Unit1 (4)课件

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柳江二中柳江二中 吴剑萍吴剑萍 教学目标:教学目标:1.掌握关于天气的单词。掌握关于天气的单词。2.能够对照天气示意图,听懂天气预报。能够对照天气示意图,听懂天气预报。3.能够运用能够运用might/may谈论天气。谈论天气。4.进一步学会倾听及小组合作。进一步学会倾听及小组合作。Listen to the weather song.What words about weather have you got?suncloudrainsnowwind/sni/nyy/klaudi/晴朗的晴朗的 adj.多云的多云的 adj.shower/au/阵雨阵雨 ny/reIni/多雨的多雨的adj.y/ari/st:m/storm暴风雨暴风雨 n./wIndi/多风的多风的adj./snui/多雪的;下雪的多雪的;下雪的 adj.yyy/st:mi/阵雨的阵雨的adj.暴风雨的暴风雨的adj.weathersunnycloudyrainy snowystormywindyshoweryWhats the weather like?Its snowy.shower storm cloudysnowy sunny windyrainy minus mains 负的;零下的负的;零下的degree(s)digri:度;度数度;度数temperature temprit 温度温度Can you read out the temperature?7:seven degrees -2:two degrees -5 8:between minus five and eight degrees.-1 14:between minus one and fourteen degrees 10 21:between ten and twenty one degrees 1720:between seventeen and twenty degrees Whats the temperature in Shanghai?58 Its between five and eight degrees.What will the weather be like in Shanghai?It might/may be windy.Whats the temperature in Xian?-52 Its between minus five and two degrees.What will the weather be like in Xian?It might/may be cloudy.Whats the temperature in Guangzhou?1021 Its between 10 and 21 degrees.What will the weather be like in Guangzhou?It might/may be rainy.snowy-8-2C What will the weather be like?It may/might be snowy.Whats the temperature?Its between minus eight and minus two degrees.City TemperatureWeather Beijing-8-2Shanghai 5 9Xian-5 1Guangzhou 10 21Hong Kong17 20Listen and check()the correct information in the table.City TemperatureWeather Beijing-8-2Shanghai 5 9Xian-5 1Guangzhou 10 21Hong Kong17 20Work in pairs.Correct the wrong information in the table.58-422.Whats the weather like in NewYork in winter?1.Whats the temperature in Beijing?Its between minus eight and minus two degrees.Its snowy.Listen and answer the questionsRead and check()the true sentences.1.Tony and Daming are going to skate.2.Winter is colder in Beijing than in England.3.It sometimes snows in England in winter.4.It is not hot in the US in summer.5.It usually snows in New York in winter.6.Tony does not like windy weather.Make a weather forecast for different cities in China.Use the correct information in the table in Activity 2 to help you.7-124-8-2-3-11-95-1Hainan Island17-22A:What will the weather be like in.?B:It might/may be(rainy,sunny.)A:What will the temperature be in.?B:It might/may be.1.Remember the new words and phrases in the lesson.2.Finish the exercises in the workbook.


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