SectionA1 (23)课件

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What do you do on weekends?I usually help my parents.prepare for an exammeet my friendsWhat do you do on weekends?Sorry.I have the flu.I have to go to the doctor.Lets go hiking tomorrow.Match the phrases with the pictures(a-e).1a1.prepare for an exam my parents _ae3.go to the doctor my friend _5.have the flu _dbcListen and write the names(Tim,Kay,Anna and Wilson)next to the correct students in the picture.1bAnna Tim Kay Wilson A:Can you come to my party?B:Sure,Id love to.Sorry,I cant.I have to A:Can you play basketball with us?B:Sorry,I cant.I have to study for a testB:Sorry,I cant.I have to go to the doctorA:Can you?visit my friendA:Can you?B:Sorry,I cant.I have to go to the concertCan you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?Sure,Id love to.1cYou are the students in the picture.Student A,invite three students to your party.Student B,C and D,give answers.Sorry,I cant.I have to prepare for an exam.Im sorry,too.I must go to the doctor.Listen and circle can or cant.2a1.Jeff(can/cant)go to the party.2.Mary(can/cant)go to the party.3.May(can/cant)go to the party.4.Mei Ling(can/cant)go to the party.5.Paul(can/cant)go to the party.Listen again.Who cant go to the party?Why?Complete the chart.NamesReasonsJeffHe might have to meet his friend.May She has the flu.Mei LingShe must study for a math test.2bLook at the reason in the chart in 2b.Write some more.Then,Student A,invite your partner to do something.Student B,say you cant go and why.1.too much homework2._3._4._2cHey,Dave.Can you go to the movies on Saturday?Im sorry,Im not available.I have too much homework this weekend.Thats too bad.Maybe another time.Sure,Joe.Thanks for asking.1.What did they do last fall?2.What does Nick have to do on Saturday?3.When will they hang out?2dRead the conversation and answer the questions.They went bike riding.Nick has to prepare for an exam.On Monday night.Hey!Nick,can you come to my house on Saturday?Oh,Sam!I remember we went bike riding together last fall when Role-play the conversation.1.Sam isnt leaving until next Wednesday.在英语中在英语中,not until 是一个常见句是一个常见句型型,表示表示“直到直到才才”。在口语中。在口语中,还可使用还可使用till代替代替until,构成构成not until结构。结构。e.g.Dont leave todays work till tomorrow.不要把今天的事留到明天去做。不要把今天的事留到明天去做。I didnt go to bed last night until past midnight.昨晚我过了午夜昨晚我过了午夜12点才睡。点才睡。2.Catch you on Monday!礼拜一见!礼拜一见!这是英语中道别的又一种说法,相当这是英语中道别的又一种说法,相当于于See you on Monday!类似的说法还类似的说法还有有:Catch/See you later!(回头见!回头见!)假设你将于这个周末过生日,并开一假设你将于这个周末过生日,并开一个生日聚会,你邀请朋友们参加你的聚会,个生日聚会,你邀请朋友们参加你的聚会,但有几名同学因故不能来,请你将与他们但有几名同学因故不能来,请你将与他们的对话用英语写出来。的对话用英语写出来。


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