreed that well have to finish the work,_(无论要花多长时间).(take)7.The teacher had just arrived at the village when he _(看见烟从一家房子冒出来)(spot)8.The manner _(决定宣布)was extremely regrettable.(announce)in which the decision was announcedspotted smoke coming out of a house no matter how long it takesWhenever the meeting will be heldWhoever will leave last No matter where you go could survive a month set in his childhood world 1.It _(需要勇气)to tell the truth.(courage)2.Preseverance is a kind of quality and thats_(做好任何事情所需要的).(do)3.Though we met with a great deal of difficulty,we finally_(按时完成任务).(accomplish)4.The idea for the new machine occurred to Mr.Bake while_(他专注于他的发明).(devote)5._(每次你回来),you can meet him.(come)6.I _(力劝他去看医生)at once.(urge)7.Those who dont work hard_(注定考试失败).(doom)8.He is the first man _(获得5块金牌的人).(win)9.It was _(他们不被允许做的)that annoyed them.(permit)10.He would rather resign than_(参加)such a dishonest transation.(take)(选9,Unit 1)1.takes courage2.what it takes to do anything well3.accomplished the task on time4.he was devoted to his invention5.Every time you come back6.urged him to see the doctor7.are doomed to fail in the exams8.to win five gold medals9.what they were not permitted to do 10.take part in1.They were lost at sea,_(任凭风和天气摆布).(mercy)2.We need a great fund to go on with our research,but it is nowhere_(得到).(get)3.He wanted to _(操作这台机器),but in vain.(handle)4.The boss always _(让他们没日没夜地工作).(work)5.The fact is that_(战争使这个国家四分五裂).(tear)6.He seems_(对自己失去了信心).(confidence)7.Scientists _(提出了一项新理论)to explain this phenomenon.(advance)8.Janet _(往往会发脾气)if you disagree with her.(tend)9.Your computing experience _(应该被证明是有 用的).(prove)10.All the young people went out _(找寻丢失 的孩子).(search)选9,Unit 21.at the mercy of wind and weather.2.to be got.3.handle the machine4.kept them working day and night.5.the war torn the country apart.6.have lost confidence in himself.7.have advanced a new theory.8.tend to get very angry.9.should prove to be useful.10.in search of the missing child/searching for the missing child.


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