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What did you do yesterday?畅所欲言1laugh a lot2We laughed a lot.Module 9 Unit 1We laughed a lot.Module 9 Uni3Here is a letter from Lingling.Last week,Lingling was very happy.She laughed a lot.Here is a letter from Lingling4最新小学英语外研版(三起)五年级下册Module-9-Unit1-公开课课件51,Where did Lingling go?2,Where did Lingling go after the show?1,Where did Lingling go?61.Where did Lingling go last week?A.A childrens cinema.B.A childrens threatre1.Where did Lingling go last w7theatreChildrens theatretheatreChildrens theatre8a childrens theatre a childrens theatre 9the Yunmen Theatrethe Yunmen Theatre10Roman Theater Roman Theater 112,Where did Lingling go after the show?A.She went home.B.She went to a restaurant.2,Where did Lingling go after 12show演出演出an intersrting showshowan intersrting show13最新小学英语外研版(三起)五年级下册Module-9-Unit1-公开课课件14fashion show时装表演时装表演fashion show时装表演15We all ate hamburgers and chips.After the show we went to a restaurant.We all ate hamburgers and chip162,Where did Lingling go after the show?A.She went home.B.She went to a restaurant.2,Where did Lingling go after 17They went to a restaurantThey went toa restaurant18hamburger chipshamburger chips19Listen again1,What did the men and women do?2,What did the actors tell?Listen again2,What did the ac20a manfive mena manfive men21one man one man two men22a womana womantwo women23Listen again1,What did the men and women do?2,What did the actors tell?Listen again2,What did the ac241,What did the men and women do?wear(穿的过去式)穿的过去式)The men wore womens clothes25The men wore womens clothes.The men wore womens clothes.26The women wore mens clothes.The women wore mens clothes.272,What did the actors do?2,What did the actors do?28Zhao Benshan is a good actor.Zhao Benshan is a good actor.292,What did the actors do?2,What did the actors do?The 30The actors told lots of jokes.tell(告诉的过去式告诉的过去式)The actors told lots of jokes.31Its very funny.interestingIts very funny.interesting32The show was very funny.The show was very funny.33Listen and imitateListen and imitate34do-didare-eat-drink-meet-go-dance-wear-tell-laugh-We are great!dancedatedrankmetlaughedwereworetoldwentdo-didare-eat-drink-me35Last week the children _to the childrens theatre.The men_ womens clothes.The women _mens clothes.The actors _lots of jokes.It _very funny.The children_ a lot.After the show,they _to a restaurant.They all_ hamburgers and chips.They _ very happy.wentworeworetoldwaslaughedwentatewereLast week the children _36Homework:1.Read the text.2.Write a letter to your friends.Homework:1.Read the text.37最新小学英语外研版(三起)五年级下册Module-9-Unit1-公开课课件38


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