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Spanish Flu王乾坤Spanish Flu王乾坤1.2.3.4.CONTENTSThe source of the name Duration and ProcessCountermeasure(对策)and ResultEtiology(病源)of Spanish Flu21.2.3.4.CONTENTSThe source of With masks over their faces,members of the American Red Cross remove a victim of the Spanish Flu from a house.3With masks over their faces,meSoldiers who showed signs of flu were quarantined(隔离).4Soldiers who showed signs of fPeople infected with Spanish flu in hospital.5People infected with Spanish fWhy we called it Spanish flu?This flu outbroke in America,but 8 million Spanish were infected with it,even the king of the Spanish.So we called it Spanish flu.1.The source of the name Q:A:6Why we called it Spanish flu?TThree waves of Spanish fluMarch,1918 January,1919 1 August,1918 November,19182Winter,1919 March,192032.Duration and Process7Three waves of Spanish fluMarcMarch,1918the 1st Wave(March,1918January,1919)April,1918June,1918January,1919May,1918US armyFrance army,British armyItaly,Spanish,Germany,Africa,IndiaUK,Russia,China,Philippines and New ZealandAustralia8March,1918the 1st Wave(March,19patientHeadacheMuscular soreness(肌肉无力)High feverInappetence(厌食)9patientHeadacheMuscular sorenAugust,1918the 2nd Wave(August,1918November,1918)August 27th,1918November,1918September,1918West AfricaAmerica and FranchAmerica and Europethe whole world10August,1918the 2nd Wave(AugustSouth AmericaNorth AmericaChinaAsiaAfricaOceaniaEuropeWorldwide Diffusion of Spanish Flu Second Wave:Autumn,1918111South AmericaNorth AmericaChin25/1000=2.5%0.1%2040 years oldDeaths per 1,000 personsSpecific death rate(死亡专率)1225/1000=2.5%0.1%2040 yearWinter,1919The 3rd Wave(Winter,1919March,1920)March,1920Break out in many places all over the worldDisappear mysteriously13Winter,1919The 3rd Wave(WinterSpanish Flu in ChinaShanghaiKwangtungNortheast,ChinaJapanBeijingDiffusion of Spanish Flu in ChinaSichuang14KwangtungNortheastShanghaiSichuanSpanish Flu in ChinaShanghaiKw救治时疫之布告 冯秉乾 定邑城乡内外,近来疫症流行。由于天时亢旱,井河饮料不清,加以人民习惯,多不讲究卫生,以致酿成疾病,性命危在俄顷。民生疾苦如此,本县轸念殊深,特与医家考证,厥病是为风瘟。主治宜银翘散,有无咳嗽须分。药味照方加减,初起服之极灵。兹将各方列后,布告县属人民,凡有患此病者,不及延请医生,赶紧照方买药,连服自可安宁。方药并非贵品,万勿吝惜钱文,须知身命要紧,不可迷信求神,妄食香灰神水,转致误害己身。按照清洁方法,大家认真实行,既于卫生有益,病患自然除根。务望通人达士,解说不借口唇,使彼无知乡愚,俾得一体遵循。申报1918年11月6日A notice writted by Feng Bingqian,an officer of Dinghai county(定海县).Spanish flua kind of medicine,Yinqiao Powderinfluenza15救治时疫之布告 A notice writted by F32123use air cleanerpeople without mask was avoidedpolicemen with masks in Seattle3.Countermeasure and Result16132123use air cleanerpeople wit465456get a flu shotwork in the outdoorpray to God1745465456get a flu shotwork in thSpanish Flu VS the World War18Spanish Flu VS the World War18In 1933,Spanish flu virus was found.Scientists named it H1N1.H1N1 virus of 1918 flu with a microscope 4.Etiology(病源)of Spanish Flu19H1N1 virus In 1933,Spanish flu virus was H:Hemagglutinin(血球凝集素)H1 H15N:Neuraminidase(神经氨)N1 N9such as H5N1,H7N9.two kinds of antigen(protein)microstructure of H1N120H:Hemagglutinin(血球凝集素)H1 H21The Next Time,When and Where?21The Next Time,When and WhereTHANKS22THANKS22


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