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Do you know any of the planets in the solar system?Please at least give an example.The sun,the moon and the earth all belong to the solar system.介词,后跟名次或代词的宾格介词,后跟名次或代词的宾格=be ones(名词性物代)名词性物代)Lesson 27 Planet Danny unit 5 Look into scienceLearning Aims:lTo understand the meaning of the dialogue.lTo remember and use the language points Reading Task One Look through the dialogue and finish Exercise One on Page71.1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.FReading Task TwoRead the dialogue silently and finish Exercise Three on Page71.3 Minsthrough end stars discoverReading Task ThreeRead the dialogue silently again,try to circle the phrases,at the same time underline the sentences that you cant understand.3 Mins1.He looks through the telescope.他穿过望远镜看了看。through 介词 从内部或空间穿过across 介词 从表面经过或越过 Dont run _ the street,its dangerous.The sunlight shines into the room _the window.acrossthrough点点 击击 中中 考考2.The sun is shining.The stars come out at night.太阳正照射着大地。星星在晚上才出来。太阳正照射着大地。星星在晚上才出来。雨停后太阳出来了。雨停后太阳出来了。The rain stopped and the sun _.这本杂志每月出版一次。这本杂志每月出版一次。The magazine _ once a e out出现;出版;开花came outcomes out3.Its worth a try,even if I dont find a planet.即使我没有找到一颗行星,它还是值得一试的。即使我没有找到一颗行星,它还是值得一试的。这家博物馆值得一参观。这家博物馆值得一参观。The museum _.be worth a try值得一试is worth a visit/visitingbe worth doing sth.值得做某事这部电影值得一看这部电影值得一看。The film _.is worth seeing即使4.Danny hoped to discover a new planet.丹尼希望发现一颗新的行星丹尼希望发现一颗新的行星。希望做希望做 hope to do希望某人做希望某人做 hope that sb.+V 容易实现的愿望容易实现的愿望希望某人做希望某人做 wish Sb.to do wish that Sb.+V(-ed)这是虚拟语气,指难以实这是虚拟语气,指难以实现的愿望现的愿望直直击击中中考考1.He _ to win the match this morning.2.He _ us to win the match this morning.hopedwishedLanguage points透过/通过看;浏览出来,出版出来,出版属于某人属于某人值得做某事值得做某事即使,纵然即使,纵然在晚上在晚上look throughcome outbelong tobe worth doingeven if/even thoughat night1.-Will his new novel _ in October this year?A.come from B.come out C.come back D.come over2.The book you used just now _ Lily.A.belong B.belong to C.belongs to D.belonging to3.我爸爸睡前喜欢浏览报纸。My father likes _ newspaper before going to bed.4.除非你努力工作,否则你赶不上其他人。You cant catch up with others _ you work hard.Blooking throughCunless闯闯关关开开始始1.This film is worth _(see),isnt it?2.His new novel _(出版)next month.3.We all _(希望)us to get a high mark.4.Lucy _(希望)to go abroad(出国)5.This bike _(属于)Lily.(变同义句)This bike _ _.seeingwill come outwishhopesbelongs tois Lilys


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