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Business-Level StrategyMichael A.HittR.Duane IrelandRobert E.HoskissonChapter 4Chapter 412003 Southwestern Publishing CompanySouthwestern Publishing CompanySouthwestern Publishing CompanySouthwestern Publishing CompanySouthwestern Publishing CompanyStrategy ImplementationStrategy ImplementationChapter 11Chapter 11OrganizationalOrganizationalStructure and Structure and ControlsControlsChapter 10Chapter 10CorporateCorporateGovernanceGovernanceChapter 12Chapter 12StrategicStrategicLeadershipLeadershipStrategy FormulationStrategy FormulationChapter 4Chapter 4Business-LevelBusiness-LevelStrategyStrategyStrategicStrategicCompetitivenessCompetitivenessAbove-AverageAbove-AverageReturnsReturnsStrategic IntentStrategic IntentStrategic MissionStrategic MissionChapter 2Chapter 2The ExternalThe ExternalEnvironmentEnvironmentChapter 3Chapter 3The InternalThe InternalEnvironmentEnvironmentThe Strategic Management ProcessFeedbackFeedbackStrategic InputsStrategic InputsStrategic ActionsStrategic ActionsStrategic OutcomesStrategic OutcomesChapter 13Chapter 13StrategicStrategicEntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship2Business-Level StrategyBusiness-level strategyBusiness-level strategy:an integrated and:an integrated and coordinated set of coordinated set of commitments and actionscommitments and actions the firm uses the firm uses to gain a competitiveto gain a competitive advantageadvantage by exploiting by exploiting core competenciescore competencies in in specific product marketsspecific product markets3Core Competencies and StrategyThe resources and capabilities that have been determined to be a source of competitive advantage for a firm over its rivalsAn integrated and coordinated set of An integrated and coordinated set of actions taken to exploit core competencies actions taken to exploit core competencies and gain a competitive advantageand gain a competitive advantageActions taken to provide value to customers and gain a competitive advantage by exploiting core competencies in specific,individual product marketsBusiness-levelBusiness-levelstrategystrategyStrategyStrategyCoreCorecompetenciescompetencies4Key Issues of Business-Level Strategyl lWhat good or serviceWhat good or service to offer customers to offer customersl lHow to manufacture or createHow to manufacture or create the good or the good or serviceservicel lHow to distributeHow to distribute the good or service in the good or service in the marketplacethe marketplace5The Central Role of CustomersIn selecting a business-level strategy,the firm determines1.1.whowho it will serve it will serve2.2.whatwhat needs those target customers needs those target customers have that it will satisfyhave that it will satisfy3.3.howhow those needs will be satisfied those needs will be satisfied 6策略事業單位的確認lStrategic business unit,SBUl事業競爭策略管理的單位事業競爭策略管理的單位l事業單位的界定事業單位的界定顧客群顧客群顧客需要顧客需要核心能力核心能力7Managing Relationships With Customersl lCustomer relationshipsCustomer relationships are strengthened are strengthened by offering them by offering them superior valuesuperior value help customers to help customers to develop a new competitive develop a new competitive advantageadvantage enhance the value of enhance the value of existing competitive existing competitive advantagesadvantages8Managing Relationships With Customersl lEstablish a competitive advantage along Establish a competitive advantage along these dimensions:these dimensions:ReachReach the firms access and connection to customersthe firms access and connection to customersRichnessRichness the the depth and detail of the two-way flow of depth and detail of the two-way flow of informationinformation between the firm and customers between the firm and customersAffiliationAffiliation facilitating useful interactions with customersfacilitating useful interactions with customers9顧客分析l企業服務的對象是誰企業服務的對象是誰?(WHO)l目標顧客想要獲得滿目標顧客想要獲得滿足是什麼足是什麼?(WHAT)l企業如何以選定的策企業如何以選定的策略滿足顧客需求略滿足顧客需求?(HOW)l不斷重新思考顧客是不斷重新思考顧客是誰誰l和顧客保持密切與經和顧客保持密切與經常的接觸常的接觸l決定如何利用對手無決定如何利用對手無法仿效的核心能力來法仿效的核心能力來創造價值創造價值l設計合宜策略設計合宜策略10CustomersCustomersMarket SegmentationConsumerMarketsIndustrialMarkets11企業服務的對象是誰?(WHO)l區隔市場區隔市場人口統計變數人口統計變數地理變數地理變數生活型態生活型態個人特質個人特質消費模式消費模式產業結構特性產業結構特性組織規模組織規模l市場區隔中的市場區隔市場區隔中的市場區隔l利用資訊科技利用資訊科技l大規模顧客化大規模顧客化(mass customerization)的效益的效益12Market Segmentation:Consumer MarketsConsumer MarketsDemographic factorsConsumerMarketsSocioeconomic factorsGeographic factorsPsychological factorsConsumption patternsPerceptual factorsDem.Soc.Geo.Psy.Con.Per.13Market Segmentation:Industrial MarketsIndustrial MarketsIndustrialMarketsEnd-use segmentsProduct segmentsGeographic segmentsCommon buying factor segmentsCustomer size segmentsEndPro.Geo.Buy.Size14目標顧客想要什麼?(WHAT)l確認與了解目標顧客的需求確認與了解目標顧客的需求l預測目標顧客未知預測目標顧客未知(發現發現)的需求的需求在顧客之前在顧客之前在對手有行動之前在對手有行動之前(第一行動者優勢第一行動者優勢)l設法利用本身之核心能力以滿足顧客的設法利用本身之核心能力以滿足顧客的需求需求15Types of Business-Level Strategiesl lBusiness-level strategies are Business-level strategies are intended to intended to create differencescreate differences between the firms between the firms position relative to those of its rivalsposition relative to those of its rivalsl lTo position itselfTo position itself,the firm must decide,the firm must decide whether it intends to perform activities whether it intends to perform activities differently or to perform different activities differently or to perform different activities as compared to its rivalsas compared to its rivals16競爭策略的選擇l在特定產業中事業單位針對所選定的市在特定產業中事業單位針對所選定的市場區隔場區隔,如何以競爭策略改善其產品或服如何以競爭策略改善其產品或服務的競爭地位務的競爭地位,並建立可持久的競爭優勢並建立可持久的競爭優勢l策略選擇的考慮因素策略選擇的考慮因素產業長期獲利率水準與影響獲利之因素產業長期獲利率水準與影響獲利之因素產業中企業的相對競爭地位產業中企業的相對競爭地位17Five Generic StrategiesCompetitive AdvantageCompetitive AdvantageCompetitive ScopeCompetitive ScopeCostCostUniquenessUniquenessBroad Broad targettargetNarrow Narrow targettargetCost Cost LeadershipLeadershipDifferentiationDifferentiationFocused Cost Focused Cost LeadershipLeadershipFocused Focused DifferentiationDifferentiationIntegrated CostIntegrated CostLeadership/Leadership/DifferentiationDifferentiation18產品/市場/核心能力/競爭策略成本領導策略差異化策略集中化策略產品差異化低(主要來自價格)高(主要來自獨特性)低至高(價格或獨特性)市場區隔化低(大市場)高(許多個區隔市場)低(一個或一些區隔市場)核心能力製造與物料管理研發/行銷任何19Cost Leadership StrategyAn integrated set of actions designed to An integrated set of actions designed to produce or deliver goods or services at the produce or deliver goods or services at the lowest costlowest cost,relative to competitorsrelative to competitors with with features that are acceptable to customersfeatures that are acceptable to customersrelatively standardized productsrelatively standardized productsfeatures acceptable to many customersfeatures acceptable to many customerslowest competitive pricelowest competitive price20Cost Leadership StrategyCost saving actions required by this strategy:Cost saving actions required by this strategy:building efficient scale facilitiestightly controlling production costs and overheadminimizing costs of sales,R&D and servicebuilding efficient manufacturing facilitiesmonitoring costs of activities provided by outsiderssimplifying production processes21How to Obtain a Cost AdvantageCost DriversCost DriversValue ChainValue ChainDetermine and Determine and controlcontrolReconfigure,if Reconfigure,if neededneeded Alter production processAlter production process Change in automationChange in automation New distribution channelNew distribution channel Direct sales in place of Direct sales in place of indirect salesindirect sales New advertising mediaNew advertising media New raw materialNew raw material Backward integrationBackward integration Forward integrationForward integration Change location Change location relative to suppliers or relative to suppliers or buyersbuyers22lProduct featureslPerformance lMix&variety of productslService levelslSmall vs.large buyerslProcess technologylWage levelslHiring,training,motivationFactors That Drive CostslEconomies of scalelAsset utilizationlCapacity utilization patternSeasonal,cyclicallInterrelationshipslOrder processing and distributionlValue chain linkagesAdvertising&salesLogistics&operations23支援性支援性活動活動基本活動基本活動內內內內部部部部後後後後勤勤勤勤作作作作業業業業外外外外部部部部後後後後勤勤勤勤行行行行銷銷銷銷與與與與銷銷銷銷售售售售服服服服務務務務採購採購採購採購技術發展技術發展技術發展技術發展人力資源管理人力資源管理人力資源管理人力資源管理企業的基礎建設企業的基礎建設企業的基礎建設企業的基礎建設邊際邊際邊際邊際邊際邊際邊際邊際價值創造活動價值創造活動-成本領導策略成本領導策略組織扁平以減少間接成本組織扁平以減少間接成本 簡化規劃程序與成本簡化規劃程序與成本降低流動率降低流動率 訓練員工以改善訓練員工以改善效率與效能效率與效能強調製程創新與改善強調製程創新與改善 投資與致力於發展降低投資與致力於發展降低製造成本的活動製造成本的活動改善採購程序與對供應商關係以降低進貨成本改善採購程序與對供應商關係以降低進貨成本 定期評估供應商績效定期評估供應商績效使供應商與生產程序密切配合獲得規模經濟 設置可得效率規模的生產設施降低送貨成本 選擇低成本的運送人精簡銷售人員與提高素質 訂定具競爭力的價格有效率與適當安裝以降低修理率24Questions Leading to Lower Costs1.1.How can an How can an activityactivity be be performed performed differently or even eliminateddifferently or even eliminated?2.2.How can a group of linked How can a group of linked value activitiesvalue activities be be regrouped or reorderedregrouped or reordered?3.3.How might How might coalitions with other firmscoalitions with other firms lower or eliminate costs?lower or eliminate costs?25Cost Leadership Strategy and the Five Forces of CompetitionRivalry Among Competing FirmsCan use cost leadership Can use cost leadership strategy to advantage since:strategy to advantage since:l lcompetitors avoid price competitors avoid price wars with cost leaderswars with cost leaders,creating higher profits for creating higher profits for the entire industrythe entire industryRivalry Among Rivalry Among Competing FirmsCompeting FirmsBargaining Power Bargaining Power of Buyersof BuyersBargaining Power Bargaining Power of Suppliersof SuppliersThreat of New Threat of New EntrantsEntrantsThreat ofThreat ofSubstitute ProductsSubstitute ProductsFive Forces ofFive Forces ofCompetitionCompetition26Cost Leadership Strategy and the Five Forces of CompetitionBargaining Power of BuyersCan mitigate buyers power by:Can mitigate buyers power by:l ldriving prices far below driving prices far below competitors,competitors,causing them causing them to exitto exit and shifting power and shifting power with buyers back to the with buyers back to the firmfirmRivalry Among Rivalry Among Competing FirmsCompeting FirmsBargaining Power Bargaining Power of Buyersof BuyersBargaining Power Bargaining Power of Suppliersof SuppliersThreat of New Threat of New EntrantsEntrantsThreat ofThreat ofSubstitute ProductsSubstitute ProductsFive Forces ofFive Forces ofCompetitionCompetition27Cost Leadership Strategy and the Five Forces of CompetitionBargaining Power of SuppliersCan mitigate suppliers power Can mitigate suppliers power by:by:l lbeing able to being able to absorb cost absorb cost increasesincreases due to low cost due to low cost positionpositionl lbeing able to being able to make very large make very large purchasespurchases,reducing chance,reducing chance of supplier using powerof supplier using powerRivalry Among Rivalry Among Competing FirmsCompeting FirmsBargaining Power Bargaining Power of Buyersof BuyersBargaining Power Bargaining Power of Suppliersof SuppliersThreat of New Threat of New EntrantsEntrantsThreat ofThreat ofSubstitute ProductsSubstitute ProductsFive Forces ofFive Forces ofCompetitionCompetition28Cost Leadership Strategy and the Five Forces of CompetitionRivalry Among Rivalry Among Competing FirmsCompeting FirmsBargaining Power Bargaining Power of Buyersof BuyersBargaining Power Bargaining Power of Suppliersof SuppliersThreat of New Threat of New EntrantsEntrantsThreat ofThreat ofSubstitute ProductsSubstitute ProductsFive Forces ofFive Forces ofCompetitionCompetitionThreat of New EntrantsCan frighten off new entrants Can frighten off new entrants due to:due to:l ltheir need to enter on a their need to enter on a large scalelarge scale in order to be in order to be cost competitivecost competitivel lthe time it takes to move the time it takes to move down the down the learning curvelearning curve29Cost Leadership Strategy and the Five Forces of CompetitionThreat of Substitute ProductsCost leader is well positioned Cost leader is well positioned to:to:l lmake investments to be make investments to be first to create substitutesfirst to create substitutesl lbuy patentsbuy patents developed by developed by potential substitutespotential substitutesl llower priceslower prices in order to in order to maintain value positionmaintain value positionRivalry Among Rivalry Among Competing FirmsCompeting FirmsBargaining Power Bargaining Power of Buyersof BuyersBargaining Power Bargaining Power of Suppliersof SuppliersThreat of New Threat of New EntrantsEntrantsThreat ofThreat ofSubstitute ProductsSubstitute ProductsFive Forces ofFive Forces ofCompetitionCompetition30Major Risks of Cost Leadership Strategyl lDramatic technological changeDramatic technological change could take could take away your cost advantageaway your cost advantagel lCompetitors may learn how to Competitors may learn how to imitate imitate value chainvalue chainl lFocus on efficiency could cause cost Focus on efficiency could cause cost leader to leader to overlook changes in customer overlook changes in customer preferencespreferences31Differentiation StrategyAn integrated set of actions designed by a An integrated set of actions designed by a firm to produce or deliver goods or services firm to produce or deliver goods or services(at an acceptable cost(at an acceptable cost)that customers)that customers perceive as being perceive as being different in ways that are different in ways that are important to themimportant to them priceprice for product can exceed what the firms for product can exceed what the firms target customers are willing to paytarget customers are willing to pay nonstandardizednonstandardized products products customers value differentiated features morecustomers value differentiated features more than they value low costthan they value low cost32Differentiation Strategyl lValue provided by Value provided by unique features and unique features and value characteristicsvalue characteristicsl lCommand premium priceCommand premium price溢價溢價溢價溢價l lHigh customer serviceHigh customer servicel lSuperior qualitySuperior qualityl lPrestige or exclusivityPrestige or exclusivityl lRapid innovationRapid innovation33Differentiation StrategyDifferentiation actions required by this Differentiation actions required by this strategy:strategy:developing new systems and processesdeveloping new systems and processesshaping perceptions through shaping perceptions through advertisingadvertisingquality focusquality focuscapability in R&Dcapability in R&Dmaximize human resource maximize human resource contributions through low turnover and contributions through low turnover and high motivationhigh motivation34How to Obtain a Differentiation AdvantageCost DriversCost DriversValue ChainValue ChainControl if Control if neededneededReconfigure to Reconfigure to maximizemaximizecustomer perceptions of uniquenesscustomer perceptions of uniquenesscustomer perceptions of uniquenesscustomer reluctance to switch to non-unique productcustomer reluctance to switch to non-unique productcustomer reluctance to switch to non-unique productRaise performance of product or serviceRaise performance of product or serviceLower buyers costsLower buyers costsCreate sustainability through:Create sustainability through:35Factors That Drive Differentiationl lUnique product featuresUnique product featuresl lUnique product performanceUnique product performancel lExceptional services Exceptional services l lNew technologiesNew technologiesl lQuality of inputsQuality of inputsl lExceptional skill or experienceExceptional skill or experiencel lDetailed informationDetailed information36支援性支援性活動活動基本活動基本活動內內內內部部部部後後後後勤勤勤勤作作作作業業業業外外外外部部部部後後後後勤勤勤勤行行行行銷銷銷銷與與與與銷銷銷銷售售售售服服服服務務務務採購採購採購採購技術發展技術發展技術發展技術發展人力資源管理人力資源管理人力資源管理人力資源管理企業的基礎建設企業的基礎建設企業的基礎建設企業的基礎建設邊際邊際邊際邊際邊際邊際邊際邊際價值創造活動價值創造活動-差異化策略差異化策略經由資訊系統更了解顧客 推行全面品管創新獎勵辦法 強調非客觀性績效評量 人員訓練注重基礎研究與產品創新 發展容易取得高品質原料的系統 採購高品質零件妥善處理進料以維持高品質迅速反應顧客需求 生產足以吸引顧客的產品正確與快速處理顧客訂單 迅速送達貨品安排各種信用交易 與顧客及供應商保持密切關係訓練顧客正確使用產品 保留完整零件庫存37Differentiation Strategy and the Five Forces of CompetitionRivalry Among Competing FirmsCan defend against Can defend against competition because:competition because:l lbrand loyaltybrand loyalty to to differentiated product differentiated product offsets price competitionoffsets price competitionRivalry Among Rivalry Among Competing FirmsCompeting FirmsBargaining Power Bargaining Power of Buyersof BuyersBargaining Power Bargaining Power of Suppliersof SuppliersThreat of New Threat of New EntrantsEntrantsThreat ofThreat ofSubstitute ProductsSubstitute ProductsFive Forces ofFive Forces ofCompetitionCompetition38Differentiation Strategy and the Five Forces of CompetitionBargaining Power of BuyersCan mitigate buyer power Can mitigate buyer power because:because:l lwell differentiated products well differentiated products reduce customer sensitivityreduce customer sensitivity to price increasesto price increasesRivalry Among Rivalry Among Competing FirmsCompeting FirmsBargaining Power Bargaining Power of Buyersof BuyersBargaining Power Bargaining Power of Suppliersof SuppliersThreat of New Threat of New EntrantsEntrantsThreat ofThreat ofSubstitute ProductsSubstitute ProductsFive Forces ofFive Forces ofCompetitionCompetition39Differentiation Strategy and the Five Forces of CompetitionBargaining Power of SuppliersCan mitigate suppliers power Can mitigate suppliers power by:by:l labsorbing price increases absorbing price increases due to due to higher marginshigher marginsl lpassingpassing along higher along higher supplier prices because supplier prices because buyers are loyal to buyers are loyal to differentiated branddifferentiated brandRivalry Among Rivalry Among Competing FirmsCompeting FirmsBargaining Power Bargaining Power of Buyersof BuyersBargaining Power Bargaining Power of Suppliersof SuppliersThreat of New Threat of New EntrantsEntrantsThreat ofThreat ofSubstitute ProductsSubstitute ProductsFive Forces ofFive Forces ofCompetitionCompetition40Differentiation Strategy and the Five Forces of CompetitionThreat of New EntrantsCan defend against new Can defend against new entrants because:entrants because:l lnew products must new products must surpass surpass proven productsproven products or,or,l lnew products must be at new products must be at least equal to performance least equal to performance of proven products,but of proven products,but offered at lower pricesoffered at lower pricesRivalry Among Rivalry Among Competing FirmsCompeting FirmsBargaining Power Bargaining Power of Buyersof BuyersBargaining Power Bargaining Power of Suppliersof SuppliersThreat of New Threat of New EntrantsEntrantsThreat ofThreat ofSubstitute ProductsSubstitute ProductsFive Forces ofFive Forces ofCompetitionCompetition41Differentiation Strategy and the Five Forces of CompetitionThreat of Substitute ProductsWell positioned relative to Well positioned relative to substitutes because:substitutes because:l lbrand loyaltybrand loyalty to a to a differentiated product tends differentiated product tends to reduce customers testing to reduce customers testing of new products or of new products or switching brandsswitching brandsRivalry Among Rivalry Among Competing FirmsCompeting FirmsBargaining Power Bargaining Power of Buyersof BuyersBargaining Power Bargaining Power of Suppliersof SuppliersThreat of New Threat of New EntrantsEntrantsThreat ofThreat ofSubstitute ProductsSubstitute ProductsFive Forces ofFive Forces ofCompetitionCompetition42Major Risks of Differentiation Strategyl lCustomers may decide that the Customers may decide that the price price differentialdifferential between the differentiated between the differentiated product and the cost leaders product is product and the cost leaders product is too largetoo largel lMeans of differentiation may Means of differentiation may cease to cease to provide valueprovide value for which customers are for which customers are willing to paywilling to payl l續下頁續下頁續下頁續下頁43Major Risks of Differentiation Strategyl lExperienceExperience may narrow


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