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Period 1Period 1Sounds3Oxford EnglishModule 1 Using my five sensesPeriod 1Sounds3Oxford EnglishM最新牛津上海版(深圳)三年级英语下册-Unit-3SoundsPeriod-1公开课课件最新牛津上海版(深圳)三年级英语下册-Unit-3SoundsPeriod-1公开课课件a busa bus最新牛津上海版(深圳)三年级英语下册-Unit-3SoundsPeriod-1公开课课件a cara bikeWhat can you hear?I can hear _.a cara bikeWhat can you hear?What can you hear?What can you hear?A car,a car,I can hear a car.A bike,a bike,I can hear a bike.Lets chantWhat can you hear?a planea planea trainWhat can you hear?I can hear _.a trainWhat can you hear?What can you hear?I can hear _.a shipWhat can you hear?a shipLook and learnLook and learnLook and learnLook and learnP11四人小组,操练单词。等会请四人小组,操练单词。等会请小组上台展示。小组上台展示。Look and learnP11四人小组,操练单词。等会vanfire enginejeepmotorbiketaxilorryambulanceMTRLets know morevanfire enginejTeam A PK Team BTeam A PK Team BLook and guessLook and guessLook and guessLook and guessLook and guessLook and guessLook and matchA carA planeA busA shipA trainA bike1. and matchA car1. and order1643257Ask and answer1643257I can hear a car.Beep,beep.What can you hear?Miao,miao.What can you hear?I can hear a cat.I can hear a car.Work in pairs1.We should obey the traffic rules.我们应该遵守交通规则。2.We must be careful when we go outside.当我们外出时一定要注意安全。3.We must line up when we get on the bus.Dont push.当我们搭乘公交车时我们必须排队。不能推挤。交通安全从我们做起!交通安全从我们做起!We should obey the traffic rul1 Introduce vehicles to your parents.P11(用今天所学内容与父母对话或者教会爸爸妈妈今天所学的知识.父母填 写评价表)2 Copy these words.bus car ship train plane bike3 Complete the sentences.What can you hear?I can hear 1 Introduce vehicles to your目目标家家长评价(三价(三颗为满分分家家长谈起自己英起自己英语课堂活堂活动,游,游戏中的表中的表现 主主动尝试应用所学的用所学的英英语 运用所学知运用所学知识与父母与父母交流交流 用心教会父母新知用心教会父母新知识评价表评价表目标家长评价(三颗为满分家长谈起自己英语课堂活动,游戏中的a traina busa cara bikea traina busa cara bike123456123456


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