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9B Unit 1 AsiaReading 2Two cities in China9B Unit 1 AsiaReading 2Two citUseful Phrases1.中国首都中国首都 2.在在中间中间3.过去常做过去常做4.观看国旗的升起观看国旗的升起5.在自然景观中在自然景观中 6.每隔几百米每隔几百米7.7.奇迹之一奇迹之一 the capital of Chinain the middle of.used to do watch the raising of thenational flagin a natural landscapeevery few hundred metresone of the wondersUseful Phrases1.中国首都 the capi8.位于位于的两边的两边 9.以不同形状耸立着以不同形状耸立着 10.向下悬垂(倒挂)向下悬垂(倒挂)11.被赞为被赞为12.沿着沿着乘船旅行乘船旅行Useful Phraseslie on the two sides of.stand in different shapeshang downbe praised astake a boat trip along.13.变成变成14.值得参观值得参观15.在在.西北西北16.在中国北部在中国北部17.向上指着向上指着turn intobe worth a visitin the north-west ofin the north ofpoint upwards8.位于的两边 Useful Phraseslie oRevision1)Who once lived in the Forbidden City?2)Why do many tourists go to Tiananmen Square early in the morning every day?3)Where is the Summer Palace?4)What is Wei Kes favorite attraction?The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties.They gather there to watch the raising of the national flag.Its in the north-west of Beijing.The Great Wall.RevisionWho once lived in the Revision5)Why was the Great Wall built in ancient times?6)Is Guilin in the north or south of China?7)Are there mountains and rivers in Guilin?8)How can you travel in Guilin?It was built to protect the country.Its in the south of China.Yes,they are.You can take a boat trip and you can also ride a bicycle to travel around it.Revision5)Why was the Great WKevin:Have you ever visited the Palace Museum,Daniel?Daniel:Yes,of course.It was a(1)_ for two(2)_twenty-four Chinese emperors once lived there.Kevin:Can we go inside the Palace Museum?Daniel:Certainly.Its now open to the public as a (3)_.Kevin:The Summer Palace was also a palace for the emperors in the past,wasnt it?Daniel:Yes.It was a nice place for the emperors to spend B2 Kevin is asking Daniel about Beijing.Complete their conversation with the words in the box.dynasties gather museum palace raising summer wonderpalacedynasties museumKevin:Have you ever visited t the(4)_.Kevin:Have you ever seen the(5)_ of the national flag,then?Daniel:Yes,I have.A lot of tourists like to(6)_ there in Tianmen Square early in the morning to watch it.Kevin:What about the Great Wall?Have you ever been there?Daniel:Sure.As an old saying goes,“He who has never been the Great Wall is not a true man.”Its one of the (7)_of the world.B2 Kevin is asking Daniel about Beijing.Complete their conversation with the words in the box.dynasties gather museum palace raising summer wonders summer raising gatherwonders the(4)_B3 The next day,Kevin is telling his friend Chris about Guilin.However,some of the details are wrong.Write a T if a statement is true or an F if it is false.1 Guilin is in eastern China.2 Guilin is famous for its beautiful landscape.3 The Reed Flute Cave is in the south-east of Guilin.4 You can find amazing rocks inside the Reed Flute Cave.5 You can take a boat trip along the Lijiang River.6 You need to buy a bicycle to ride the countryside.FTFTTFB3 The next day,Kevin is tellB4 Kevin wants to make notes of the two cities.Help him complete his notes.BeijingThe Palace Museum:in the(1)_ of the ancient city,wonderful buildings and(2)_Tianmen Square:the(3)_city square in the world,the raising of the _The Summer Palace:in the(5)_ of Beijing,a large Chinese(6)_set in a natural landscape.The Great Wall:Over(7)_ across northern China,was built more than _years ago.middleart treasuresbiggestnational flagnorth-east garden 6000 2000B4 Kevin wants to make notes oB4 Kevin wants to make notes of the two cities.Help him complete his notes.GuilinLocation:on the two sides of the(9)_What to see:(10)_ stand in different shapes.the Reed Flute Cave,an(11)_ cave with(12)_ in unusual shapes.What to do:take a(13)_ along the River Lijiang;hire a bicycle and ride around the (14)_.Lijiang RiverMountainsamazingmany locks boat tripcountrysideB4 Kevin wants to make notes oLanguage PointsLanguage Points1.The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live here.(line7)used to do sth.:did something repeatedly in the paste.g.His father used to smoke after supper.The boy used to be late for school.Related phrase:be/get used to doing sth.:e.g.I am used to getting up early.1.The emperors of the Ming an _过去常常做某事,否定:_ _ 习惯某物做某事 _doing 被用来做某事 _ 被用作1.He used _(be)a doctor,but now he is a teacher.2.The room is also used _(to,as,for)a library.3.-What do you use your computer _(to,as,for)?-I use it _(search)information.4.My grandma used _(live)in the country,but now she is used to _ (live)in the city.5.Is the stick used _(keep)animals away?6.你你过去常在回家的路上看到去常在回家的路上看到这个人个人吗?_used to do sth didnt use to do usednt to do be used to doing sth be used to dobe used for be used as to be as for to search to live living to keep Did you use to see the man on your way home?_过去常常做某事2.It was turned into a museum in 1925.turn sth.into sth.else 把把变成变成Turn the sentence into English.the Palace Museumthe Palace Museumthe Forbidden Citythe Forbidden CityTurn failure into success.这栋楼房在这栋楼房在1995年变成了一个医院。年变成了一个医院。This building_ a hospital in 1995.was turned into2.It was turned into a museum 3.With wonderful buildings and treasures inside,it is well worth a visit.翻译:它(故宫)里面有宏伟的建筑和艺术珍宝,翻译:它(故宫)里面有宏伟的建筑和艺术珍宝,非常值得一游。非常值得一游。(1)with:Xuzhou is a city _ a long history.(2)be worth+n./be worth+v._.(值得值得)be well worth doing 很值得一做很值得一做这部电影值得一看。这部电影值得一看。The film is _ _.这个报告很值得一听。这个报告很值得一听。The talk is _ _ _ _.withingworth seeingwell worth listening to3.With wonderful buildings andTiananmen SquareTiananmen Square4.Many tourists like to gather there early in the moring to watch the raising of the natinal flag.翻译:许多游客喜欢一大早聚集在哪里观看升旗翻译:许多游客喜欢一大早聚集在哪里观看升旗仪式。仪式。raising n.升起升起 raise vt.Tiananmen Square4.Many tourisTiananmen SquareTiananmen Square4.Many tourists like to gather there early in the moring to watch the raising of the natinal flag.翻译:许多游客喜欢一大早聚集在哪里观看升旗翻译:许多游客喜欢一大早聚集在哪里观看升旗仪式。仪式。raise与与rise的区别?的区别?rise vi.(某物)上升,升起(某物)上升,升起 raise vt.举起,提起(某物)举起,提起(某物).他抬起手想引起我的注意。他抬起手想引起我的注意。He_ _ _ _ get my attention.物价一直在上涨物价一直在上涨Prices _ _ all the time.raised his hand to are risingTiananmen Square4.Many touris5._吸引吸引 _有吸引力的有吸引力的,迷人的迷人的 _吸引人的地方,景点吸引人的地方,景点1)Her _eyes _ the mans attention at the party.2)The Great Wall is one of my faourite _.3)The writer _deeply by the natural landscape in the Summer Palace.attract attractive attraction attractive attracted attractions was attracted、5._吸引 attract attr6.It runs for over 6,000 kilometres across northern China,with watchtowers every few hundred metres.翻译:它(长城)在中国北部地区翻译:它(长城)在中国北部地区绵延绵延6000多公里,多公里,每隔每隔几百米设有瞭望塔。几百米设有瞭望塔。with+名词构成介词短语,做伴随状语。名词构成介词短语,做伴随状语。for+一段距离,或一段距离,或for+一段时间一段时间The Great WallThe Great Wall6.It runs for over 6,000 kilom7.It is one of the wonders of the world.翻译:它(长城)是世界奇迹之一。翻译:它(长城)是世界奇迹之一。wonder是是名词名词,即奇迹,奇观,奇事即奇迹,奇观,奇事我很好奇谁会成为下一任美国总统。我很好奇谁会成为下一任美国总统。I _ _who would be the next US president.The Great WallThe Great Wall珠穆朗玛峰是个世界自然奇迹。珠穆朗玛峰是个世界自然奇迹。Mount Qomolangma is a _ _ of the world.natural wonderwonder作作动词动词,想知道,想弄明白,想知道,想弄明白was wondering7.It is one of the wonders of 这个地下洞穴看起来多么奇妙啊!这个地下洞穴看起来多么奇妙啊!_ _the underground cave looks!The Great WallThe Great Wallwonderful 形容词形容词,精彩的,奇妙的,精彩的,奇妙的How wonderful这个地下洞穴看起来多么奇妙啊!The Great Wall8.It lies on the two sides of the Lijiang River.翻译:它位于漓江两岸。翻译:它位于漓江两岸。句中的句中的lie“位于,坐落在位于,坐落在”The town_ _ the coast.这个小镇位于海滨。这个小镇位于海滨。His book are lying all over the desk.Lie表示表示”躺,平放躺,平放“lie-lay-lain-lying他的书堆得桌上到处都是。他的书堆得桌上到处都是。She always lies about her age.动词动词,说谎,撒谎说谎,撒谎 lie-lied-lied-lyingYou can trust him because he never tells lies.名词名词,谎言谎言lies on8.It lies on the two sides of East or west,Guilin landscape is best.9.All around the city,mountains stand in different shapes.翻译:奇形怪状的山翻译:奇形怪状的山伫立伫立在城市周围。在城市周围。广场上伫立着一些奇形怪状的雕塑。广场上伫立着一些奇形怪状的雕塑。Some sculptures in the square _.stand in different shapesEast or west,Guilin landscape 10.In this underground cave,it is amazing that there are so many rocks in unusual shapes-some hang down,and others point upwards.The cave is praised as the“Art Palace of Nature”.someothers 一些,一些;有的一些,一些;有的有的有的be praised as被誉为被誉为Art Palace of Nature大自然的艺术宫殿大自然的艺术宫殿在这个地下溶洞中,有如此众多造型奇特的石在这个地下溶洞中,有如此众多造型奇特的石头,有的向下悬垂,还有的向上伸展,真让人头,有的向下悬垂,还有的向上伸展,真让人叹为观止。此洞被誉为叹为观止。此洞被誉为”大自然的艺术宫殿大自然的艺术宫殿”.10.In this underground cave,isomeothers 一些,一些;有的一些,一些;有的有的有的be praised as 被誉为被誉为每天早上,班上有的同学在打扫卫生,有的同每天早上,班上有的同学在打扫卫生,有的同学在写作业。学在写作业。Every morning,_ _are doing some cleaning,_ are doing homework.some studentsothers 这种植物被誉为自然的活化石。这种植物被誉为自然的活化石。This kind of plant _ natural living fossils.is praised assomeothers 一些,一些;有的有的be pr检测题检测题1.Im Wei Ke from Beijing,the c_of China.2.The Forbidden City_(变成)a museum in 1925.3.The Palace Museum is well worth_(参观).The Palace Museum is well worth a _(参观).4.The Great Wall is one of the_(wonderful)_(有着)watchtowers every few hundred metres.5.Guilin is in the _(south)part of China.6.There re mountains in different _(shape)in Guilin 7._ is great fun to ride a bike in the countryside.8.Guilin l_ on the two s_ of the Lijiang River.检测题1.Im Wei Ke from Beijing,Homework:1.WriteashortpassagetointroducesomeotherfamousplacesinChina.2.FindsomeinformationaboutothercitiesinChina.Homework:2.Find some informati


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