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Paragraph Translation2014-06-09Paragraph Translation2014-06-0新改革后翻译题型新改革后翻译题型:段落翻译(汉译英)段落翻译(汉译英)测试学生把汉语所承载的信息用英语表达出 来的能力。分值比例:15%考试时间:30分钟。内容:中国历史、文化、经济、社会发展 长度:140-160个汉字;新改革后翻译题型:段落翻译(汉译英)测试学生把汉14分档(分档(13-15分):分):11分档(分档(10-12分):分):8分档(分档(7-9分)分):5分档(分档(4-6分):分):2分档(分档(1-3分):分):0分:分:译文准确表达了原文的意思。用词贴切,行文流畅,基本译文准确表达了原文的意思。用词贴切,行文流畅,基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。译文基本上表达了原文的意思。文字基本通顺、连贯,无译文基本上表达了原文的意思。文字基本通顺、连贯,无重大语言错误。重大语言错误。译文勉强表达了原文的意思。用词欠准确,语言错误相当译文勉强表达了原文的意思。用词欠准确,语言错误相当多,其中有些是严重语言错误。多,其中有些是严重语言错误。译文仅表达了一小部分原文的意思。用词不准确,有相当译文仅表达了一小部分原文的意思。用词不准确,有相当多的严重语言错误。多的严重语言错误。译文支离破碎。除个别词语或句子,绝大部分文字没有表译文支离破碎。除个别词语或句子,绝大部分文字没有表达原文意思。达原文意思。未作答,或只有几个孤立的词,或译文与原文毫不相关。未作答,或只有几个孤立的词,或译文与原文毫不相关。14分档(13-15分):译文准确表达了原文的意思。用词贴切原文原文(CET 4:2014-1)许多人喜欢中餐。许多人喜欢中餐。/在中国,烹饪在中国,烹饪不仅不仅被视为一被视为一种技能,种技能,而且而且也被视为一种艺术。也被视为一种艺术。/精心准备的精心准备的中餐中餐即即可口可口又又好看。好看。/烹饪技艺和配料在中国各烹饪技艺和配料在中国各地地差别差别很大。很大。/但好的烹饪都但好的烹饪都有一个共同点有一个共同点,/总是要总是要考虑到考虑到颜色、味道、口感和营养颜色、味道、口感和营养(nutrition)。/由于由于食物对健康至关重要,食物对健康至关重要,/好的厨师好的厨师总是努力总是努力在谷物、肉类和蔬菜之间在谷物、肉类和蔬菜之间取得平衡取得平衡,/所以所以中餐中餐既味美又健康。既味美又健康。原文(CET 4:2014-1)许多人喜欢中餐。/在中国,14分档分档 Many people enjoy Chinese food.In China,cooking is not only viewed as a skill but also regarded as a form of art.A carefully-prepared Chinese dinner can be both tasty and good-looking.While cooking skills and the ingredients differ largely from place to place in China,fine cooking always has something in common,that is the consideration of color,flavor,taste and nutrition.Since food is vital to the health,a fine cook is always trying to achieve a balance among cereals,meat and vegetables.Therefore,the Chinese food is both delicious and healthy.Next 14分档 Many people enjoy Ch11分档分档 Many people like Chinese food.In China,cooking is regarded not only as a kind of skill but also as a kind of art.Chinese food,which is prepared carefully,is both delicious and good-looking.Cooking skills and ingredients differ greatly from place to place in China.However,good cooking shares one thing in common:color,taste,feel and nutrition are always under consideration.Since food is of vital importance to health,good cooks are always trying to be balanced with grain,meat and vegetables.As a result,Chinese food is delicious and healthy.Next 11分档 Many people like Chi8分档分档 Many people love Chinese food.In China,cooking is not only regarded a kind of skill,but also art.Well-prepared Chinese dishes taste good besides look good.There is big different in cooking skills and ingredients between different parts of China.But one thing which is common in good dishes is that they all consider about the color,the tasting and the nutrition.As food is so important to health,good cookers always try to make a balance between corn,meat and vegetables.As a result,Chinese dishes are delicious and healthy.Next 8分档 Many people love Chines5分档分档 Many people like Chinese food.Cooking is not only a skill but also it is a kind of art.It is delicious and beautiful that Chinese meals are careful prepared.It is differently in cooking and material beside in Chinese.But,good meals have a common point which color teast and nutrition are though about.Then a good cooker is always trying their best to blance it from meat vegetables and so on.Therefore,Chinese food is delicious and heathy.Next 5分档 Many people like Chi2分档分档 Many people like Chinese food.In China,not only a technolege make food,and also an artist.Good food is eated fine and seems fine.How make food and make the food need what is defferent in defferent place in China.But make good food just only think the foods colour taste,feel make people and nutrition.Food is importand for health,so good people that make food is use more power for better on meat and vagitable,so Chinese food is taste good and more health.Next 2分档 Many people like Chi原文:原文:许多人喜欢中餐。许多人喜欢中餐。在中国,烹饪不仅被视为在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一种技能,而且也被视为一种技能,而且也被视为一种艺术。一种艺术。精心准备的中精心准备的中餐即可口又好看。餐即可口又好看。烹饪技烹饪技艺和配料在中国各地差别艺和配料在中国各地差别很大。很大。但好的烹饪都有一但好的烹饪都有一个共同点,总是要考虑到个共同点,总是要考虑到颜色、味道、口感和营养颜色、味道、口感和营养(nutritionnutrition)。)。由于食由于食物对健康至关重要,好的物对健康至关重要,好的厨师总是努力在谷物、肉厨师总是努力在谷物、肉类和蔬菜之间取得平衡,类和蔬菜之间取得平衡,所以中餐既味美又健康。所以中餐既味美又健康。译文:译文:Many people enjoy Chinese food.Cooking is looked upon as an art as well as a skill in China.A carefully prepared Chinese dish is not only delicious to eat but also beautiful to look at.Cooking techniques and ingredients vary widely across the country.But good cooking does have something in common.It always takes into account color,flavor,taste and nutrition.As food is vital to health,good cooks always strive to strike a balance among grains,meats and vegetables,so Chinese dishes are both delicious and healthy.Next原文:译文:Next汉译英解题方法汉译英解题方法1.1.阅读原文,理解原文,获得总体印象。阅读原文,理解原文,获得总体印象。2.2.处理原文句子,处理原文句子,正确断句正确断句,合句合句,找准主语找准主语。理解文。理解文 中的语言现象和逻辑关系中的语言现象和逻辑关系,注意汉英两种语言的不同不同表达习惯表达习惯,综合翻译技巧进行翻译。3.3.修改,对译文修正、加工、润饰。修改,对译文修正、加工、润饰。1)对照原文,一句一句修改,看原文内容、思想是否准 确表达出来;有无漏译、错译、曲解的地方;译文语 言是否通顺。2)脱离原文,反复阅读后进行修改,看上下文有无不连 接的地方,前后有无矛盾、重复的地方、有无逻辑不 通的地方。Next汉译英解题方法1.阅读原文,理解原文,获得总体印象汉语汉语VSVS英语英语 不同表达习惯不同表达习惯英语看逻辑,汉语看意思;英语重结构,汉语重语义;英语多长句,汉语多短句;英语多从句,汉语多分句;英语多被动,汉语多主动;英语多抽象,汉语多具体;英语多引申,汉语多推理;主语、宾语等名词成分中,英语多代词,汉语多名词。Back汉语VS英语 不同表达习惯英语看逻辑,汉语看意思;常用翻译技巧常用翻译技巧直译和意译相结合直译和意译相结合;词类和语态的转换词类和语态的转换;无主句与有主句的转换无主句与有主句的转换;短句与长句的转换短句与长句的转换;句子成分顺序的调换句子成分顺序的调换;注意上下文的连接注意上下文的连接;Next常用翻译技巧直译和意译相结合;Next直译和意译相结合直译和意译相结合直译直译是既保持原文内容、又保持原文形式,基本保留原有 句子结构,不是死译。意译意译,也称为自由翻译,它是只保持原文内容、不保持原 文形式,更多考虑英语的特点。Our friends are all over the world.We have friends all over the world.(直译)(意译)直译与意译相互关联,互为补充,两种译法可以并用。直译与意译相互关联,互为补充,两种译法可以并用。e.g.我们的朋友遍天下。Back直译和意译相结合直译是既保持原文内容、又保持原文形式,基本保词类和语态的转换词类和语态的转换 1.在汉英翻译中可进行各种词类的转换:在汉英翻译中可进行各种词类的转换:例如:汉语动词转换成英语名词、形容词,汉语形容词 或副词转换成英语名词等等。如果运用得当,既可使译文通顺流畅,也能反映出英语的风格特点。1 1)他的演讲给我们的印象很深。)他的演讲给我们的印象很深。2 2)你说他傻不傻?)你说他傻不傻?His speech impressed us deeply.(名词变动词)Dont you think he is an idiot?(形容词变名词)NextIt not only generates such a new form of education as“virtual universities”but turns“lifelong learning”into a workable project.它不仅生成了它不仅生成了“网络大学网络大学”这样的新的教育形式,而且也使这样的新的教育形式,而且也使“终身教育终身教育”具有可操作性具有可操作性。形容词变名词形容词变名词 a workable project词类和语态的转换 1.在汉英翻译中可进行各种词类的转换:12.在汉英翻译中可进行语态的转换:在汉英翻译中可进行语态的转换:中文中文中常常使用主动语态主动语态,英语英语中常常使用被动语态被动语态,所以有的时候转换一下语态会使译文更加地道流畅。原文:有些老人因害怕死亡而烦恼。原文:有些老人因害怕死亡而烦恼。(B3 U4 Para.6)译文:译文:Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death.原文:原文:老师教导我老师教导我,要学到东西就得扔掉课本和笔记本,要学到东西就得扔掉课本和笔记本这些不过是记忆工具的东西,要依赖我们与生俱来的本这些不过是记忆工具的东西,要依赖我们与生俱来的本领进行批判性思考。领进行批判性思考。译文:译文:I was taught that to learn anything,one had to throw away textbooks and notebooks mere memory tools and instead rely on ones native ability to think critically.Back2.在汉英翻译中可进行语态的转换:原文:有些老人因害怕死亡无主句与有主句的转换无主句与有主句的转换汉语的主语经常省略,但在英语中,主语必须出现,否则句子不完整,语法不够规范。原句:不能否认这样一个事实:武汉目前并非是一个让原句:不能否认这样一个事实:武汉目前并非是一个让我们满意的城市。我们满意的城市。译文:We cannot deny the fact that Wuhan,at the moment,is not a satisfied city as we expected.原句:大家普遍承认人是社会性的动物。原句:大家普遍承认人是社会性的动物。译文:It is commonly recognized that humans are social animals.Back无主句与有主句的转换汉语的主语经常省略,但在英语中,主语必须 短句与长句的转换短句与长句的转换 原文:但好的烹饪都有一个共同点,总是要考虑到颜原文:但好的烹饪都有一个共同点,总是要考虑到颜 色、味道、口感和营养(色、味道、口感和营养(nutrition)。)。译文:But good cooking does have something in common.It always takes into account color,flavor,taste and nutrition.原文:从书店和图书馆带一些书是轻而易举的。然而,原文:从书店和图书馆带一些书是轻而易举的。然而,从书中学到知识,并把这些知识从书中学到知识,并把这些知识 运用到实践中运用到实践中 去,就不是简单的事情了。去,就不是简单的事情了。译文:It is very easy to bring some books from bookstores and libraries,but to learn the knowledge in the books and put the knowledge into practice is by no means an easy job.Back 短句与长句的转换 原文:但好的烹饪都有一个共同点,总是要考句子成分顺序的调换句子成分顺序的调换 原文:在日常生活中,他们原文:在日常生活中,他们并非并非追求激情浪漫,追求激情浪漫,而是而是实践实践着着“付出付出”和和“分享分享”。译文:They practiced giving and sharing in their daily life instead of pursuing passion and romance.原文:订婚不久,姨夫就去参军了。原文:订婚不久,姨夫就去参军了。译文:Uncle Robert joined the army shortly after they were engaged.Back句子成分顺序的调换 原文:在日常生活中,他们并非追求激情浪漫注意上下文的连接注意上下文的连接 中文由意义关联,形式上关系比较松散;英文则是形式关联,句子成分主次分明,前后语法关系一目了然。原文:我建议老人们少操心儿女们的生活,给儿女们足原文:我建议老人们少操心儿女们的生活,给儿女们足够的空间让他们负责自己的生活。够的空间让他们负责自己的生活。译文:I suggest the old concern themselves less with their children and make room for young people to take responsibility for their own lives.在翻译的时候需要注意一下中英文之间的区别。有的时候需要把前面提到的主语换成代词,有的时候需要增加连词来表示转折、并列等等。Back注意上下文的连接 中文由意义关联,形式上关系比较松散;Bac中文句子通常比较短小,逗号使用较多,且逗号可连续使用。而英文中则经常出现由并列结构和主从结构所构成的长句,逗号不可以随意使用。这时需要注意所译英文句子不要因中文影响而出现残句或粘连句。e.g.1)原文:我收到了。译文:Ihavereceived.(残句)正确译文:Ihavereceivedit.2)原文:玛丽五年前住在旧金山,在那儿她写了三本小说。译文:MarylivedinSanFranciscofiveyearsago,there she wrotethreenovels.(粘连句)正确译文:MarylivedinSanFranciscofiveyearsago,andthere shewrotethreenovelsNext中文句子通常比较短小,逗号使用较多,且逗号可连续Next我们以往所准备的倒装句、虚拟语气、分词、从句等仍然有用武之地。只要增加阅读量,积累文化背景知识,熟练掌握四级大纲规定的词汇、词组、语法知识,活学活用,我们就不会被千变万化的题型吓倒,所谓“万变不离其宗”就是这个道理。Next我们以往所准备的倒装句、虚拟语气、分词、从Next需要注意的是,在完成这部分题目时,考生也必须注意避免如字迹潦草、书写不规范、拼写错误等问题。目前,全国越来越多的四、六级考试阅卷点已经采用电子阅卷,即将主观题试卷扫描后在电脑上进行阅卷,因此,考生在完成主观题时必须特别注意字迹清晰工整,避免不必要的丢分。Next需要注意的是,在完成这部分题目时,考生也Next常用的翻译模板句:常用的翻译模板句:1._ has/enjoys a history of _.(用于介绍历史)(用于介绍历史)2._ was popular/widespread.(用于介绍流行程度)(用于介绍流行程度)3._ be used to do sth.(表示用途)(表示用途)4._ stand for/symbolize/signify _.(某物象征了(某物象征了)5._ is given as a present to sb.(馈赠)(馈赠)6._ is well-known as/famous for/noted for_.(以(以著称著称/有名)有名)7._ start/begin/run from to _ (从(从延续到延续到)Next常用的翻译模板句:Next B3 U1As is commonly acknowledged/It is commonly recognized that humans are social animals.Bonded together in a community,we naturally expect to have friends.As to what friendship is,people have different notions/ideas.Some make friends for mutual utility.Once the ground for such friendship disappears the friendship also breaks up.However,a lot of people long for“soul pals”those who possess virtues and with whom we can go through trials and tribulations together.Such friendships keep us away from greed and violence and encourage us to have the courage of our convictions.Such is what we call“true and perfect friendship”.Next B3 U2After dinner,we all sat around the hearth.Aunt Susan was still in the grief of losing Uncle Robert.In her soft voice she told us about their past years.Uncle Robert joined the army shortly after they were engaged.Given the critical situation at the time when lots of army men didnt return alive,you can imagine how much overjoyed Aunt Susan was to see Uncle Robert come back safe and sound from the European battlefield.Then they got married and brought up five children.For all those years,their affection for each other grew stronger in the course of overcoming difficulties and hardships in life.I was fascinated by Aunt Susans story,which was totally different from my ideal of love.They practiced giving and sharing in their daily life instead of pursuing passion and romance.Amazingly,such love lasted through their whole life.NextB3 U2After dinner,we all sat B3 U4Retirement brings peoples career to an end.They find,all of a sudden,that they can no more/longer carry on the job they have done for dozens of years.Some old people cannot adapt themselves to such a change and thus become depressed,believing that they are no longer useful.Indeed,depression has become one of the leading threats to old peoples health.Nonetheless,many old people in China are able to maintain their sense of usefulness by rendering their grown-up children services,such as taking care of their grandchildren and providing allowances to them.The question remains as to whether senior citizens should try other means to fill up their leisure,rendering their later years still more meaningful.I suggest the old concern themselves less with their children and make room for young people to take responsibility for their own lives.After all,the old deserve respect from the young and the young should tolerate their aged parents more,on the grounds that the old have contributed so much for so many years both to their family and to society.NextB3 U4Retirement brings people B3 U5Scientific development has brought about global changes in educational thought.It not only generates such a new form of education as“virtual universities”but turns“lifelong learning”into a workable project.In addition,people today seem to be in favor of practical knowledge.But whatever changes there might have been,education must stick its classic role:to enlighten learners.Confronted with the new problems of this century,we still expect that education should put more emphasis on cultivating learners competence to think critically and to work collaboratively/with team spirit.Furthermore,we hope that education will take the responsibility of promoting traditional virtues by guiding learners to dispense with negative desire like geed,lust and violence.Next BB3 U6Once transplanted abroad,people will feel anxious and even lose the capacity to deal with daily routines./This problem is attributed to the disappearance of the surroundings/we have been used to.Then,what should we do/so as to change the life styles and patterns built up in us/over so many years?First,we should be more tolerant towards people/with cultural backgrounds different from ours.To get over frustrations caused by culture shock,/we should try to adapt ourselves to the new environment/and get along with our workmates harmoniously./Furthermore,we should never identify a person with the nationality/he represents or proceed to hate the persons culture/only because we dont like him./In fact,to preserve our national culture is not to resist foreign ones.B3 U6Once transplanted abroad,B3 U8In the modern society,how does competition work in combination with cooperation?/Firstly,scarcity leads to competition./Players of the same football team compete for slots on the team,/and this team competes against other teams for victory./In a work place,colleagues compete for higher positions./And also in business,firms become rivals for more consumers and a bigger market share.But meanwhile competition is inseparable from cooperation./Players have to cooperate efficiently with one another to win thechampionships for their team./Colleagues have to cooperate to accomplish their shared task./Firms try their best to cooperate to lobby the agencies of business administration for the greatest privileges./All in all,individuals as well as teams are subjected to both competition and cooperation./The two together nourish the social development/so that we can enjoy a more prosperous and harmonious world.B3 U8In the modern society,hoThank You!Thank You!


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