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NCE L33Out of DarknessWhat can you see by the sea?shoreshorerockclifflighthousestormdarknessshorerockclifflight in the seastormdarknessdarknessd:kns n.黑暗explainksplen v.解释,说明coastkst n.海岸stormst:m n.暴风雨towardstw:dz prep.朝,向,接近rockrk n.岩石shore:(r)n.海岸lightlat n.灯光aheadhed adv.在前面cliffklf n.峭壁strugglestrl v.挣扎hospitalhsptl n.医院New words and expressinos黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,我却用它来寻找光明黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,我却用它来寻找光明Darkness gives me a pair of black eyes,while I use them to look for brightness When you close your eyes,what do you see?darkness nu黑暗,漆黑eg.The house was complete darkness 这个房子一片漆黑。dark da:k1)adj黑暗的,漆黑的(light)a dark street 黑暗的街道2)深色的,暗色的 dark hair 深色的头发3)阴暗的,忧郁的 dark expression忧郁的表情4)不吉利的a dark sheep in his family 害群之马a dark horse 黑马(竞赛中实力不明但被认为可能获胜的人)dark (黑暗的)+ness(名词后缀)=darknesscareful(细心的)+ness=carefulness(仔细)good+ness=goodness(仁慈)explain V解释,叙述,辩解,辩护,成为的理由explain sth to sb 对.解释explain+that/wh 从句 解释The manager explained to the customer why the goods were late.A week later,the girl was able to explain what had happened.explain v.解释,叙述,讲述explanation n.解释 比较:You need to explain it right now.You need to give me an explanation right now.coast n.海岸seashore n.海岸seaside n.海边 beach n.沙滩bank n.河岸,坝,堤Susan sells seashells on the seashore.coast n.海岸 shore n.海岸She set out from a coast.他从海岸出发seashore n.海岸beach n.沙滩bank n.河岸,坝,堤 storm n.暴风(雨)She was caught in a storm.她遇上了风暴be caught in the rain 淋雨storm in a teacup 小题大做snowstorm n.暴风雪thunderstorm n.气雷暴,雷雨范围渐小towards prep.向,朝,接近towards 强调nearer and nearer(强调越来越近)We have to try hard towards to success.He is walking towards here.rock n.岩石,礁石,摇滚乐;摇摆 v,摇摆;震惊The boat struck a rock.这艘船触礁了。The Presidents murder rocked the nation.总统遇刺震惊了全球rock and roll摇滚乐light n.灯光,光线,灯Please turn on the light.light tower light v.点亮,点灯,点火 light a cigarette You light up my life.light adj.轻的,温柔的=gentle lighter and lighter ahead adv.在前面a开头的词(asleep,awake,alive,ahead,alight)往往是表语形容词。作用相当于副词,都放在名词的后面(一般形容词放在名词的前面)放在被修饰词的后面作定语,定语后置There is a beautiful light。There is a light ahead 前方的灯光 ahead of 在前面 He went ahead of me.go ahead 朝前走;请随便(回答请求时用)struggle1)v斗争struggle with sb/fight with sb和打斗例:The landlord struggled with the thief.店主和小偷扭打在一起。struggle for sth 为斗争,努力struggle against sth 反对而斗争fight for freedom/struggle for freedom为自由而战例:The people are struggling for freedom.人们为了自由而斗争着。Chinese people struggle against Japanese for eight years.中国人民同日本侵略者斗争了八年。2)挣扎hospital n医院an emergency hospital 急诊医院go into(the)hospital 住院/be in(the)hospitalleave(the)hospital 出院住院,出院在美国英语要加the,在英国英语中则通常不加the。易混淆的词hospitality nu殷勤招待,厚待hospitaelitigive hospitality to a personshow hospitality to a person款待(某人)1.He made up a story to _(解释)his absence.2.There are many islands off the southeast _(海岸)of China.3.There was a _(暴风雨)all day yesterday.4.The man jumped off the _(峭壁)last night.5.We cant see anything in the d_.lWhat happened after the girl set out from the coast in a small boat one afternoon?The boat caught a storm and struck a rock.How many miles did she swim that night?She covered a distance of eight miles.What had she seen high up on the cliffs?She had saw a light ahead.What did the girl do when the boat struck a rock?The girl jumped into the seaListen and answer1.Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her.Be able to and Cancan表示总的能力或客观存在的能力,而be able to 表示的是特定的、具体的能力,强调不仅具备了某种能力,而且还实际做到了或将会做到He could walk forty miles a day in the past.(具备这种能力,但不一定实际去做。)He was able to walk forty miles a day last year.(不仅具有这种能力,而且实际做了。)can只能用于现在时和过去时could,be able to可用于任何时态 pass and pastHe passed my house this morning.Past?past不是动词,它可以用作介词、形容词、副词和名词:他路过了我的家门。He walked past my house.(介词)他对我讲了他过去的经历。He told me about his past experience.(形容词)他显得思想陈旧。He seems to live in the past.(名词)3.Towards evening,the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea.Towards&To的区别 Suddenly,one of the children kicked a ball very hard and it went towards/to a passing boat.上句可知,towards和to都有朝什么方向去的意思,但towards可以表示时间,含义为“接近”或“将近”,而 to 并无此含义 如文中的 towards evening2.One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm.Set out 出发,动身Be caught in往往是指遇上“灾难、困难不好的境遇”。我遇上了一场暴风雪I was caught in a snowstorm.4.Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water.Shore:是这三个词中最普通的一个,可指湖、海等的岸:the western shore of the Pacific 太平洋西岸 Bank:河岸 Some children were playing games on the bank Coast:海岸,通常特指与海洋相接的整个一长条陆地;还常与地图、气候及海防有关 China has a very long coast.中国的海岸很长。Coast guard 海岸警卫队 5.During that time she covered a distance of eight miles.during that time 是一般过去时的标志词 cover vt.覆盖;采访,报导;涉及;包括 n.盖子,覆盖物;vi.代替;覆盖 不管是“游过”,还是“飞过”,还是“爬过”等等,都可以用“cover”(覆盖)来表示 这只鸟在三分钟之内飞了3英里 the bird covered three miles in three minutes.6.Early next morning,she saw a light ahead.She knew she was near the shore because the light was high up on the cliffs.8.On arriving at the shore,the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen.on+doing相当于as soon as 刚听到这个消息,她就晕了过去。On hearing the news,she fainted.=When she heard the news,she faint.刚到家,天就开始下雨了。On arriving home,it began to rain.When she arrived home,it began to rain.如果是两个不同的主语,则不能使用 “on+动名词”的结构!9.That was all she remembered.When she woke up a day later,she found herself in hospital.他所记得的就是这些。第二天她醒来时,发现自己躺在医院里。Do the excercise on page 155,156,157第七部分 家庭作业(2分钟)1.听光碟30分钟2.抄写L33课单词五次造句并默写 3.背L33课课文4.写L33课练习册习题5.预习L34课6.摘要写作 所有作业家长签字。课文注释抄写两次,下次听写 END


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