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Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.Section B 2a 2e(第第5课时课时)Unit 8 It must belong to CarlaT:What is the alien doing _ the man is running?S:Its running after the man.T:Are they running at the same time?S:Yes.T:You mean _ the alien is running _ the man is running?Is the man running after the alien_is the alien running after the man?S:The alien is running after the man.T:Do both of them feel scared?S:The man feels scared_the alien doesnt.T:Why does the man feel scared?S:The man feels scared_ the alien is running after him.T:Oh,the alien is running after the man,_ he feels really scared.Fill the blanks with linking words:while/or/but/because/so/not only.but alsowhilenot onlybut alsoorbutbecausesoT:What is the alien doing _2aMatch each linking word or phrase with its purpose.Linking word or phrasePurpose of linking word or phrase2 giving a choice3 expressing a result4 expressing two things happening at the same time5 giving reasons1 expressing a difference6 adding informationsoas,because,sincebut,however,sincenot only but alsoorwhen,whileThe linking words will help you understand what you read better.2aMatch each linking word or pStonehengeStonehenge新目标九年级Unit8-Section-B-2a-2e课件新目标九年级Unit8-Section-B-2a-2e课件Before you readLook at the title and the picture.Then answer the questions below.The title:Can Anyone Explain Why It ISThere?1.Does anyone know who built it?2.Can we know what it was used for?so we say it is a mystery.Before you readLook at the titStonehenge is not only a famous historic place,but also a great mystery.Different ideas about purpose of StonehengeWho built Stonehenge,When it was built and how it was built are still mysteries.Fast readingThere are three parts.Part 1(Para 1)Part 2(Para 2-3)Part 3(Para 4)Stonehenge is not only a famouCareful Reading Read the first paragraph carefully.Answer the questions below.1.When do people like to go to stonehenge?2.Why do people like to go there?Especially in JuneTo see the sun rising on the longest day of the yearCareful Reading Read the firRead the second paragraph carefully.Answer the question below.1.Dose Paul Stoker think stonehenge was a temple?No,he doesnt.Read the second paragraph careRead the third paragraph carefully.Answer the questions below.1.What might the Stonehenge be?2.Whats the Stonehenge used for?Some people think it can _illness and_people healthy.It might be _or a place to_ ancestors.It was built to_.(These are why people say Stonehenge is one of the greatest mysteries.)A kind of calendar.preventkeepa burial placehonor celebrate a victoryRead the third paragraph carefCareful Reading Read the fourth paragraph carefully.Answer the questions below.1.Most historians believes that Stonehenge must be built almost years ago.A.2000 B.3000 C.5000 2.Do you know who built Stonehenge and how it was built?No,I dont.Careful Reading Read the fouStonehengeintroductionHow was it built?Who built it?What it was used for?a temple wherea calendara medical purposea burial placeA place to honor ancestora place to celebrate the victoryhistorical placesgreatest mysteries】默读课文,努力记住课文内容默读课文,努力记住课文内容Then retell it.StonehengeintroductionHow was Retell it with the help of linking words or phrases:because/not only.but also/or/but/however/so/when.Stonehenge is _ one of the most famous historical places_one of the greatest mysteries_ nobody knows who built it _how it was built.Some historians believe it was used as a temple_a kind of calendar._ other historiansdont agree.They think it was used for a medical purpose_they think it can prevent illness._,another popular idea is that it was a place to honor ancesters_celebrate a victory over the enemies.All in all,we dont know which idea is true,_ it is a really big mystery.not onlybut alsobecauseororbutbecausehoweverorsoRetell it with the help of l SphinxpyramidUFOalienhanging coffinBermuda triangle Can you think of other mysteries?SphinxpyramidUFOalienhanging work hard to explore allsoasnot onlybut alsoorhoweverhomework1soasnot onlybut alsoorhowevehomework2writingSurf the Internet or read books to find other mysteries,either in China or another part of the world,that are similar to Stonehenge.What do you know about these mysteries?What is mysterious about them?Discuss them with your group.homework2writingSurf the Inter Good bye!Thank you!Good bye!Thank you!


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