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冀教起始版冀教起始版 初中八年级(上)初中八年级(上)(Unit 6)Unit 6I Love Learning EnglishWe Will LearnFunctions Describing Language Difficulties in CommunicationGrammar Past ParticiplesStructures be interested in encourage to do keep/stop doing look upLesson 41A Phone Friend学会与人交流,讲礼貌。学会与人交流,讲礼貌。了解过去分词。了解过去分词。Learning Aims知识目标:知识目标:学会本课单词及词汇。学会本课单词及词汇。能力目标:能力目标:情感目标:情感目标:How often do you make phone calls to your friends?Is it hard to understand your friends when they speak English?Chat ShowideaphonefollowrepeatsentenceunderstandVocabularyencourageListeningW:Li Ming,you have many friends who speak English.I dont have any.I would love to speak English with your friends.L:I have an idea.Lets phone Jenny.You can speak English with her.W:Im scared.L:Dont be scared.Jenny will love talking with you.Li Ming looks at his watch.Its nine oclock in the morning.In Canada,its early in the evening.Jenny wont be in bed yet.Li Ming phones Jenny.L:Hello,may I please speak to Jenny?J:This is Jenny speaking.Is that you,Li Ming?How are you?L:Fine!I have a friend who would like to speak to you.J:OK!No problem.W:Hello!My name is Wang Mei.J:Hi,Wang Mei.Li Ming has told me a lot about you.W:Im sorry,I cant follow you.Please say that again.J:Li Ming has told me a lot about you.W:Thank you.Now I understand.J:You speak English very well.W:Pardon?Please speak more slowly.Jenny speaks more slowly.She and Wang Mei have a good talk.Now Wang Mei has an English-speaking friend!【自动播放】QuestionsWhen do they make a telephone?Whats the time in Canada now?Can Wang Mei follow Jennywhen they are talking?Language Points1.Lets phone Jenny.让我们给詹妮打电话。phone sb.意为“给某人打电话给某人打电话”。phone用作动词时,意为“打电话打电话”。如:Kate telephoned/phoned/rang(up)/called her elder brother Jim last night.凯特昨天晚上给她的哥哥吉姆打了个电话。关于打电话的表达方式有很多,除此关于打电话的表达方式有很多,除此之外,还可用之外,还可用call sb.,telephone sb.,ring sb.,ring sb.up等。等。(电话中电话中)Who is this?你是谁?This is Peter.我是彼得。Is that Lucy?你是露西吗?Yes,this is.是的,我是。在英语中,当打电话、敲门等双方不是在英语中,当打电话、敲门等双方不是面对面的情况下,回答谁是谁,不能用面对面的情况下,回答谁是谁,不能用“who”或或“I”等。等。问用问用“that”,答用,答用“this”。例如:。例如:Exercises1.My brother is very clever,and he is full of good _(想法).2.My parents always _(鼓励)me to study hard for my future.I.根据句意及汉语提示,完成下列句子。根据句意及汉语提示,完成下列句子。ideasencourage3.Danny,please dont _(重复)the same mistake.4.These English _(句子)are very hard for me,but I have to recite them.repeatsentences1.It isnt easy _(understand)your friends when they speak English.2.Pardon?Please say it _(slow).II.用所给单词的适当形式填空。用所给单词的适当形式填空。to understandmore slowly3.Hello,this is Li Ming _(speak).4.What does your mother often ask you_(do)after school?5.Dont be _(scare).We can help you.speakingto doscared1.The students have a get-together once a year.(对划线部分提问)_ _ do the students have a get-together?III.句型转换,每空一词。句型转换,每空一词。How often2.I have learnt some English songs.(改为否定句)I _ _ _ English songs.3.We cant follow you.Please say that again.(改为同义句)We cant _ you.Please _ what you said.havent learnt anyunderstandrepeat1.me,would,speak,with,you,2.love,to,English_?2.English,they,in,a,have,talk,good_.IV.连词成句。连词成句。Would you love to speak English with meThey have a good talk in English3.made,to,yesterday,a,call,phone,he,me_.4.to,may,Tom,I,speak_?5.friend,Jack,love,with,will,talking,new,his_.Jack will love talking with his new friendHe made a phone call to me yesterdayMay I speak to Tom Try to use the expressions you learned in this lesson and give a phone call to your good friend.Homework


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