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Presentationabout chopsticks 1Presentation 1A Special Tableware(餐具)(餐具)-Chopsticks2A Special Tableware(餐具)2Comparison3Comparison3Various types of chopsticksTheme Picture Exhibition4Various types of chopsticksThe55667788991010OutlineA.The general introductionB.How to use chopsticksC.Table taboos while using chopsticksD.Meaning in Chinese history11OutlineThe general introductioThe origin of chopstickl Chopsticks have their beginning in China,which is a great invention of Han people.lThe using history at least 3000 yearslAccording to the archaeologists,ancient Han people used branches from bamboos and other trees to get food.12The origin of chopstick ChopstWho invent chopsticks?No exact answer yet.But there are three legends.(传说)13Who invent chopsticks?No exactJiang Ziya was inspired by the supernatural bird(神鸟)and then invented the chopsticks.14Jiang Ziya was inspired by the In order to amuse(取悦)King Zhou,Daji invented the jade chopsticks.(纣王与妲己)In order to save time when controlled flood,Dayu invented the chopsticks to get the food from the hot pot quickly.(大禹治水为节省时间)15 In order to amuse(取悦)King ZhoThe birth and development of chopstickslIn the Spring and Autumn Period copper(铜)and iron chopsticks l the Han Dynasty chopsticks bamboo chopstickslLater dynasties gold and silver chopsticks lToday chopsticks made of plastic16The birth and development of cTraditional meaning in culturelChopsticks are traditionally given to a daughter when she marries to show that they should have a son very soon.For“chopsticks”in Chinese is pronounced like“quick a son”.lIn China chopsticks are connected with good luck.So on the countrys New Years Eve,many families will lay out new chopsticks at dinners as a way of asking for good luck.17Traditional meaning in cultureLever principle(杠杆原理)杠杆原理)Advantages:take less effort operate flexible18Lever principle(杠杆原理)AdvantageHow to use chopsticks correctly?Using thumb,index and the middle finger to control the chopstick aboveThe chopstick below are supposed to be fixed.Move the chopstick above to get the food19How to use chopsticks correctlWrong gesture20Wrong gesture20禁忌禁忌21禁忌21禁忌禁忌22禁忌22禁忌禁忌23禁忌23禁忌禁忌24禁忌24uMarvelous inventionuA Chinese cuisine culture(饮食文化)revolutionuThe symbol of Chinese civilizationuBenefits to human beings(brain hand)25Marvelous invention25worriesBecause the abuse of disposable chopsticks,a great many of valuable forests have been cut down.Then many environmental problems arise like desertization.26worriesBecause the abuse of diSo how to protect our forests while holding the chopsticks-using tradition?We should use less disposable chopsticks or use recyclable chopsticks like iron or plastic chopsticks.27So how to protect our forests 手下留情 筷子一次性 树木难安宁 劝君手留情 护绿记在心28手下留情 筷子一次性 树木难安宁 劝君手留情 护绿2929


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