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外语教学与研究出版社外语教学与研究出版社外语教学与研究出版社外语教学与研究出版社FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESSFOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS新概念英语新概念英语青少版青少版新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件外语教学与研究出版社新概念英语青少版新概念英语青少版1A uJUNIOR NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH 1AUnit 8 A bump in the night!By Judy新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件JUNIOR NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH Wheres she from?Wheres she from?She is from England.Is she English?No,she isnt.Shes American.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件Wheres she from?Wheres she fAre you Chinese?Yes,I am.No,Im not.Im American.Is he English or American?He is American.Wheres she from?新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件Are you Chinese?Is he English 表示国籍的词表示国籍的词Im a Chinese student.Im an English student.Hes an American doctor.Shes an English teacher.Hes a French cook.Shes an English writer.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件表示国籍的词Im a Chinese student.新概形容词形容词Im a tall Chinese student.Im a short English student.Hes a young American doctor.Shes an old English teacher.Hes a fat French cook.Shes a pretty English writer.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件形容词Im a tall Chinese student.There be+人或物人或物+名词名词There be句型,句型,表示什么地方表示什么地方有有什么东西什么东西。onin under behind在什么地方在什么地方表示表示“有有”新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件There be+人或物+There is a small ball in the box.A small ball is in the box.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件There is a small ball in the bThere is a yellow ruler in the pencil-box.A yellow ruler is in the pencil-box.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件There is a yellow ruler in theThere is a book under the chair.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件There is a book under the chThere is a white ball on the desk.There is a book on the desk.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件There is a white ball on the There is a man under the tree.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件There is a man under the treThere is a cat under the tree.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件There is a cat under the tree.There are two dogs under the tree.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件There are two dogs under the tthere 是个近视眼。新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件therethere 是个近视眼。新概念英语青少版1A uThere is a cat and two dogs under the tree.There are two dogs and a cat under the tree.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件There is a cat and two dogs unBe动词,有三个,动词,有三个,am,is还有还有are。“There be”真特别,不留真特别,不留am只留俩,只留俩,那就是那就是is还有还有are。要用要用is还是还是are,须看其后的名词是单数还是复数。,须看其后的名词是单数还是复数。若是单数或不可数名词用若是单数或不可数名词用is,否则就用,否则就用are。新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件Be动词,有三个,am,is还有are。新概念英语青少版1AThere _ a yellow ruler and five pencils in the pencil-box.isThere _ five pencils and a yellow ruler in the pencil-box.are新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件There _ a yellow ruler and There _ a desk and fifty-five chairs in the classroom.A.are B.is 新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件There _ a desk and fifty-fThere _ fifty-five chairs and a desk in the classroom.A.are B.is 新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件There _ fifty-five chairs There is an apple on the chair.请使用There be-描述下图新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件 There is an apple on the chaiThere is a ball in the basket.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件There is a ball in the basket.There are two apples on the chair.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件There are two apples on the chThere is a pencil in the pencil-box.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件There is a pencil in the penciThere are three books on the desk.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件There are three books on the dThere is a toy bear in the box.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件There is a toy bear in the boxThere are two apples in the plate.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件There are two apples in the plThere are two boys under the tree.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件There are two boys 新概念英语青少版1A There is a boy and a girl under the tree.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件There is a boy and a girl undeThere be有特点,主语放在有特点,主语放在be后面,后面,单数主语用单数主语用is,复数主语要用,复数主语要用are。变否定很简单,变否定很简单,be后要把后要把not添。添。变疑问也不难,把变疑问也不难,把be提到提到there前。前。否定疑问否定疑问any换,就近原则多多练。换,就近原则多多练。There be 口诀新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件There be有特点,主语放在be后面,There be 4.There be 句型的否定形式:只要在 be 动 词后面加 not 即可,但要注意的是句中的 some 改成 any.1)There is a knife in the kitchen.否定否定:There is not a knife in the kitchen.2)There are five apples on the tree.否定否定:There are not five apples on the tree.3)There is some ink in the bottle.否定否定:There is not any ink in the bottle.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件4.There be 句型的否定形式:只要在 be 动新概6.在“There be.”的一般疑问句中,要把 Be 动词放在 there 之前,并将句号变问号。肯定回答为:Yes,there is/are.否定回答为:No,there isnt/arent.1)There are five pens on the desk.Are there five pens on the desk?Yes,there are./No,there arent.2)There is some water in the cup.Is there any water in the cup?Yes,there is./No,there arent.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件6.在“There be.”的一般疑问句中,要把 Unit 8 A bump in the night!新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件Unit 8 A bump in the night!新概living-room新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件living-room新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 Abed-roombed-room新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件bed-roombed-room新概念英语青少版1A unikitchenkitchen新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件kitchenkitchen 新概念英语青少版1A unit Listen!Theres a noise in the living-room.Its a burglar!A burglar?Nonsense!Theres=There is 表示表示“有有”祈使句祈使句在客厅里在客厅里Its=It is盗贼盗贼胡说!废话!胡说!废话!表示强烈不满!表示强烈不满!新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件Listen!Theres a noise in theYoure right!Theres a noise in the kitchen now!It is a burglar!Theres a torch here.Give me the torch,please.There be句型,表示什么地方有什么东西。句型,表示什么地方有什么东西。重读,表强调。重读,表强调。手电筒手电筒=Give the torch to me.新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件Youre right!There be 句型,表示什么地方Here it is.It is here.这,给你。Please be careful!祈使句,加上please更礼貌.There is someone downstairs.Im wide-awake,I dont know who?某个人。某个人。楼下楼下反义词:反义词:upstairswide-awake=very much awake 非常清醒非常清醒新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件Here it is.It is here.这,给Claire Jenkins family新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件Claire Jenkins family新概念英语青少版1pretty clever nice an art student 新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件pretty clever nice an art studAmerican EnglishWhere?新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件American EnglishWhere?新概念英语青少版新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in thexpensive car 新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件expensive car 新概念英语青少版1A unit handsome?pretty beautifulhusband 新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件handsome?pretty beautifulhusb“oa”的读音的读音新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件“oa”的读音新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bucoat新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件coat新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump iboat新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件boat新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump isoap新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件soap新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump igoat新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件goat新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump ifloat新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件float新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump toad新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件toad新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump iroad新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件road新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump iloan新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件loan新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump i1昆虫最初驾驭“风帆”在水面上滑行,后来逐步从滑行演变到在空中飞行。2蜉蝣有翅后即升空飞行,虽然飞行的时间不长,但由此实现了生命的延续。3昆虫翅膀的剖面,上端弯曲,下端平直,这可以使空气流过翼面时产生升力。4昆虫利用碳水化合物和脂肪作为“燃料”,从而大大提高了飞行的“经济性”。5昆虫是地球上规模最为庞大的飞行者家族,很多昆虫都具有长途迁徙的能力。6老者认为有了机械之类的东西必定会出现机巧之类的事,有了机巧之类的事必定会出现机变之类的心思,这是道家的思想观点。7子贡回到鲁国,把遇见老者的事告诉孔子,孔子对老者的话不以为然。新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件新概念英语青少版1A unit 8 A bump in the night PPT名师课件1昆虫最初驾驭“风帆”在水面上滑行,后来逐步从滑行演变到在


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