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Lets enjoy a video.Lets enjoy a video.1 I love Childrens Day in China.But Childrens Day is different around the world.Unit11 Childrens dayPeriod 2 I love Childrens Day in Ch2最新牛津上海版(深圳)四年级英语下册Unit-11Childrens-Day(第二课时)公开课课件3Task1:Read fast and find out:Which countries Childrens Day are they?Tips for you:You dont need to read all of it.Pictures are important.Get the key words.Task1:Read fast and find out:4InIndia,ChildrensDayisonNovember14th.Itswarm.Somechildrenliketogotothebeachandswim.SomechildrenliketotakephotoswhentheyvisitTajMahal.Tips for you:Underline your answers!Task2:Read and answer the questions.In India,Childrens Day is 5TajMahalTajMahalthesevenwondersoftheworldthesevenwondersoftheworldTaj Mahalthe seven wonders of 6InCanada,ChildrensDayisonNovember20th.Itscoldandsnowy.Childrenliketomakeasnowmanandhaveasnowfight.ChildrengotoCanadaPlace.Theycanseeamoviethere.Task3:Read and ask your friend questions about the Childrens Day.In Canada,Childrens Day i7coldandsnowycoldandsnowymakeasnowmanmakeasnowmanhaveasnowfighthaveasnowfightcold and snowymake a snowmanha8CanadaPlaceCanadaPlaceseeIMAXmovieseeIMAXmovieCanada Placesee IMAX movie9Do they have the same Childrens Day?NovemberNovember What are the differences?Childrens days are different but children in both countries can enjoy the Childrens day!Do they have the same Children10InThailand,ChildrensDayisonthesecondSaturdayofJanuary.Theweatheriscool.Childrenliketoridetheelephant.AndtheycanvisittheGrandPalace.Iftheyrelucky,theycanhaveatalkwiththeking.Task4:Read and tell the Childrens Day.In Thailand,Childrens Day 11the second Saturday of JanuaryChildrens Day in Thailand is on the second Saturday of January.Childrens Day in Thailand the second Saturday of January12theKingridetheelephantvisittheGrandPalacethe Kingride the elephantvisit13Task5:Choose your favorite Childrens Day.Draw your own mind map and introduce your favorite Childrens Day to us.Task5:Choose your favorite Ch14Task6:Discussion:Why you like the Childrens Day in _?Because_.Task6:Discussion:Why you like 15No matter who you are,where you are,find the differences in the world,enjoy the differences!Childrens Day is different around the world.No matter who you are,where y16Homework:1.Tell your parents the Childrens Days you learn.2.Search more information about Childrens Day around the world.Homework:1.Tell your parents 17最新牛津上海版(深圳)四年级英语下册Unit-11Childrens-Day(第二课时)公开课课件18


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