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Period 1Oxford EnglishModule 3 Things we do8Seeing the doctor Seeing the doctor Module 3 Things we doPeriod 1Oxford EnglishModule 3What does he/she do?jobsLook and sayWhat does he/she do?jobsLook aThink and sayhospitalbusycarefulillnesspatienthelpfulThink and sayhospitalbusycarefThink and answer1.Do you sometimes see the doctor?2.How do you feel when you see the doctor?3.Why do you see the doctor?4.Do you want to be a doctor when you grow up?Think and answer1.Do you someDifferent doctorsa dentista vetLook and learnDifferent doctorsa dentista veWhat is wrong with them?Look and thinkWhat is wrong with them?Look ahave a coldget a coldhave a runny nosehave a coughhave a coldget a coldhave a ruhave a headachebackacheacheearachestomach achehave a headachebackacheacheearhave a toothachehave a toothachehave a feverget a feverthermometerice packhave a feverget a feverthermomillnessillnessWhat is wrong with Kitty?Look and answerWhat is wrong with Kitty?Look 1.What is Kitty doing?She is seeing the doctor.2.How is Kitty?She feels sick.Look and answer1.What is Kitty doing?She is 沪教牛津版小学英语五年级下册课件Unit-9-Seeing-the-doctor第一课时沪教牛津版小学英语五年级下册课件Unit-9-Seeing-the-doctor第一课时沪教牛津版小学英语五年级下册课件Unit-9-Seeing-the-doctor第一课时What is wrong with?has a JoeMikeMiss BlackAsk and answerWhat is wrong with?JoeMikeMi沪教牛津版小学英语五年级下册课件Unit-9-Seeing-the-doctor第一课时You should take some medicine.You shouldnt go to bed late.You should drink more water.You shouldnt eat ice cream.You should take a bath.You shouldnt play outside.You should have a good rest.You shouldnt watch too much TV.Look and readYou should take some medicine.shouldshouldntDrink more water.Take some medicine.Take a cold bath.Go to bed early.Match and sayshouldshouldntDrink more wateWatch too much TV.Play outside for hours.See the doctor.Use the ice pack.shouldshouldntMatch and sayWatch too much TV.Play outsideTalk loudly.Keep quiet.Go to bed late.Take some medicine.shouldshouldntMatch and sayTalk loudly.Keep quiet.Go to bEat too much candy.Drink a lot of soft drinks.See the dentist.Brush teeth twice a day.shouldshouldntMatch and sayEat too much candy.Drink a lotThink and completeThink and complete16th Jan.Today Im not feeling _ because I have a _.The doctor tells me that I should _ and _.I shouldnt _ or _.I hope Ill get better soon.Think and write16th Jan.Think and write2nd Apr.I have a _ so I feel _.My friends tell me that I should _ and _.I shouldnt _ or _.I hope Ill get better soon.2nd Apr.Dear _,Im sorry to hear that you have _.I think you should _ and _.You shouldnt _ or _.I hope youll get better soon.Yours,_ Dear _,Say and actWhat is wrong with?has a You should You shouldnt Mimi has a stomach ache so her mum takes her to the hospital.Say and actWhat is wrong with What is wrong with?has a You should You shouldnt Tom is seeing the dentist.Say and actWhat is wrong with?Tom is seThink and summarizeNew wordsNew patternsYou shouldYou shouldntThink and summarizeNew wordsNeHomework1.Read“Listen and say”on Students Book page 58.2.Spell the words on Students Book page 59.3.Make a new dialogue with“should”and“shouldnt”.4.Finish Workbook pages 58 and 60.Homework


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