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Unit 7 How much are these pants?Section A Period 1 (1a-2d)Made by Clara Liu Mr.Cools store hats a jacket a sweater a shirt a T-shirt a skirt a blouse pants shorts socks shoes bags a shirt a blousea shirt/:/a T-shirt a sweater /e/pants/shorts/:/shoes /u:/socks/How to spell it?clothes hat pants shorts jacket sweater shirt T-shirt skirt blouse socks shoes storeA good memory?1.socks_2.T-shirt_3.shorts_4.sweater_5.bag_6.hat_7.trousers_8.shoes_ 9.skirt _ bgadcfehi Mr.Cools storeWhat do we use to buy things?dollar 美元美元$1=one dollar$10=ten dollarspound英镑英镑 1=one pound 10=ten pounds RMB人民币人民币 1=one yuan 10=ten yuan Listen and circle the things you hear.1bA:How much is the hat?B:The hat is six dollars.A:And how much are the shorts?B:Oh,they are eight dollars.A:And the sweater?How much is the sweater?B:Lets see.The sweater is nine dollars.$10$8$4$9$5$3$8$7$10$9$8$2$7-How much is this bag?-Its$8.(its=it is;$=dollar)$8$9-How much are these shoes?-Theyre$9.(theyre=they are)$9$8thosethatbaghatT-shirtpantsshoesshortssweatersocks-How much is/are this/that/these/those?-Its/Theyre$.$8$3$5$8$9$6$7$2colorspurpleyellowbrownbluegreen orangeblackredpinkwhiteA red sweaterYellow shortsA black hatA green T-shirtA pink bagRed socksA blue hatbigsmalllongshortAntonym 反义词反义词askirtaskirtaskirtaskirta baga small pink baga hata big black hat1.Sally likes this_.2.My mother has a_.3.Are these your _?4.Do you like_?5.Where are my _?6.Your _ is under the bed.red T-shirtgreen sweateryellow shortsred shoesblue pants black hat Listen and circle the tings you hear.2a/b$5$10$9$8$2$2$2$8$9$10$5$2How much?Its/Theyre.1.How much is the green T-shirt?It is eight dollars.2.How much is the black bag?It is two dollars.3.How much are the red shorts?Theyre nine dollars.4.I like this green sweater.How much is it?It is ten dollars.5.I like big blue hats.Do you have one?5.I like big blue hats.Do you have one?Yes,I have this one here.Yes,I have this one here.How much is it?How much is it?Its Its fivefive dollars.dollars.6.I like those long blue,yellow socks.How much are they?Theyre only two dollars.1.How much is this/that+n?Its .2.How much are these/those+n(pl.)?Theyre .用用how much 或或 how many 填空。填空。1._ _ are these things?2._ _ students are there in your class?3._ _water is in the bottle?4.The shorts are very good._ _are they?5.I want a pair of pants._ _ are they?6.Look at the picture._ _ birds in the tree?How much How many How much How muchHow muchHow manySave money Save time Thanks for your attention!HomeworkAsk your parents about the prices of their clothes and shoes.Tell me next period.回家询问父母衣服鞋子的价格,下节课告诉老师。


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