Usinglanguage (3)课件

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Using languageListening and speakingMount Kilimanjaro 乞力马札罗山乞力马札罗山 Mount Kilimanjaro乞力马札罗山乞力马札罗山 Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa and the tallest freestanding mountain known to man.It is a mountain where you can hike for more than 90 kilometers,gain 4 000 meters in altitude,traverse rain forest,moorland,alpine desert,snow fields and ice cliffs,all virtually on the equator!A truly unforgettable and fascinating adventure.Tick the statement that are true.1.Barry is blind.2.Barry is between 25-45 years old.3.The blind climbers got assistance from sighted companions.Listening 4.More of the sighted group reached the top of the mountain than those who were blind or weak-sighted.5.Next year Barry is going to climb Mount Qomolangma.In group discuss the following questions.1 What problems do you think the blind and weak-sighted climbers might have had?2 In what ways do you think the sighted climbers helped them?With your partner create dialogues for the following situations.Offer congratulations and best wishes to your partner.Using expressions like the ones below.Congratulations.All the best.Im proud of you.I wish you success.Good luck.Well done.Im very impressed by your performance.You have my best wishes.Im very pleased for you.I hope it goes well for you.Thats wonderful/amazing.B:Congratulations on your graduation certificate.A:Thanks.And I was told youve invented a new computer game.B:Yes,a company has decided to buy it from me.A:Thats amazing.Good luck to you.B:Thanks.A sample of offering wishes and congratulations Give the following two situations for students to practice offering congratulations and best wishes.Situation 1 Your friend is going to take part in the 2005“CCTV Cup”English Speaking Contest.Situation 2 Your friend has won the first prize in the 2005“CCTV Cup”English Speaking Contest.Reading A LETTER TO AN ARCHITECTLook at the pictures.Discuss the problems that people with walking difficulties sometimes have in cinema.1.What is the purpose of the first paragraph of the letter.In the first paragraph Alice tell Ms Sanders she is writing to make suggestions on the easy use of the cinema by disabled customers.2.Why do you think the writer has numbered her suggestions and used italics?This will attract the readers attention and the reader will realize these are important information.3.What is the purpose of the last paragraph?In the last paragraph Alice asks the architect to consider her suggestions.If her suggestions are taken,many people will benefit and the cinema will be praised.A letter of suggestion A letter of suggestion normally has five parts.1.The Heading This includes the address,line by line,with the last line being the date.Skip a line after the heading.Writing 2.The Greeting.The greeting always ends with a comma.The greeting should be formal,beginning with the word dear.3.The body.Also known as the main text.Generally speaking,the body includes three parts.The first part(usually the first paragraph)tells the receiver that you are writing this letter to make suggestions on something,and the main part tells clearly what your suggestions are.The last part(usually the last paragraph)asks the receiver to consider your suggestions.Dont forget to encourage the receiver to take your suggestions.Skipping a line between paragraphs,especially in typed or printed copy,also helps the reader.4.The complimentary close.This short expression is always a few words on a single line.It ends in a comma.The complimentary close begins with a capital letter and ends with a comma.5.The signature line.Type or print your name.The handwritten signature goes above this line and below the close.The signature line and the handwritten signature are indented to the same column as the close.The signature should be written in blue or black ink.Skip from one to three spaces(two on a typewriter),and type in the signature line the printed name of the person signing the letter.Sign the name in the space between the close and the signature line,starting at the left edge of the signature line.The HeadingThe GreetingThe bodyThe complimentary closeThe signature lineA sample of a letter of suggestionMr.Xue Sun LeiChief architect 18 HongyangSupermarket design Yuquan County211 Kangwei Road Yuquan County18 March Dear Mr Xue,I learn from the local news that you are the architect who is to design the supermarket.I am writing to ask you to consider the right of thedisabled for easy access.In particular,I would like you to consider thefollowing things:1.Access to the supermarket for people in wheelchairs and those who have difficulty walking.The lifts should be wide enough for the wheelchairs to move around.The entrance should be suitable for wheelchairs on the ground floor.There should be special entry for people for the blind.2.Toilets.There should be special toilets for the disabled.The bathrooms and toilets should have doorways wide enough for a wheelchair,doors that are easy to open and close,and hand-holds that the disabled can easily use.3.Telephones should be easy for a person in a wheelchair to reach.Generally speaking,a supermarket is so big that it is difficult for one,especially one in a wheelchair to find what one needs.So telephones should be easy to reach for a person in a wheelchair so that he can call the staff for help.4.Shelves.When designing the shelves,the disabled should be taken into consideration.Safety should come first.Thank you for reading my letter.I hope you will consider my suggestions.Disabled people should have the same opportunity as able-bodied people to enjoy thesupermarket and they should be able to do so with dignity.It is very important to use various forms of technology which can assist individuals with various types of disabilities to increases their mobility and independence.I am sure if you design it with good access for the disabled,the supermarket will attract more customers and people will speak highly of your design.Yours sincerely,Sunlei


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