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文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。目的和要求目的和要求1.1.掌掌握握上上肢肢带带骨骨、自自由由上上肢肢骨骨、下下肢肢带带骨骨、自自由由下下肢肢骨骨的的位位置置和和形形态态及及上上、下下肢肢骨骨的重要体表标志。的重要体表标志。2.2.了解腕骨、掌骨、指骨及跗骨、跖骨、趾了解腕骨、掌骨、指骨及跗骨、跖骨、趾骨的位置和排列。骨的位置和排列。down Up 目的和要求1.掌握上肢带骨、自由上肢骨、下肢带骨、自由下肢1文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。Each limb has a girdle and three segments.In the upper limb,these are the shoulder girdle,the upper arm,the forearm and the hand.In the lower limb,those are the pelvic girdle,the thigh,the leg and the foot.Each limb has a girdle2文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。一、一、The bones of upper limbs The bones of upper limbs include shoulder girdle上肢带骨上肢带骨and the bones of free upper limb自由上肢骨自由上肢骨.The shoulder girdle consist of the clavicle锁骨锁骨 and the scapula肩胛骨肩胛骨 一、The bones of upper limbs 3文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。1.TheThe clavicle clavicle 锁骨锁骨nThe Clavicle is S-shaped and curved rod of bone.The medial 2/3 of the bone is convex forward whereas the lateral 1/3 is concave forward.(一一)The shoulder girdle上肢带骨上肢带骨1.The clavicle 锁骨The Clavicle5文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。nThe rounded medial(or sternal胸骨端胸骨端)end jionts the sternum.The flattened lateral(or acromial肩峰端肩峰端)end joints the scapula.1.TheThe clavicle clavicle 锁骨锁骨The rounded medial(or sternal6文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。n The weakest part of the clavicle is at the junction of the middle and lateral thirds.1.TheThe clavicle clavicle 锁骨锁骨 The weakest part of the cla7文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。nThe scapula has three borders,three angles and two surfaces.nthree bordersqSuperior:1.scapular notch 肩胛切迹肩胛切迹2.coracoid process 喙突喙突qLateral(axillary)border腋缘腋缘qMedial(vertebral)border脊柱缘脊柱缘2.TheThe scapula scapula 肩胛骨肩胛骨The scapula has three borders 8文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。nThree anglesqSuperior:opposite to the 2nd rib qInferior:opposite to the 7th ribqLateral:glenoid cavity关节关节盂盂 2.The scapula The scapula 肩胛骨肩胛骨Three angles2.The scapula 肩胛骨9文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。nTwo surfacesqAnterior surface:subscapular fossa肩胛下窝肩胛下窝qPosterior surface:1.supraspinous fossa冈上窝冈上窝2.infraspinous fossa冈下窝冈下窝3.spine of scapula 肩胛冈肩胛冈4.acromion 肩峰肩峰2.TheThe scapula scapula 肩胛骨肩胛骨2.The scapula 肩胛骨10文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。nThe humerus is the longest and largest bone of the upper limb.It has a body and two ends.nUpper end:1.head of humerus肱骨头肱骨头2.anatomical neck解剖颈解剖颈3.greater and lesser tubercles大、小结节大、小结节4.surgical neck 外科颈外科颈1.The humerus humerus 肱骨肱骨(二)(二)The bones of free upper limbs The humerus is the longest an11文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。骨科重要体表标志TheBonesofLimbs培训ppt课件12文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。nShaft:1.deltoid tuberosity 三角肌粗隆三角肌粗隆2.sulcus for radial nerve 桡神经沟桡神经沟1.The humerus humerus 肱骨肱骨Shaft:1.The humerus 肱骨13文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。骨科重要体表标志TheBonesofLimbs培训ppt课件14文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。Lower end:1.capitulum 肱骨小头肱骨小头2.trochlea 肱骨滑车肱骨滑车3.coranoid fossa 冠突窝冠突窝4.radial fossa 桡窝桡窝 5.olecranon fossa鹰嘴窝鹰嘴窝 6.lateral and medial epicondyles内、外上髁内、外上髁 7.sulcus for ulnar nerve 尺神尺神经沟经沟1.The humerus humerus 肱骨肱骨Lower end:1.The humerus 肱骨15文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。nThe radius is the lateral bone of the two in the forearm.It has a shaft and two ends.nUpper end:1.head of radius桡骨头桡骨头2.neck of radius桡骨颈桡骨颈nLower end:1.styloid process 桡骨茎突桡骨茎突2.ulnar notch尺切迹尺切迹 3.carpal articular surface腕关节面腕关节面2.The radiusradius 桡骨桡骨The radius is the lateral bone16文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。Fracture of the distal end of the radius Fracture of the distal end of 17文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。nThe ulna lies medial to the radius in the forearm.It is also a long bone with two ends and a shaft.nUpper end:1.olecranon鹰嘴鹰嘴 2.coronoid process 冠突冠突3.trochlear notch滑车切迹滑车切迹 nLower end 1.styloid process 尺骨茎突尺骨茎突2.head of ulna 尺骨头尺骨头 3.The ulnarulnar 尺尺骨骨The ulna lies medial to the ra18文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。骨科重要体表标志TheBonesofLimbs培训ppt课件19文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。Carpal bones 腕骨腕骨n舟月三角豆舟月三角豆n大小头状钩大小头状钩Metacarpal bones掌骨掌骨Phalanges of fingers 指骨指骨Carpal bones 腕骨Metacarpal bone20文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。二、二、The bones of Lower Limb The lower limb which is similar to the upper,is connected to the trunk by a girdle,the pelvic girdle,the free lower limb is divided into three segments,the thigh,the leg and the foot.二、The bones of Lower Limb 21文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。The pelvic girdle is formed by a hip bone髋骨髋骨on each side.The bone of the thigh is the femur股骨股骨.The bones of the leg are the medial tibia胫骨胫骨 and the lateral fibula腓骨腓骨.The bones of the foot are composed of three parts,the tarsal bones跗骨跗骨,the metatarsal bones跖骨跖骨,the phalanges 趾骨趾骨二、二、The bones of Lower Limb The pelvic girdle i22文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。Hip Hip bone The hip bone of a newborn consists of three components:ilium髂骨髂骨,ischium坐骨坐骨,pubis耻骨耻骨(一)一)The pelvic girdle下肢带骨下肢带骨Hip bone The hip bone of a new23文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。骨科重要体表标志TheBonesofLimbs培训ppt课件24文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。qBody of ilium 髂骨体髂骨体 qAla of ilium 髂骨翼髂骨翼1.iliac crest 髂嵴髂嵴2.anterior superior iliac spine 髂前上棘髂前上棘3.anterior inferior iliac spine 髂前下棘髂前下棘4.tubercle of iliac crest髂结节髂结节1.The ilium髂骨髂骨1.The ilium髂骨25文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。5.posterior superior iliac spine 髂后上棘髂后上棘6.posterior inferior iliac spine 髂后下棘髂后下棘7.greater sciatic notch 坐骨大坐骨大切迹切迹8.iliac fossa 髂窝髂窝9.arcuate line弓状线弓状线1.The ilium髂骨髂骨posterior superior iliac spine26文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。2.The ischium 坐骨坐骨qBody of ischium 坐骨体坐骨体,ischial spine坐骨棘坐骨棘,lesser sciatic notch 坐骨小切迹坐骨小切迹qRamus of ischium 坐骨支坐骨支,ischial tuberosity 坐骨结节坐骨结节2.The ischium 坐骨27文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。3.The pubis 耻骨耻骨1.Body of pubis 耻骨体耻骨体2.iliopubic eminence 髂耻隆起髂耻隆起3.Superior ramus of pubis 耻骨上耻骨上支支:4.pecten of pubis 耻骨梳耻骨梳5.pubic tubercle 耻骨结节耻骨结节6.pubic crest 耻骨嵴耻骨嵴7.symphysial surface耻骨联合面耻骨联合面8.Inferior ramus of pubis耻骨下支耻骨下支9.obturator foramen 闭孔闭孔 3.The pubis 耻骨28文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。nAcetabulum 髋臼髋臼formed by bodies of ischium,ilium and pubis Lunate surface月状面月状面,acetabular fossa髋臼窝髋臼窝,acetabular notch髋臼切髋臼切迹迹Acetabulum 髋臼formed by bodies29文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。1.The femur 股骨股骨 The femur is the longest and heaviest bone in the body and consists of a shaft and two ends(二二)The bones of free Lower Limb 1.The femur 股骨 The30文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。nUpper end:1.femoral head股骨头股骨头2.fovea of femoral head 股骨头凹股骨头凹3.neck of femur 股骨颈股骨颈4.greater trochanter 大转子大转子5.lesser trochanter 小转子小转子6.intertrochanteric line 转子间线转子间线7.intertrochanteric crest 转子间嵴转子间嵴 1.The femur 股骨股骨 1.The femur 股骨31文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。Fracture of the femoral neckFracture of the femoral neck32文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。nShaft:1.linea aspera 粗线粗线2.gluteal tuberosity 臀肌粗臀肌粗隆隆3.pectineal line耻骨肌线耻骨肌线 4.popliteal surface 腘面腘面 1.The femur 股骨股骨Shaft:1.The femur 股骨33文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。nLower end:1.medial and lateral condyles内、内、外侧髁外侧髁2.medial and lateral epicondyles内、外上髁内、外上髁3.adductor tubercle 收肌结节收肌结节4.intercondylar fossa髁间窝髁间窝5.patellar surface髌面髌面 1.The femur 股骨股骨 1.The femur 股骨34文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。The patella is a sesamoid bone,about 5cm in diameter,which is located in the front of the knee joint,embedded in the tendon of the quadriceps femoris.It is a flattend,oval bone with an apex downwards.The posterior surface of the patella contains two articular surfaces for the medial and lateral condyles of the femur.2.The patella髌骨髌骨 The patella is a sesamoid35文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。nThe tibia is the larger and medial bone of the leg.It has a shaft and two ends.nUpper end:1.medial and lateral condyles 内、外侧髁内、外侧髁2.intercondylar eminence 髁髁间隆起间隆起3.fibular articular surface 腓腓关节面关节面4.tuberosity of tibia胫骨粗隆胫骨粗隆 3.The tibia 胫骨胫骨The tibia is the larger and me36文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。nShaft:soleal line 比目鱼肌线比目鱼肌线nLower end:1.fibular notch腓切迹腓切迹2.medial malleolus 内踝内踝3.The tibia 胫骨胫骨Shaft:3.The tibia 胫骨37文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。nThe fibula is located on the lateral side of the tibia.nUpper end:1.fibular head 腓骨头腓骨头,2.neck of fibula 腓骨颈腓骨颈nLower end:lateral malleolus 外踝外踝4.The fibula 腓骨腓骨 The fibula is located on the 38文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。骨科重要体表标志TheBonesofLimbs培训ppt课件39文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。Tarsal bones 跗骨跗骨距跟舟三楔骰距跟舟三楔骰Metatarsal bones 跖骨跖骨Phalanges of toes 趾骨趾骨Tarsal bones 跗骨距跟舟三楔骰Metatar40文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。Questionthe clavicle and the scapula.上页上页下页下页 1What bones make up the shoulder girdle?the hip bone髋骨髋骨,the femur股骨股骨,the tibia胫骨胫骨 the fibula腓骨腓骨,the tarsal bones跗骨跗骨 the metatarsal bones跖骨跖骨,the phalanges趾趾骨骨2 2What bones comprise the lower limb?Questionthe clavicle and the 41文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。Up Summary Up Summary42文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。小结小结 The bones of upper limbs include shoulder girdle上肢带骨上肢带骨and the bones of free upper limb自由上肢骨自由上肢骨.The shoulder girdle consist of the clavicle锁骨锁骨 and the scapula肩胛骨肩胛骨.The bones of free upper limb自由上肢骨自由上肢骨include the bone of upper arm(humerus肱骨肱骨),the bones of the forearm(the radius桡骨桡骨 and ulna尺骨尺骨)and the bones of hand(the carpal bones腕骨腕骨,metacarpal bones 掌骨掌骨 and phalanges指骨指骨)小结 The bones of upper limb43文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。小结小结 The lower limb which is similar to the upper,is connected to the trunk by a girdle,the pelvic girdle,the free lower limb is divided into three segments,the thigh,the leg and the foot.The pelvic girdle is formed by a hip bone髋骨髋骨on each side.The bone of the thigh is the femur股骨股骨.The bones of the leg are the medial tibia胫骨胫骨 and the lateral fibula腓骨腓骨.The bones of the foot are composed of three parts,the tarsal bones跗骨跗骨,the metatarsal bones跖骨跖骨,the phalanges 趾骨趾骨小结 44文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本人删除。End Up Thank you!End Up 45


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