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PeriodOne SectionA1a 2c Whatrulesdoyouhaveatyourschool?Weshouldcleanupclassroomeveryday.Weshouldnotarriveschoollate.We have a new classmate this term.At the beginning of the term,he wants to know some rules about our school.TeachersallowustoTeachersdontallowustoTeachers allow us to eat in the dinning hall.Teachers dont allow us to eat in the classroom.I want to play with my friends.But my father doesnt allow.TeenagerSixteen-year-oldHe thinks parents should allow teenagers to play with their friends outside.Parents should allow teenagers to go out with their friends.Parents should allow sixteen-year-olds to drive.Parents should allow fifteen-year-olds to choose their own clothes.Teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends.Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.Fifteen-year-olds should be allowed to choose their own clothes.同义句转换同义句转换1.They should allow us to have part-time jobs._.2.We should allow children to spend time with their friends._.3.The teacher should allow Anna to finish the picture._.4.Parents should allow children to choose their own friends._.We should be allowed to have part-time jobs.Children should be allowed to spend time with their friends.Anna should be allowed to finish the picture.Children should be allowed to choose their own friends.What do you know about her?Key words:teenagerearring get ears pierceddye her hairAs a teenager,she should(not)be allowed to What do(not)you think teenagers should be allowed to do?I(dont)thinkteenagersshouldbeallowedto go out with their friends every night.drive/get their drivers licenses.have part-time jobs.get their ears pierced.choose their own clothes.1.Anna can go to the mall with John.2.Anna wants to get her ears pierced.3.Anna is allowed to choose her own clothes.TTF FTeenagersTeenagersshouldnotbeallowedtoshouldnotbeallowedtodrive.drive.I agree.They are not old/calm/serious enough.StudentsStudentsshouldntbeallowedtoshouldntbeallowedtochoosechoosetheirownclothes.theirownclothes.I disagree.=I dont agree.They are not enough.A:I think teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends.B:I agree.They are old enough.They can look after themselves well.Sample dialogue to get their ear pierced to do homework with friends to do part-time jobs too wild /young/silly not serious/calm/old enoughImitate the sample dialogue,and make new ones in pairs.Listen and check what Kathy thinks.Circle:Agree”“disagree”or“Doesnt know”to show what Molly thinks.Itlookscool.Youngpeopleneedtosleep.Heneedstospendtimewithfriends.Heneedstimetodohomework.Itdoesntlookclean.41523I think students should be allowed to do homework with friends.I disagree.They talk instead of doing homework.Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to drive.I agree.They arent serious enough at that age.Do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to work at night?No,I dont.A:Do you think teenagers should be allowed toB:Yes,I do.I think /No,I dont.I think Make a list of things teenagers should and should not be allowed to do.Discuss your list in groups of four.NO1.Teenagers should be allowed to NO2.NO3.NO4.NO5.NO6.Makealistofthingsteenagersshouldandshouldnotbeallowedtodo.Writedownonyournotebook.Homework:MakealistPeriodTwo Section A 3a 4 1.Teenagers should not be allowed to take mobile phones to school.2.Teenagers should be allowed to do homework with friends.3.Teenagers should not be allowed to go out at night.4.Teenagers should not be allowed to have part-time jobs.tooto notenoughMy family has some rules.Look at these pictures and tell me what they are.I am not allowed to play computer games watch TV listen to music make my room a messuIs he allowed to at home?uYes,he is allowed touNo,he is not allowed toI have a lot of rules at my house.So do l.Read the conversation.Then write Sun Feis and Wu Yus rules in the chart.Use Dont and You can.SunFeiWuYuDontgooutonschoolnights.Dontgooutonschoolnights.Youcanstudyatafriendshouse.YoucangotothemovieswithfriendsonFridaynights.YoucangoshoppingwithfriendsonSaturdayafternoon.Youcanchooseyourownclothes.Dontgetyourearspierced.YoucangotothemovieswithfriendsonFridaynights.Dontbeoutafter10:00pm.Sun Fei:What rules do you have at home?Wu Yu:Well,Im not allowed to go out on school nights.How about you?Sun Fei:Im not allowed to go out on school nights,either.But I canComplete the conversation according to the following school rules.School rules1.No talking in the library.2.Wear uniform.3.Dont arrive late for class.4.Keep the classroom clean.5.Dont listen to pop music.A:What are the school rules,Alex?B:Well,we are not _ to talk in the library.A:I _,either.I dont think anybody can talk in the library.B:We must wear school uniforms.A:Me,too.We should_ _to choose our own clothes.B:We mustnt arrive late for class and we must _the classroom clean.A:I know.I think thats right.B:We mustnt listen to pop music.A:Really?We mustnt listen to pop songs in the classroom,but we _be allowed to listen to pop music outside.B:I _think this rule is fair,either.allowedam notnot allowedkeepshoulddontHaveyougotanythingthatyourparentsdonHaveyougotanythingthatyourparentsdon t tallowyoutodo,butyouwanttodoverymuch?allowyoutodo,butyouwanttodoverymuch?Discussinpairsandwritedownyouropinions.Discussinpairsandwritedownyouropinions.Teenagers should be allowed to,but I am not allowed to.I thinkHomework:MakeareportWhatdoyouthinkofyourfamilyrules?PeriodThree Section B 1a-4他从来不上课迟到。他从来不上课迟到。我有时候和爸爸一去听音乐会。我有时候和爸爸一去听音乐会。你和同学一起学习过吗?你和同学一起学习过吗?玛丽常常提前做完作业。玛丽常常提前做完作业。小小翻译家He is never late for class.He never arrives late for school.Sometimes,I go to concerts with my father.Do you ever study with your classmates?Mary always finishes homework early.A:Doyouever?B:IsometimesHowoftendoyoudothesethingsatHowoftendoyoudothesethingsatschool?school?alwaysusuallysometimesneverfight with otherscopy others homeworkget school latebring a mobile phone to schoolwear necklacesA:Do you ever get to class late?study with friends?finish test early?worry that youll fail a test?B:Yes,I /No,I 1.Peter is going to2.He isnt allowed to3.Peter wasnt allowed to4.He could5.He should be allowed toc ce ea a b bd dWhy is Peter going to fail the test?Shouldhebeallowedtotakethetestlater?Is our uniform beautiful?Is our uniform comfortable?Should we wear own clothes or uniforms at school?DiscussionListen to the tape and fill in the chart.Whatrulestheytalkabout?Whatdotheythinkabouttherules?Rules Like Dislikewear uniformsstudy in groups during the eveninghave long vacationRead the article again and answer the following questions.1.Whatdothestudentsinthisarticlethinkabouttheschooluniforms?Thestudentsthinktheuniformsareugly.2.Whatkindofclothesdotheyusuallywear?Theyusuallywanttoweartheirownclothesortheywanttobeallowedtodesigntheirownuniforms.3.Howdotheyliketostudy?Theyliketostudyingroupsduringtheevening.4.Whataretheirideasaboutvacations?Theythinkthatvacationsshouldbegoodforvolunteers?5.Whyaretheygoodforvolunteers?Becauselongervacationswouldgivevolunteersmuchmoretimetohaveagoodexperience.concentrate on be good for keephappy get noisy learn from each other at present experiencehave an opportunity to Use the following phrases to make sentence as many as possible.Are you pleased with all your school rules?What school rules should be changed?Why?A:What school rules do you think should be changed?B:I think we should be allowed to wear our own clothes.A:Whats the reason?B:we would feel more comfortable and that is good for studying.A:How about you?C:I dont think so.I think we should go to school in uniform.Write a report for your discussion.HomeworkPeriodFour Self checkWhatdoyouthinkofuniforms?Why?studying in groupshaving long vacationsconcentrate on be good for keephappy get noisy learn from each other experiencehave an opportunity to Do you think teachers have to wear uniforms to school?What do you think of this uniform?Is it ugly or smart?should teachers be allowed to wear their own clothes?Why?boring concentrate sets a good example disagree comfortable serious ugly smart is good for should be allowed to I dont think teachers have to wear uniforms to school.For one thing,the school will be extremely _ and we will feel uncomfortable if all teachers wear the same clothes because they look the same.It shows no identity in a teacher.For another thing,they are _ and the color is too dark and simple.Teachers look too _ on them.Besides,it is said that colors help enhance ones memory,so it _ for studying.In my opinion,teachers _ wear their own clothes.Lucy doesnt agree with me.Firstly,uniforms are tidy and_.Secondly,it _ for us.Thirdly,they are a symbol for teachers.boring concentrate sets a good example disagree comfortable serious ugly smart is good for should be allowed to If we need help,we can recognize teachers immediately.Lastly,we would _ more on their clothes than our studies if teachers wear their own clothes.boring concentrate sets a good example disagree comfortable serious ugly smart is good for should be allowed toDiscussthefollowingstatements:Students should be allowed to have four holidays a year.I agree/disagree in my opinion for one thingfor another thing besides firstly secondly thirdly lastlyRead the article“Helping and Learning”and underline the statements that the writer agrees.We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often.We should visit primary schools and help teach young students.We should be allowed to volunteer at newspaper office once a week.Some students should be allowed to have Friday afternoons off to volunteer and help others.Group Discussion:Which do you agree/disagree?Why?Youdbetterusethefollowingwordswehavelearned.I agree/disagree in my opinion for one thing for another thing besides firstly secondly thirdly lastlyHomework:writealettertotheeditor.PeriodFive ReadingZhang Hanyun is a teenager.She is serious about singing.Now she is a singing star,and she has achieved her dream.runnerrunninggymnastgymnasticsWhats his hobby?If he wants to achieve his dream,what should he do?Do you think practice much can get in the way of schoolwork?Skim the passage and answer the following questions:What does Liu Yu want to be?Do his parents agree with his decision?He wants to be a runner.No,they dont.Scan the reading to find points that show his parents dont agree with himl Our son needs to be realistic.lHe needs to think about what will happen if he doesnt become a professional runner in the end.lHe should study hard in the evenings.lThey dont allow him to practice running on school nights.lHe needs to spend time on his homework.Read carefully again and fill in the chart.Parents pointsLiu Yus pointsThey worry about his _.He wants to be a _.They think he should spend time on _.He just wants to do what he _.They think he needs to be _.He is serious about _.They think its a difficult dream to _.He _ himself.Do you think Liu Yu should be allowed to make his own decision?Use the information in the chart to support your opinions.Parents pointsLiu Yus pointsThey worry about his success.He wants to be a professional runner.They think he should spend time on study.He just wants to do what he enjoys.They think he needs to be relastic.He is serious about running.They think its a difficult dream to achieve.He believes himself.There are some important phrases behind these pictures.Choose one,then explain it and make a new sentence.get in the way ofbe serious aboutspend time onachieve ones dreamrealistic care aboutI like playing football very much.I want to be a professional football player.But my parents dont agree.Should I be allowed to make my own decisions?Write a short passage about Dick and his parents different opinions.


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