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Book1 Unit 2 Words and ExpressionsWelcome to the world of letters!ABCsubway 地铁地铁地铁地铁 elevator 电梯电梯电梯电梯petrol 汽油(英)汽油(英)汽油(英)汽油(英)gas 汽油(美)汽油(美)汽油(美)汽油(美)voyage航行;航海航行;航海航行;航海航行;航海native 本地人本地人本地人本地人apartment 公寓公寓公寓公寓vocabulary 词汇词汇词汇词汇spelling 拼写拼写拼写拼写identity 身份身份身份身份expression 词语;表达词语;表达词语;表达词语;表达accent 口音;重音口音;重音口音;重音口音;重音lightning lightning 闪电闪电闪电闪电 VOCABULARY名词名词Wow,I like taking a _.subwayTheygotstuckinthe.elevatorPetrol(英式)gas(美式)我们航海去了澳大利亚。我们航海去了澳大利亚。科学家计划去月球上旅行。科学家计划去月球上旅行。eg:We to Australia.The scientist plans to to the moon.made a voyagego on a voyageLiangchenisa.native ThekangarooAustralia.be native to 原产于is native to Thepandais native toChnia.Do you like this kind of _?apartment These belong to _.vocabularyDo you know this words _(spell)spellingThis is WeiXiaobaos _card.lawyersidentityThescenerywasbeautifulbeyond _.expressiongwvoyagenwoaeapartmentwpoawnativeabeaebdlivocabularywwoigiapetrolfewegwoidentityswsbalgaswewoigaccentwoiwoigelevatorwoiugspellingwbsoiwgexpressionjkvoyageapartmentnativevocabularypetrolidentitygasaccentelevatorspellingexpressionfind out the new words we have just learntVOCABULARY形容词形容词official官方的;正式的官方的;正式的gradual 逐渐的逐渐的latter 后者的后者的fluent 流利的;流畅的流利的;流畅的frequent 频繁的;常见的频繁的;常见的straight 笔直的笔直的native 本国的;本地的本国的;本地的What are they like?What are they like?taking place by a series of small changes over a long period.nearer to the end of a period of time than the beginning.able to speak or write a language well.This road is not bent.oftenUse the new words to describe the sentence below.graduallatterfluentstraightfrequentThis is an announcement.officialHe is a _ English speaker!fluentRains are _ here in early summer.frequentThis highway is _.straightJane and Mary are good friends.The former is a teacher,and the latter is a nurse.base 以以.为基础为基础command 命令;指令命令;指令request 请求;要求请求;要求recognize 辨认出;承认辨认出;承认because of 由于由于come up 走近;上来走近;上来at present 现在;目前现在;目前make use of 利用;使用利用;使用VOCABULARY动词及动词及动词短语动词短语Do you know the difference of because of and because?Because of the heavy rain,the boy was late.eg:由于大雨这个男孩迟到了。The boy was late because it rained heavily.because of and becausebe based on.以以.为基础为基础.base.on.把把.建立在建立在.的基的基础上础上The TV series _ the novel.is based one.g.她她现在现在正忙不能跟你说话。正忙不能跟你说话。She is busy _and cant speak to you.at present 1.我们必须我们必须利用利用每一分钟去学习。每一分钟去学习。2.我们应我们应充分利用充分利用互联网。互联网。We must make use of every minute to study.We should make full use of the Internet.We must _ every minute to study.We should _ the Internet.make full use of充分利用make good use of 好好利用make use ofmake full use of The boss commanded him _(finish)the work.to finishcommand sb.to do sth.You are requested not _(smoke)in the republic places.to smokerequest sb.to do sth.把把.建立在建立在.基础之上基础之上命令某人做某事命令某人做某事请求某人做某事请求某人做某事由于由于现在;目前现在;目前利用利用bebasedoncommandsb.todosth.requestsb.todosth.becauseofatpresentmakeuseofHave you remembered the phrases?actualgradualhopefulfluentlyfrequentstraight那节课我们变换过的词形那节课我们变换过的词形Exer.3(P36)Complete with some of the following words.“Will you_to my flat?”asked the spider to the fly.“_its so pleasant to look down from so high._the clear sky its possible to see Buildings_theatres and hotels by the sea.such as make use of because of come up at present come upAt presentBecause ofsuch asSo wont you please_this chance to look?”The fly agreed immediately without a second thought.But as soon as she went up with a step so light that day.The spider caught and ate her and she was never seen again!make use ofIt is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as _ as a _English speaker.One reason is that English has a large _.It also has different usage in different English speaking coutries.If you use“flat”instead of“_”,people in America will know you have learned British English.If you use the word“_”instead of“lift”in Britain,people will know you have studied American English.apartmentelevatorvocabularynativefluentlyComplete this passage with the words from the warming up and reading.Summary名词:名词:subway elevator petrol gas voyage native apartment vocabulary spelling identity expression accent lightning 形容词:形容词:official gradual latter fluent frequent straight native 动词动词:base command request recognize because of come up at present make use of 无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布Writeashortstoryusingasmanynewwordsaspossible.Homework


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