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3.新闻标题的写作特点新闻标题的写作特点News Headlines1.Functions of News Headline2.Characteristics of News Headline3.新闻标题的写作特点News Headlines1.F1.Functions of HeadlineslSummarizing the storylArousing the readers interestlBeautifying the newspaper pagelIndicating how much importance each news item has1.Functions of HeadlinesSumma2.The Structure of News HeadlinesnThe general structure of headlines:Headline:the most important informationSub-headline:giving more additional information and supplement more details2.The Structure of News HeadlExample (Sub-headline)Bushs Battle of New Orleans The president stumbles in his initial handling of Katrinas aftermath.But he has a history of righting himself.Example (Sub-headline)Example(Over line/strap line)Business groups say move to ban discrimination on basis of race,gender and disability is bureaucratic threat to free enterpriseSouth Africa National Assembly backs“equality bill”Example(Key words)ROMANIA AND BULGARIAEU may drop need for visasYour examplesExample(Over line/strap line3.Categorization of HeadlineslOne-column headline-streamer/banner 通栏大标题lOne-deck headline-four-deck headline一层题/二层题/四层题lCrossline单行题lflush-left headline靠左齐头形,ldrop-line or indented head 阶梯下坠形,linverted pyramid form倒金子塔形,lcentered headline,ljump head 转页标题l.新闻标题的特点.pdf3.Categorization of Headlines4.The lexical features of headlinesOne-syllable words/short wordsAcronyms 首字母缩略(PM)Abbreviations 缩写词(TV)Journalistic coinageLoanwords4.The lexical features of heaban/bar prohibit(ion),prevent(ion)slam criticizequiz question,interrogateboost promote/promotion,increaseback support,approve ofPM Prime MinisterMP Member of Parliamentban/bar prohibit(ion),pr5.Grammatical Features of News Headlines(1)Omission of link verbs(be),articles(a,an,the),conjunction(and)and auxiliary verbsExample US carmakers ready to cut outputFears that sales of new vehicles may have dropped 15%Example U.S.ATTACKED HIJACKED JETS DESTROY TWIN TOWERS AND HIT PENTAGON IN DAY OF TERROR5.Grammatical Features of NewExample U.S.airborne units on Afghan frontier preparing to strikeExample US,EU charges export rejectedYour examplesExample(2)Present tense(timeliness,vivid and eyewitness)for past eventsExample Foreign ministers stress key issuesKorean Peninsula,Iraq high on the agenda during weekend discussionsExample Brussels sets urgent agenda to pass e-commerce lawsExample Bush taps Roberts as chief justiceYour examples(2)Present tense(timeliness,(3)Infinitives or simple present tense for future eventsExample Republicans to push farm housingExample Japan to help elderly joblessExample Hurricane to hit Gulf CoastYour examples(3)Infinitives or simple pres(4)Phrases as headlines(引用或者套用名言)Example (prepositional phrase)In Search of“Enemies”Violence over the farm invasions intensifies and the president mounts a fierce fight for his political survivalExample (participial phrase)Going beyond traditionsGu blends Chinese calligraphy with Western art(4)Phrases as headlines(引用或者套Example (noun phrase)Hype and Hope for a Royal Baby The media go manic over rumors of an imperial pregnancy.Could an heir revive the dynasty?Example (noun phrase)A generation under academic pressureParents urged to reconsider stress on childrenYour examplesExample (noun phrase)(5)Pre-modificationExample U.S.plans more Taiwan salesExample Foreign automakers rush to oil-rich RussiaExample Shotgun Death Riddle DramaYour examples(5)Pre-modificationExample 6.Basic sentence types of news headlines1.Narrative headlineMan jailed for murderChief Justice Rehnquist diesMove puts pressure on Bush2.Quotation headline“We owe our lives to our pilot”German summit urgent SchmidtPresident:US-China relationships matter3.Interrogative headline Will Clinton and Putin get along?How Did This Happen?(Sep.06,2005,TIME)Your examples6.Basic sentence types of new7.Rhetorical features of headlinesParody(仿拟仿拟):Temporary transformation of allusions,proverbs,famous sayings(New wine in an old bottle)7.Rhetorical features of headParody-吉祥三宝之中国研究生版师兄!哎!论文出来老板看过了吗?看啦!老板看完发到哪里去啦?烂刊!我怎么找也找不到它?没人看啦!论文、烂刊、学生就是吉祥的一家!师姐!哎!论文完成就能毕业吗?等项目结了!项目结了就能答辩吗?Parody-吉祥三宝之中国研究生版师兄!等老板批啦!干完这些老板会多发money吗?你会知道的!老板、项目和money就是吉祥的一家!师妹!啊?学校像太阳照着大家!那老板呢?老板是向日葵紧跟朝令夕改的太阳!那我们呢?我们是绿叶老实工作衬托红花!噢!明白啦!学校、老板和我们就是吉祥如意的一家!等老板批啦!近日,在近日,在350亿美元的股票市值灰飞烟灭亿美元的股票市值灰飞烟灭5年之后,美国安然公司的前年之后,美国安然公司的前董事长和首席执行官终于被送上了审判台,但追究他们的刑事责任并非董事长和首席执行官终于被送上了审判台,但追究他们的刑事责任并非易事易事难就难在两位老大没有留下亲笔批示,命令手下造假。这是难就难在两位老大没有留下亲笔批示,命令手下造假。这是一场考验耐心和智慧的控辩,也是一次对人性贪婪的审判一场考验耐心和智慧的控辩,也是一次对人性贪婪的审判撼山易,撼董事长难撼山易,撼董事长难谈安然两位老大受审 在一个接一个的公司丑闻中,我们常常会看到这样一种状况:高超的斗争艺术,被美国公司高管运用到自保中。包括券商在内的许多美国大公司,干了许多坏事和丑事,但倒霉受罚的都是下面的普通工作人员,很少触及高管,董事长更是高高在上,非常安全。确实,撼山易,撼董事长难。究其原因,是公司高管层层设防,有许多绝缘层。更何况,南方周末2006.05.11 近日,在350亿美元的股票市值灰飞烟灭5年之后,美国安然公Example:A Tale of Two Debtors “There is no practice more dangerous than that of borrowing money”,advised George Washington.The great man couldnt tell a lie,yet while his saying is true,if it were taken too literally capitalism would grind to a halt.For the Japanese government to borrow money,pots of it,to try to revive the worlds second largest economy has surely made sense.And in America,the worlds largest economy,it has surely made sense for Americas new private caped crusaders to borrow money,pots of it,to invest in search of profit.A Tale of Two Cities by Charles DickensExample:Example:Candidate in the WindHow a wavering Hillary Rodham Clinton finally decided to declare Well,its about the time.Yesterday,Hillary Rodham Clinton turned the longest-running unofficial campaign in political soap-opera history into something real.She is now an actual,for the record,read-my-lips candidate for the U.S.Senate from New York.Candle in the Wind by Elton John in memory of Lady Diana SpencerExample:Example:TO SAVE OR NOT TO SAVE Uncle Sam sends the wrong message.Why is the personal savings rate in the U.S.so low?Conventional wisdom says its because many people earn just enough to get by.Example:The Immigrants Dilemma:To Boycott or Not to Boycott?A split is growing over how militant the upcoming Day Without Immigrants should be.(TIME April 18,2006)Example:Example:Do as the Maoris do UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan does the“hongi”,a traditional Maori greeting with Maori Affairs Minister Dover Samuels while meeting the cabinet in Wellington yesterday.Annan is on an official visit to New Zealand.(Feb24,2000 China Daily)Example:英语报刊新闻标题的特点课件(2)Metaphor(隐喻):Example:AFP(法新社)(法新社)under fire over Vietnam drug arrestFrom The Sydney Morning Herald.Australian Federal Police are facing fresh controversy over their policy of giving information to foreign police in cases that could end in the death penalty.Sydney gambler Huu Trinh faces death by firing squad for heroin trafficking after being arrested by Vietnamese police working in co-operation with the AFP.(2)Metaphor(隐喻):Example:(3)Rhyme&alliterationlAfter the boom everything is gloom.lWeather worries.lPeis pyramids puzzle Paris.lCredit Craze.(Citibank gives green lights to issue credit cards in China.)(3)Rhyme&alliterationAfter t(4)PunlBurning questions on tunnel safety unanswered(About the possibility of fires in the Channel tunnel.)lReturn to gender(About a reoccurrence of sexual harassment in London post offices.)(4)PunBurning questions on tulThe pun in this case is in the words burning questions.The questions are about fires,hence burning questions,but burning question is another way of saying an important or urgent question.lThe term gender has to do with male and female;and the newspaper article in question deals with the return of tension in the working relationship of men and women in London post offices.The headline is a pun on the instruction Return to sender,which is stamped on letters that cannot be delivered and must be sent back to the people who wrote them.The pun in this case is in theExample:Colin Powells swan-song view of the world A winter storm greeted Colin Powell on Monday as he made his last trip to Israel and the occupied territories as US secretary of state.His was the first visit in a string of Western foreign ministers,all eager to seize the new opportunity to advance the peace process caused by the death of Yasser Arafat.Unlike so often in the past,Powell realised the limited goals set for him.Your examplesExample:8.Comparison of news headlines between Chinese and Englishl中文标题常为多层式,注重“全体性”(totality),能较完整得囊括新闻内容l英文标题多位单层式,注重“重点化”(accentuation),只概括新闻中的某一点8.Comparison of news headline哥伦比亚解体坠毁美国宇航局证实七名宇航员全部遇难官方成没有迹象表明与恐怖活动有关7 Astronauts die as shuttle breaks apartSpace Shuttle Colombia Confirmed Destroyed Without Survivors哥伦比亚解体坠毁l中文标题常以动词开头,常用形容词或是副词加以修饰。l英文标题几乎从不以动词开头,为了追求准确简洁客观很少用形容词及副词l总结历史经验,开辟辉煌未来l扫黄打非坚持不懈,集中行动全面展开l承德地区双拥丰富多彩中文标题常以动词开头,常用形容词或是副词加以修饰。我们的共同目标我们的共同目标!追求人生的美好!我们的共同目标!追求人生的美好!


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