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Unit 12 Fact&FantasyPeriod 1 Warming-up&SpeakingNew words:fantasy n.幻想幻想Jules Verne 儒勒儒勒凡尔纳(法国作家)凡尔纳(法国作家)league n.里格(长度单位)里格(长度单位)distance n.距离距离balloon n.气球气球fiction n.小说小说science fiction 科幻小说科幻小说Scientific Quiz1.What is the highest mountain on earth and how high is it?A.Mt Himalayas,8848 meters.B.Mt Quandary,8852 meters.C.Mt Wilson,8860 meters.2.What is the deepest point in the ocean and where is it?Marianas Trench,in the Western Pacific Ocean.3.Which is the longest river on earth and how long is it?A.Yangtze River,6300 kilometers.B.Nile River,6695 kilometers.C.Amazon River,6,280 kilometers.4.What is the distance from the earth to the moon?What is to Mars?What is it to the nearest star?To the moon:385,000 km To Mars:56 million kmTo Sun:150 million km5.How far is it to the centre of the earth?A.6378 KMB.6500 KMC.5371 KM6.How high are the temperatures near the centre of the earth?B.60000 C.6000 A.6880 7.What is the longest distance around the world?A.About 50077 kmB.About 40077 kmC.About 60077 km8.How fast does a balloon travel?How about an aeroplane?How about a space shuttle?A balloon only travels as fast as the wind blows.The top speed of the aeroplane is 375 miles per hour.In general,the space shuttles top speed is always around 17,500 miles per hour.Science fictionJules Verneimagination,attraction&fantasyFrench writer and pioneer of science fiction.20,000 Leagues Under The SeaAround The World in 80 DaysHave you read any other books of Jules Verne?The Mysterious Island神秘岛神秘岛 The Children of Captain Grant格兰特船长的儿女格兰特船长的儿女Journey to The Center of The Earth 地心游记地心游记Characteristics of science fiction:A type of books thats based on imagined scientific discoveries of the future,and often deals with space travel&life on other planets.Listening1.Write down where,when and what Sam and Betty saw.Fill in the chart on the next page and make a sketch of the animal as they saw.Place:Description:Time:Sketch:Size:a lake11:35more than 20 meters longListening1.Write down where,when and what Sam and Betty saw.Fill in the chart on the next page and make a sketch of the animal as they saw.Description:it looks like the trunk of an elephant,like three round wheels,showing half out of the water,has a long neck with a white ring around it.2.Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions.1.Why does Sam need to know the time?2.What instruments do Sam and Betty use to observe the animal?3.Who will later ask them questions?_ _He thinks other people will ask him later about the time.a telescope and a camerajournalistsscientists4.Write down five possible questions that other people may later ask Sam,Betty and Karen.1._.2._.3._.4._.5._.Can you describe what you saw?Are you sure it is an animal?How big was it?Where did you see it?What time was it when you saw the creature?Useful ExpressionsI believe I doubt It could bebutI suppose Im(not)certain Its likelyIm sure that It would take I cant imagine Speaking1.Life on earth in the future2.Space travel3.Creatures from outer space4.Young foreverTopics Space travelA:I dont believe _.B:Why not?_ago nobody thought it was possible to_.A:_more than _.B:_well be able to develop.Life in 3098A:_ any life on earth in the future.B:Come on.What do you mean?A:_ some terrible disaster.Like _.B:_.Young foreverA:Do you think therell be a time when we can beat all diseases?B:_.A:Doctors may find a way to keep us young forever.B:_.Creatures from outer spaceA:Do you believe _?B:I dont only believe in it,_.A:Do you really?_.B:There are so many stars.Im sure _.homework1.Practice more listening&speaking after class.2.Preview Reading.3.Consult more information about science fiction on the website.


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