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AbstractAbstractOutline1.Structure 2.Grammar and Writing Skills 3.Build a Model 4.Vocabulary for the Abstract 5.Writing Task Introduction Abstract needs to have independent validity.make sense as a standalone,self-contained description of the research articlereaders should be able to understand the key points and results of the research even if they never see the whole article.The Abstract is a representation of the research article.1.StructureQ1:Why does the unit on Abstracts come at the end of this book rather than at the beginning?Q2:Does every Abstract follow the same model?Q3:How do I know which model to choose?Q1 Why does the unit on Abstracts come at the end of this course rather than at the beginning?style and length depend on where you plan to submit it decision may be taken late in or even after the writing process.in a better position to create an Abstract after finishing writing the other sectionsAbstract is easier to write than the rest of the paper!The content is derived from the rest of the articleNoticeDont contain material which is not already in the paper Dont need to create completely new sentencesDont simply cut and paste whole sentences from the body of the articleProcedure:1.Decide what should go in the Abstract2.Select material,including parts of sentences and phrases,from the relevant sections of the paper3.Adapt or modify them to meet the demands of an Abstract.Q2:Does every Abstract follow the same model?No,and the title of the Abstract reflects this.called Summary,Or Background,Or Abstract have no title at all.Most Abstracts-results-focused basic similarities in all Abstracts but there are two quite distinct models:1.StructureMODEL 1 MODEL 2Activity:Read the two models,figure out the difference between them.The first modelsimilar to a summaryvery structureddeal with all the main subsections of the research articlecan even have subtitles such as Background/Method/Results/Conclusions.The second modelmore commonfocus primarily on one or two aspect of the study usually but not always the method and the resultsNotemodels for an Abstract described here are appropriate for articles,papers,theses etc.-not for conference paperModel 2 Abstracts are more common than Model 1Q3:How do I know which model to choose?based ontype of research you have done Guide for Authors of the journalnormally determined by the journal rather than the authorIf the choice is yours,1)the more narrow and specified your research topic,the less likely you are to use the summary format.-because in a narrow research field,most readers already know the background.2)The word limit set by each journal-also has a significant effect on the structure and the content of the Abstract.2 Grammar and Writing Skills 2.1 Verb tense 2.2 Length2.3 Language 2.1 Verb tenseuse of VERB TENSE-important in Abstract.strict word limit means omit phrasesthat tell the reader whose work you are referring to,or what you think about your results.1)The gap/problem Present Simple tense for example:The main problem,however,is We examine why these models have difficulty with However,this assumption is not valid when This is complicated by However,this assessment cannot be based solely on Although it is known theoretically that what the paper itself doesor what is actually in the paper itselfuse the Present Simple tense for example:This paper presents a new methodology forIn this paper we apply This study reports an improved design forIn this paper we extend an existing approach to We consider a novel system of The implications for learning algorithms are discussed New numerical results are presented here for3a)methodology,or what you did during the research periodPast Simple tense for example:Two catalysts were examined in order to Samples were prepared for electron microscopy using A crystalliser was constructed using The effect of pH was investigated by means of The data obtained were evaluated using A permeameter was used to investigate 3b)methodology,especially when you are referring to calculations or equations which can be found in the paper itself Present Simple tense Numerical examples are analysed in detail The calculated wavelengths are compared toSeveral models are created using The accuracy is evaluated by A detailed comparison is made between The method is illustrated on blends of homopolymers For exampleNumerical examples are analysed in detail The calculated wavelengths are compared toSeveral models are created using The accuracy is evaluated by A detailed comparison is made between The method is illustrated on blends of homopolymers 4)Results can be expressed Present Simple tense Past Simple tensetwo different tenses:past simple tense+present simple tensefirst part:Past Simple tense(We found/It was found etc.)Second part:Present Simple tense you can decide to put finding/result or implication of result in Present Simple tense if you believe it is strong enough to be considered as a fact or truth This was consistent with Organised fibers were found after 6 weeks These profiles were affected by This finding correlated with The experiments demonstrated there are two matrices It was found that proteins are produced from The results demonstrated that the morphology is different This image suggested that there is a direct relationship between 5)Achievements Present Perfect tensePresent Simple tense Past Simple tense We have obtained accurate quantitative LIF measurements This investigation has revealed that We have devised a strategy which allows We have demonstrated the feasibility of this approach by A novel material has been produced which Considerable insight has been gained concerningThe model consistently underpredicts The ratio shifts towards We show that this theory also applies toThe most accurate readings are obtained from We find that this does not vary These examples illustrate that overpotential is better described in terms ofThe Y-type was found to produce The hydrocarbons showed a marked increase in 6)Applications Present Simple tense For exampleThis process is suitable for the production of This framework can be used to evaluate This approach can be applied to This demonstrates potential for general applicability to These profiles may serve as a predictor for This framework can be used to evaluate 2.2 Lengthusually has a strict word limitMost:between 80 150 words written as a single paragraph.Even longer Abstracts(150 250 words)are usually written as a single paragraph.Right way:For your first draft,dont worry too much about the word limit.Once you have decided which of the two Abstract models you will use,start by including whatever you think is important,and then gradually remove words,phrases and even sentences that are not essential.Notice:Dont submit an Abstract that is over the word limit or it may be cut by an editor in a way that does not represent your work appropriately.2.3 LanguageThink of the search phrases and keywords that people looking for your work might use.sometimes written in a slightly less technical way than the article itself in order to attract a wider audience.some of your readers do not know a particular technical term or acronym简称that you want to include.To solve this problem,use the acronym,abbreviation or technical term in the Abstract but you should first say what it means or stands for.For example:Granules of hydroxyapatite(HA)were implanted.3 Build a Model3.1 Sample analysis 3.2 The model3.1 Sample analysis Activity:what is the writer doing in each sentence?3.2 The modelActivity:build two modelsGUIDELINES build two models to cover the two types of Abstracts.Dont forget that your models are only useful if they can be transferred to other Abstracts,so dont include content words or you wont be able to use the models to generate your own Abstract.The model 1BACKGROUND AIM PROBLEM WHAT THE PAPER DOES2METHODOLOGY/MATERIALS3RESULTS ACHIEVEMENT/CONTRIBUTIONIMPLICATIONS 4APPLICATIONS 5LIMITATIONSFUTURE WORK 4.Vocabulary for the Abstract 5.Writing Task(homework)


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