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Unit4 Whats the best movie thester?SectionAJohnTomJerryJerry is taller than John.Tom is taller than Jerry.Who is the tallest of them?Tom is the tallest.Pan Changjiang is funnier than Li yong.Zhao Benshan is funnier than Pan Changjiang.Who is the funniest?Zhao Benshan is the funniest.JimmyTedTimshort shorter shortestSusanSallyMollylong hair longer hair longest hairNo,thats David.Adam is thinner than David.DavidJameMaryfat fatter fattestthin thinner thinnest¥50¥80¥100expensive more expensive most expensivecheap cheaper cheapest形容词形容词的比较级和最高级的构成方式:1.一般比较级多在原形上加-er,最高级加-est.e.g.high higher highest RememberRemember2.辅音字母加y结尾时去y变i再加ereg.heavy heavier heaviest3.以不发音的e结尾时加r/st.eg.fine finer finest4.重读闭音节结尾的词,如末尾是一个辅音字母,双写这个辅音字母,再加-er/est.eg.big bigger biggest5.多音节词和部分双音节词在词前加more或mostEg.beautiful more beautiful most beautiful6.不规则adj的比较级与最高级如下:原级比较级最高级goodbetterbestbadworseworstmany/muchmoremostoldolder/elderoldest/eldestlittlelessleastHeng Dian CinemaZuo An CinemaShen Li Cinemahas comfortable seats.has more comfortable seats.has the most comfortable seats.Shen Li Cinema Zuo An cinema Heng Dian CinemaWhich cinema has the most comfortable seats?has friendly service.has friendlier service.has the friendliest service.Heng Dian Cinema Zuo An CinemaShen Li CinemaWhich cinema has the friendliest service?¥35¥30¥25is cheap.is cheaper.is the cheapest.Heng Dian Cinema Zuo An CinemaShen Li CinemaWhich cinema is the cheapest?is popular.is more popular.is the most popular.Zuo An CinemaHeng Dian CinemaWhich cinema is the most popular?Shen Li Cinemahas a big screen.Zuo An CinemaHeng Dian Cinemahas a bigger screen.has the biggest screen.Shen Li Cinema Which cinema has the biggest screen?closecloserthe closestZuo an Cinema Shen Li CinemaHeng Dian CinemaWhich cinema is the closest to home?How do you choose a cinema to go to?Which is important?Which is not important?comfortable seatsbig screenfriendly servicenew moviesdistance from home in a fun part of townpopularcheap ticketsNot importantImportantcomfortable seatsbest soundnew moviesbig screensclose to homebuy tickets quicklyHow do you choose which movie theater How do you choose which movie theater to go to?Write the things in the box.to go to?Write the things in the box.popularcheap1amovie theaterMovie WorldMovie theaterTown cinemaScreen cityMovie world电影院电影院城镇电影院城镇电影院大屏幕影视城大屏幕影视城电影世界电影世界Listen and match the statements with the movie theaters.1bQualitiesMovie theatersIt has the biggest screens.Its the most popular near here.Its the closest to home.Town CinemaIt has the shortest waiting time.It has the best sounds.It has the most comfortable seats.Movie WorldScreen CityTown CinemaScreen CityMovie WorldWhats the best movie theater?Sun Cinema.Its the cheapest.1cBut I think Moon Theater has the most comfortable seats.Practice the conversation.Then talk about the movie theaters you know.Listen to a reporter interviewing a boy.Circle the boys answers.2aGreen City Survey1.Which is the best clothes store?a.Millers b.Blue Moon c.Dream Clothes2.Which is the best radio station?a.970 AM b.97.9 FM c.107.9 FM Millers Blue Moon Dream Clothes_ Its the most expensive._ It has the best clothes._ Its the worst store._ You can buy clothes the most cheaply there.Blue MoonMillersDream Clothes Listen again.Write the correct store or radio station next to each statement.Millers2b970 AM 97.9 FM 107.9 FM_ It has the worst music._ They play the most boring songs._ The DJs choose songs the most carefully._ Its the most popular.970 AM97.9 FM107.9 FM97.9 FMStudent A,you are the reporter.Student B,you are the student.Role-play a conversation.Sure.Hello!Im a reporter.Can I ask you some questions?2cI think Millers is the best.Whats the best clothes store in town?Well,Millers has Why do you think so?1.What is the newest cinema?_2.How does Helen like it?_ _2dRead the conversation and find the answers to the questions.Its the most comfortable because they have the biggest seats.Sun Cinema.Hi,Im Greg.Im new in town.Hi,Im Helen.Welcome to the neighborhood!How do you like it so far?Role-play the conversation.Im new in town.我新来此处。我新来此处。in town 是一个短语,表示是一个短语,表示“在说话人在说话人所在或所指的城镇所在或所指的城镇”的意思。作这一的意思。作这一用法时,用法时,town不与冠词连用。不与冠词连用。e.g.Whats the best clothes store in town?这城里最好的服装店是哪家?这城里最好的服装店是哪家?写出下列单词的适当形式。写出下列单词的适当形式。1.Which do you think is the _(bad)food store in town?2.Who sings _(good)in your class.3.Jane writes _(carefully)in your class.worstbestmost carefully4.Which store has the _(fresh)fruit in town?freshest写六个句子来说一下你们班的写六个句子来说一下你们班的“最最”。In my class,Lin Tao is the tallest.1.In my class,.


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