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Language and CognitionCognitive Linguistics主讲人:Language and CognitionCognitivWhat Is Cognitive Linguistics?oCognitive linguistics is a newly established approach to the study of language that emerged in the 1970s.It is based on human experiences of the world and the way they perceive and conceptualize the world.What Is Cognitive Linguistics?Main Points in Cognitive Linguistics oConstrual and Construal OperationsoCategorizationoImage SchemasoMetaphoroMetonymyoBlending Theory Main Points in Cognitive LinguConstrual and Construal Operations Construal is the ability to conceive and portray the same situation in alternate ways through specificity,different mental scanning,directionality,vantage point,figure-ground segregation,etc.Attention/Salience Judgment/Comparison Perspective/Situatedness Construal and Construal OperatConstrual and Construal Operations:Attention/SalienceoThe operation in salience have to do with our direction of attention towards sth.that is salient to us.oIn cognition,we direct our attention to the activation of conceptual structures.oWe use certain linguistic expressions to provoke certain patterns of activation.Construal and Construal OperatConstrual and Construal Operations:Judgment/ComparisonoThe construal operations of judgment/comparison have to do with judging sth.by comparing it to sth.else.oThe figure-ground alignment apply to space,with the ground as the prepositional object and the preposition expressing the spatial relational configuration.nStatic and dynamic figure/groundoTrajector for a moving figureoLandmark for the ground of a moving figureConstrual and Construal OperatCategorizationCategorization is the process of classifying our experiences into different categories based on commonalities and differences.There are three levels in categories.Basic level Super-ordinate level Subordinate level CategorizationCategorization iMetaphorMetaphor involves the comparison of two concepts in that one is constructed in terms of another.It is often described in terms of a target domain and a source domain.Lakoff and John classify conceptual metaphors into three categories MetaphorThree Categories of MetaphoroOntological metaphors oStructural metaphors oOrientational metaphors Three Categories of MetaphorThree Categories of MetaphoroOntological metaphors nOntological metaphors means that human experiences with physical objects provide the basis for ways of viewing events,activities,emotions,ideas,etc.as entities and substances.Three Categories of MetaphorThree Categories of MetaphoroStructural metaphors nStructural metaphors allow us to go beyond orientation and referring and give us the possibility to structure one concept according to another.Three Categories of MetaphorThree Categories of MetaphoroOrientational metaphors nOrientational metaphors give a concept a spatial orientation Three Categories of MetaphorOrMetonymyMetonymy is defined as a cognitive process in which the vehicle provides mental access to the target within the same domain Two Conceptual ConfigurationsWhole ICM and its part(s)Parts of an ICMMetonymyMetonymy Whole ICM and its part(s)oThing-and-Part ICM oScale ICM oConstitution ICM oEvent ICM oCategory-and-Member ICM oCategory-and-Property ICM oReduction ICM Metonymy Whole ICM and its Metonymy Parts of an ICM oAction ICM oPerception ICM oCausation ICM oProduction ICM oControl ICM oPossession ICM oContainment ICM oLocation ICM oSign and Reference ICMs oModification ICM Metonymy Parts of an ICM ActiWhat Is Cognitive Linguistics?Blending Theory oFauconnier and Turner propose and discuss blending or integration theory,a cognitive operation whereby elements of two or more“mental spaces”are integrated via projection into new,blended space which has its unique structure.Conditions are needed when two input spaces I1 and I2 are blended:nCross-Space Mapping nGeneric Space nBlend nEmergent Structure What Is Cognitive Linguistics?What Is Cognitive Linguistics?Image SchemasoImage schema is a recurring,dynamic pattern of our perceptual interactions and motor programs that gives coherence and structure to our experience.What Is Cognitive Linguistics?What Is Cognitive Linguistics?Image SchemasoA center-periphery schema oA containment schema oA cycle schema oA force schema oA link schema oA part-whole schema oA path schema oA scale schema oA verticality schema What Is Cognitive Linguistics?类属空间 输入空间1 输入空间2 合成空间施事经历者锋利的刀具工作场所程序(目标、方式)角色:外科医生(外科医生身份)角色:病人(病人身份)手术刀手术室目标:康复方式:手术角色:屠夫角色:商品(动物)屠刀屠宰场目标:切肉方式:屠宰外科医生身份病人身份切肉手术刀手术室目标:康复 方式:屠宰不称职类属空间施事角色:外科医生角色:屠夫外科医生身份目标:康复


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