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Unit 1 Cultural relicsPeriod 1 Reading Learning aims1.Language Aims:Learn some detailed information about the Amber Room.2.Ability Aims:Train students reading ability and enable the students to retell the passage.Learn how to give opinions clearly about cultural relics.Warming up1234Taj Mahalthe Great WallWarming up6791011Mogao CavesWarming up567What do these cultural relics have in common?famous a long history symbols of their countries and cultures rareI.Warming up1.What is a cultural relic?A cultural relic is something that has survived for a long time.It tells people about the past.It can represent the culture of a place and some periods of time.It is usually rare.II.Pre-readingIn search of Amber Room What may you know in the passage?ListeningListen to the passage get the main idea of it.The passage talks about the amazing _ of the Amber Room.historySkimmingPara 1Para2&3Para 4Para 5the history of the Amber Room the missing of the Amber Room a brief introduction to the Amber Roomthe rebuilding of the Amber RoomCareful readingPara1 a brief Introduction to the Amber Roomcolorbirthplacestyle materialtime spent building ityellow-brownPrussia10 yearsamber,gold,jewelsfancy styleWhat did they do to the Amber Room?Had the Amber Room _ for his _.Give it to peter the Great as a _ in the year_.Amber Room became part of his _ in St Petersburg and served as a small _.Had it removed to a palace _ St Petersburg.In the year_,she had more details added to the Amber Room.built outsidereception hallwinter palace1716giftpalace1770Para 4.the missing of Amber Room1)Time _ 2)Event:_ 3)The Amber Room was stolen by _and it was taken to Konigsberg.4)The Russians didnt hide the Amber Room Because _.A.they were at war B.they couldnt find a place to hide itC.the German soldiers arrived to soon train could take it awayRussiaIn September 1941CNazi Armyat warGermanyCareful readingPara 5 the rebuilding of the Amber Room Read the passage and answer the following two questions.1)How have the Russians and Germans built the new Amber Room which looks like the old one?2)What happened in the year 2003?By studying old photos of the former Amber Room.The new Amber Room was ready for the people of St Petersburg when they celebrated the 300th birthday of their city.Careful readingFrederickFrederick WilliamPeter the Peter the Great Great CzarCzarCatherineCatherineNazipassed downgiven as a giftpassed downstolenSummarythe history of the Amber RoomPost-readingRole play Imagine youre a guide to introduce the Amber Room and you need to introduce the Amber Room to the visitors.Have a try.The following information may help you.Basic information:Amazing history:built given as a gift(1716)added more details(1770)stolen(1941)missing rebuilt(2003)Ladies and Gentleman,welcome to Amber Room,Im glad to introduce it to you.If you find a cultural relic,what will you do with it?Keep it for yourselfGive it to the governmentSell it secretly and earn a lot of moneyAsk parents Cultural relics dont belong to a single man;they belong to the whole world and the human beings.Discussion1.Listen to the tape and read the passage aloud,paying attention to pronunciation and intonation.Then sort out the sentences you do not understand.2.Review the words you have learned.Homework


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