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资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。一、电一、电路分析路分析一、一、电电路分析路分析1 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。机器机器电路板分布路板分布总览03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.2主开关电源板主开关电源板控制板控制板监测板监测板电源板电源板2电源板电源板1机器机器电电路板分布路板分布总览总览12/08/2023Training do2 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。安全安全监控通路示意控通路示意图03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.3安全安全监监控通路示意控通路示意图图12/08/2023Training do3 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。电路框路框图03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.4电电路框路框图图12/08/2023Training documen4资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。二、二、水路分析水路分析二、水路分析二、水路分析5 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.6机器内部结构总览机器内部结构总览进水层进水层透析液层透析液层超滤层超滤层主板层主板层12/08/2023Training document,n6 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.7TTSHE水路图总览水路图总览水路图可分成六个节段:1、进水节段进水节段2、除气和加热节段除气和加热节段3、配比透析液节段配比透析液节段4、平衡腔容量控制节段平衡腔容量控制节段5、超滤控制节段超滤控制节段6、冲洗桥节段冲洗桥节段12/08/2023Training document,n7 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.8进水节段,除气和加热节段进水节段,除气和加热节段进水口排水口TTSHE12/08/2023Training document,n8 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.9水箱水箱填充水箱,整个压力通路通畅高水位触点 关闭进水阀门低水位触点 自动停止加热,泵停转中水位(低于高位触点)打开进水阀门注意:浮球上的三角标识指示装配方向经除气和加热后的反渗水反渗水高水位限位圈12/08/2023Training document,n9 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.10 去除气和加热节段经除气和加热后的反渗水除气和加热后的反渗水部分溢流至3/2部分去配比透析液阶段反渗水进水水箱水箱进水减压阀控制进水箱反渗水压力不高于1.3Bar12/08/2023Training document,n10 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.11进水、水箱和正压泵进水、水箱和正压泵FPE通过水箱内液位传感器NSVB延时控制进水电磁阀 VVBE。延时的程度依据透析液流速确定。12/08/2023Training document,n11 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.12除气温度传感器的定标除气温度传感器的定标两个温度传感器 TSE 和 TSHE 必须同时被定标.TSHE 必须串联到 TSE后面(如图)。定标仪表也必须串联在水路中。12/08/2023Training document,n12 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.13 T TSHE TSE TSD T T温度控制温度控制-辅助传感器辅助传感器因为水箱里的水温变化较大,故此需要三个温度传感器控制加热器以使透析液温度达到稳定状态。TSHE:进加热器前温度传感器TSE:除气温度传感器TSD:透析液温度传感器 12/08/2023Training document,n13 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.14进水层进水层 除气节段(除气泵 EP,除气室 EK,除气压力传感器 PE,除气比例阀 RVE).除气部分的部件位于机器底部进水层.12/08/2023Training document,n14 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.15配比透析液节段配比透析液节段进水口进水口排水口排水口BicconcentrateB液液acidicconcentrateA液液TTSHE1.3Bar12/08/2023Training document,n15 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.16配比透析液(选配了干粉筒支架的水路图)配比透析液(选配了干粉筒支架的水路图)Bicconcentrateacidicconcentratecartridge holderTTSHE12/08/2023Training document,n16 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.17配比透析液(使用干粉筒的水路图)配比透析液(使用干粉筒的水路图)A液液Bic 干粉筒干粉筒TTSHE12/08/2023Training document,n17 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.18配比透析液层配比透析液层12/08/2023Training document,n18 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.19平衡腔容量平衡平衡腔容量平衡 1阶段阶段正压泵正压泵平衡腔平衡腔空气分离室空气分离室负压泵负压泵超滤泵超滤泵BLDPDA12/08/2023Training document,n19 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.20 平衡腔容量平衡平衡腔容量平衡 2阶段阶段正压泵正压泵空气分离室空气分离室负压泵负压泵超滤泵超滤泵平衡腔平衡腔BLDPDA12/08/2023Training document,n20 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.21持续监测平衡腔膜片位置持续监测平衡腔膜片位置 持续控制持续控制透析器内没有压力突变透析器内没有压力突变 超滤平稳并且避免了平衡腔切换时产生反超超滤平稳并且避免了平衡腔切换时产生反超透析液持续不断(包括液流切换时刻)透析液持续不断(包括液流切换时刻)维持住弥散压力可带来更好的治疗效果维持住弥散压力可带来更好的治疗效果(K*t/V值值)对膜片、阀门和泵都有保护作用对膜片、阀门和泵都有保护作用 延长配件寿命延长配件寿命Dialog 平衡腔控制系统的优点平衡腔控制系统的优点Dialog+Wettbewerb12/08/2023Training document,n21 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.22平衡腔平衡腔透析液透析液dialyser透析器透析器用后透析液用后透析液+超滤液超滤液12/08/2023Training document,n22 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.23主水路主水路/旁路旁路12/08/2023Training document,n23 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.24主水路主水路/旁路旁路12/08/2023Training document,n24 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.25主水路主水路/旁路旁路净的透析液净的透析液废液:废液:透析液透析液+超滤液超滤液通向除气部分通向除气部分透析器透析器12/08/2023Training document,n25 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.26消毒循环回路消毒循环回路water inletdialysate outlet消毒液消毒液通大气通大气软管软管TTSHE12/08/2023Training document,n26 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.27冲洗桥冲洗桥12/08/2023Training document,n27 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.28消毒液循环回路消毒液循环回路12/08/2023Training document,n28 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.29消毒阀消毒阀 12/08/2023Training document,n29 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.30消毒液经消毒液经消毒阀被吸消毒阀被吸进透析机的过程进透析机的过程通大气的端口透析液管路消毒液12/08/2023Training document,n30 Authors:Guenter NissenHeiko Riemenschneider资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。03/07/2024Training document,no update service.This document may not be copied,partly or whole,or made be accessible to third parties without our permission and remains the property of B.Braun Medizintechnologie GmbH with all rights.31停吸消毒液后,残留消毒液经消毒阀落回消毒液桶的过程停吸消毒液后,残留消毒液经消毒阀落回消毒液桶的过程通大气的端口消毒液透析液管路 12/08/2023Training document,n31


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