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新版pep人教版英语小学三年级下册unit6-课件1Can you find the numbers?(你能找到隐藏你能找到隐藏的数字吗的数字吗?)fivefourtwothreesixeightsevenoneCan you find the numbers?(你能Look at the kite.Wow,so beautiful!Look at the kite.Wow,so beautHow many kites do you see?I see_.How many kites do you see?eleveneleveneleveneleveneleveneleven11Lets readtwelvevevetwelveveve12Lets readHow many cats do you see?I see .elevenHow many cats do you see?eleveHow many pigs do you see?I see twelveHow many pigs do you see?twelvelevenHow many pencils do you see?I seeelevenHow many pencils do you How many apples do you see?I seetwelveHow many apples do you see?tweThe black one is a pen.The black one is a pen.LetsThe black one is a dogThe black one is a dogThe yellow one is aThe yellow one is aThe one is aThe one is aListen and answerHow many kites does Amy see?How many kites does Zhang Peng see?What is the black one?QuestionsHow many kites does AThe black one is a bird.The black one is a bird.Listen and readPair workHow many birds do you see?I see twelveHow many cats do you see?I see tenLets practiceHow many birds dEleven dogsTwelvebirdsTenelephantsHow many _s do you see?I see_Ask and answerEleven TwelveTenHow many?How many?How many do you see?11 11 I see eleven.Eleven dogs I see.How many?How many?ChantsHow many?How many?How many do you see?12 12 I see twelve.Twelve birds I see.How many?How many?ChantsHow many?How many?How many do you see?10 10 I see ten.Ten elephants I see.How many?How many?ChantsHomework:1.Pratice the dialogue with your partner.(练习练习本节课所学对话)本节课所学对话)2.Sing the“how many”song to your parents.(学学生唱歌给父母听生唱歌给父母听)Homework:Thank You!


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