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实用职场英文写作教程Unit8MeetingMinute实用职场英文写作教程Unit 8 Meeting MinutMinutes of meetingsa common form of communication within a company,keep permanent and formal records of discussions and decisions at meetings.A minute is a summarized or condensed record of what has taken place in a meeting.It is a written record to be kept for future reference.It may record review of the past activities,new decisions and polices,and provide the decision-making process.Writing minutes is thus an essential skill within companies for a successful career.Minutes of meetingsa commo1ContentandFormat3SampleReading5YourTry24WritingTechniquesUsefulExpressionsandSentences内容大纲内容大纲6Exercises7Answer1Content and Format3Sample ReaContent and Format Content and Format WhatIsaMinuteWhatIsaMinute会议纪要是商务活动中确认会议成果、督促各部门采取行动的主要手会议纪要是商务活动中确认会议成果、督促各部门采取行动的主要手段。会议纪要的格式分为会议题目、会议性质、会议日期、会议时间、段。会议纪要的格式分为会议题目、会议性质、会议日期、会议时间、会议地点、出席者、缺席者、讨论事项、通过决议、结束时间和记录会议地点、出席者、缺席者、讨论事项、通过决议、结束时间和记录人签名等。会议纪要可分为非正式会议纪要和正式会议纪要。正式的人签名等。会议纪要可分为非正式会议纪要和正式会议纪要。正式的会议纪要可分为四类,即叙事会议纪要会议纪要可分为四类,即叙事会议纪要(Narrative minutes),决议会议,决议会议纪要纪要(Resolution minutes),行动会议纪要(,行动会议纪要(Action minutes)和全文)和全文会议纪要(会议纪要(Verbatim minutes)。此外,不同的企业对会议纪要也有)。此外,不同的企业对会议纪要也有不同的要求。会议纪要一般使用过去时,用被动语态取代第一人称,不同的要求。会议纪要一般使用过去时,用被动语态取代第一人称,避免使用表示好坏的形容词或副词。内容要求客观、完整、清晰、明避免使用表示好坏的形容词或副词。内容要求客观、完整、清晰、明确。确。What Is a Minute会议纪要是商务活动中确认会议纪要的准备会议纪要的准备 以下几种手段能帮助记录者在会议开始前做好准备:1.提前准备一份先前会议的纪要作为参考,熟悉公司惯用的文体格式.2.如有可能,与会议的组织者进行沟通,预先了解会议议程、会上散发的资料、与会者姓名、待解决的问题等重要信息,做到心中有数。3.如果会议内容较为复杂、持续时间较长,应提前准备好录音器材、笔记本电脑和电池,这些工具能使会议记录作为简便。4.在会议开始前,就将会议的开始时间、地点等信息记录好。会议纪要的准备 WhatsthestructureofWhatsthestructureofaMinuteaMinute会议纪要的结构通常包含下列模块:会议纪要的结构通常包含下列模块:1.会议信息概述:该部分对会议的基本信息:会议题目、会议性质、会议日期、会议时间、会议地点进行概述。2.与会者信息:该部分主要介绍参会者信息,包括出席者、列席者、迟到者、缺席者等等。3.会议目标:该部分对会议的主要目标进行描述。4.对上次会议纪要的修改:如果本次会议对上次会议的纪要做了修改,则应该提出。5.讨论的议题和结论:描述会议中讨论的议题,并正确记录各种结论。必须注意的是,除非特殊需要,对未形成结论的个人观点不应记录。6.决议:以书面形式重申会上所做出的决定。7.下一步的措施:将各部门和人员下一步的工作明确列出。8.结束时间和记录人签名。Whats the structure of a Mi例如:例如:例如:WhatstheFormatofWhatstheFormatofAMinuteAMinute会议纪要的一般的格式如下图的写作模板所示:Whats the Format of A Minute会英文会议记录的格式较为正式,通常分为会议名称、时间、地点、出席人、缺席人、讨论事项、通过决议和记录人等几部分。记录名称一般标语于文章开头部分,可以居中,也可以按时下流行的书写格式一律居左。接下来的日期,时间和地点部分往往用一两句话表述清楚。为确保准确性,以便日后引用过或查找,会议纪要的时间常常准确到年月日,甚至几时几分。会议纪要中的地点,如没有特殊要求,可以不予交代,如有必要,也要写清楚。出席人和缺席人一般另起一行。出席人一栏中,首先注明的是会议主持人,缺席人如无需交代,也可以省去。如要注明,则可续上缺席原因等。不管是出席人还是缺席人,一般都应该给全名,必要时续上职务名称。正文要求用词精,条理清楚,内容精要,以便于让参看记录的人一眼就能明了会议的整个流程和主要内容。如果涉及下次会议的时间,一定要清楚记录。最后还可记上会议结束的时间。署名部分一般位于正文的右下角,写上记录人的姓名,有时加上主持人的签名。也可以参照计算机版格式一律左起顶格,但不管采用哪种方式,签名都尽可能用全称,以便日后查找。英文会议记录的格式较为正式,通常分为会议名称、时间、地点、出Writing TechniquesWriting Techniques会议纪要语气要正式;动词一般采用被动式;措辞尽量采用常用词。会议纪要是用清晰和准确的形式记录讨论和决议的方法,应该使用平实的语言。会议记录者首要的是要认识到会议纪要写作的 4C 原则原则。1.准确(准确(correctness):正确反映所有的决议和行动。正确反映所有的决议和行动。2.简明(简明(conciseness):会议纪要切中要点、准确的时候,更容易理解主要会议纪要切中要点、准确的时候,更容易理解主要信息。信息。3.清晰(清晰(Clarity):理解决议或行动的目的,以便更加清晰的表达会议纪要内理解决议或行动的目的,以便更加清晰的表达会议纪要内容。容。4.一致(一致(consistency):会议纪要的格式应保持一致,只有通篇修改的时候,会议纪要的格式应保持一致,只有通篇修改的时候,才可以改变。才可以改变。会议纪要语气要正式;动词一般采用被动式;措辞尽量采另外还要注意以下几个方面:1.语言用得越正式,越显出商务气息。如:Informal Formal so-so satisfactory 2.不要用缩略语,用全称:Informal Formal arent are not Shes She is,She has 3.不要用缩写,用全称:Informal Formal Dept.Department Corp.Corporation 4.不要用人称,用非人称:不 要 用 要 用 Our idea the companys proposal We wanted the corporation required Your letter to us the correspondence received 5.被动语态 使用被动语态给人感觉以中性,文件似乎由传真机所发,它能将人的注意力引向信息本身,而不是注意谁提出此建议,作出此决定等。如:A salary cut was proposed.Mr.*proposed a salary cut.(这种写法会遭人注意或受到攻击,即使在会议上通过了,也是集体或多数人的意见,记录的也只是结果。)6.态度措辞常常能反映人际关系。纪要中对上级、对同行、对同事以及对下级所用的语气和态度是绝然不同的。对上级用尊敬、对同事同行用礼貌、对下级用权威命令式语气。这种语气差别主要体现在动词上:对上级 对下级 could be is should be is would be will might/may be will seems to be is 另外还要注意以下几个方面:5.被动语态 总之,会谈纪要应尽可能准确。如果对于会议内容发生争议,会谈纪要可以提供依据。应该以第三人称写作,使用过去时,不要直接引用讲话,使用中性词,使用正确的术语。会议纪要的写作顺序应确保和讨论的顺序一致,和会议日程的结构一致。会议纪要的各部分按照顺序可以标上数字,其数字应与会议日程的数字保持一致。总之,会谈纪要应尽可能准确。如果对于会议内容发生争议,会谈纪Sample ReadingSample Reading1.MinutesofaBoardMeeting1.MinutesofaBoardMeeting1.Minutes of a Board Meeting【参考译文】1.1.董事会会议纪要.【参考译文】1.董事会 会议纪要.2.2.MinutesofameetingoftheMarketingDepartmentMinutesofameetingoftheMarketingDepartment2.Minutes of a meeting of the【参考译文】2.2.市场部会议纪录【参考译文】2.市场部会议纪录3.3.ActionMinutesActionMinutes3.Action Minutes【参考译文】3.行动会议纪要【参考译文】3.行动会议纪要 4 4。ExecutiveCommitteeMeetingMinutes(会议讨论了章程的修改、目标的制定以及下次会议的时间。)4。Executive Committee Meeting【参考参考译文文】4.4.执执行委行委员员会的会的全文会全文会议记录【参考译文】4.执行委员会的全文会议记录5.MinutesofaDiscussion5.MinutesofaDiscussion5.Minutes of a Discussion【参考译文】5.讨论会的会议记录【参考译文】5.讨论会的会议记录Useful Expressions and SentencesUseful Expressions and SentencUsefulExpressionsUsefulExpressions1.hearing:听证会,意见听取会 2.waive:放弃,撤回 3.quorum:有效的法定人数 4.proceedings:进程,时间,事项,记录 5.snapshot:简短描述 6.verbatim:逐字的 7.diffuse:分散的,罗嗦的,冗长的 8.teleconference:远程电话会议 9.chair:(会议的)主席,议长,会长,主席席位(职务)10.dissent:不同意 11.abstain:放弃,弃权 12.seminar:研讨会 13.sederunt:拉(某某等人)出席;会议,联欢会,座谈会(=There sat)14.subsume:包含,包容 15.venue:会议地点 16.table:搁置(议案、提议、动议)17.adjourn:休会,闭会 18.board of directors 董事会 19.AGM:股东周年大会(Annual General Meeting)20.action minutes 行动性会议纪要 21.narrative minutes 叙述性会议纪要 22.resolution minutes 决议性会议纪要 23.Special Interest Group 特别利益集团 24.keep track of 记录 25.apology:请假 26.launch:(新产品)投放市场销售 Useful Expressions1.hearing26.launch:(新产品)投放市场销售 27.second:附议 28.a matter of high priority 非常需要优先考虑的事情 29.regular meeting 常务会议 30.special meeting 专门会议 31.executive meeting 行政会议 32.motion originators 动议发起人 33.mode of voting 表决方式 34.arguments in favor 赞成意见 35.arguments against 反对意见 36.convener:会议召集人 37.be in attendance 出席 38.throw open 取消限制 39.play havoc with 扰乱,破坏 40.backup:后背设备 41.just in case 以防万一 42.proofread:校对 43.call the roll 点名 44.apologies were received from Peter:Peter 请假 45.put the issue to vote 将问题付诸表决 46.announce an appointment and a dismissal 发布了几项任免决定 47.affirmative vote 赞成票 48.negative vote 反对票 49.abstention:弃权 50.call to order 宣布开始(会议、上课等)51.unanimously:一致地 26.launch:(新产品)投放市场销售 40.bac UsefulSentencesUsefulSentences1.A meeting was held at 2:30 p.m.today in the Union Hall to discuss problems in domestic sales.下午两点半在工会大厅召开了一次会议,讨论国内视察那个销售中的问题。2.The meeting was called to order by Zhang Xiaohua at 10:30 a.m.张小华于上午 10 点半宣布开会。3.Minutes of the last meeting held at 10:00 a.m.on May 20 were approved.会上通过了 5 月 20 日上午 10 点举行的上次会议的纪要。4.The chairman announced that Mr.Li had been elected as sales manager.主席宣布李先生当选为销售经理。5.There were 20 affirmative votes,5 negative votes and 2 abstentions.20 张赞成票,5 张反对票,2 张弃权票。6.Minutes of last meeting held on 20th March,at 10:00 were approved.上次于 3 月 20 日早上 10 点召开的会议的纪要得到通过。7.Based on the discussion,Professor Li made a motion that the Academic Senate extended a certificate of appreciation.根据讨论,李教授做出了学术评议会扩大鉴定证书的动议。8.Professor Ming seconded the motion,which was passed unanimously.Ming 教授附议该动议,该动议得到一致通过。9.Mr.Zhang stated that employees were unhappy about the temperature in the office.张先生陈述了员工对办公室温度不满。10.The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.会议于下午 4 点休会。11.The next regular meeting was scheduled for May 15,at 2:30 p.m.下次常规会议定于 5 月 15 日下午 2 点半举行。Your TryYour TryTask 1 Group discussionQ1.Whats the purpose of writing the minutes?Q2.What points should be included in the minutes?Q3.Who can be the taker of meeting minutes?Can he or she anyone who speaks at the meeting?Q4.List some kinds of preparation a minutes-taker should get ready to before the meeting.Task 2 Comparison:discuss in groups of four or five and compare the two minutes and decide which one is more appropriate and what differences are in the contents and formats.Task 1 Group discussionTask 3 The minutes are completed,but the parts are mixed up.Put the following parts into proper order to make complete minutes.A a.Winter promotion plans b.Adjournment c.Apologies for absence d.Date of next meeting e.Monday,28th July,2009,at 10:00 a.m.f.To review the sales record in June g.Review of the minutes of the previous meeting h.Minutes B a.Apologies for Absence:Mr.Yuan Guojun,manager of Department F b.Present:Thomas Jiang,Chairperson Qian Huilin,manager of Department A Chen Zhen,manager of Department B Zhang Yan,manager of Department C Li Jing,manager of Department D Zhao Qiang,manager of Department E c.The chief item of the meeting:Possibility of carrying out flextime system in the company.d.Different opinions:1.Ms.Qians opinions:She reported that her people felt happy with the present non-flexible system.She system and even suggested to have gap working days.and the staff in her department thought it was hard to cover for others if there was a flextime system.2.Ms.Zhangs opinions:She suggested to vote on the new proposal.She agreed with the new working system and even suggested to have gap working days.3.Ms.Lis opinions:She agreed with the flextime system and proposed a new working system,which was called“core times”.Core times,in Ms.Lis ideas,meant the basic hours one should be in the company.4.Mr.Chens opinion:He agreed with the new working system but disagreed with Ms.Lis new proposal on“core times”.5.Mr.Zhaos opinion:Because of the time difference,it was very hard for Mr.Zhaos department to carry out flextime system.e.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m.f.Qiu Xiaoyun Business Assistant g.Date:February 20,2008,9:00 a.m.h.Minutes Task 3 and the staff in her dTask 4 Find out the problems in the following writing.Try to find out them and rewrite it.Task 4 Answer:Task 3 A Order:h e c g a f d b B Order:h g b a c d e f Task 4(调理不清晰,不明确。会议的地点及出席人员介绍得较为模糊。主要内容重点不突出。并且用第一人称来讲述,不符合会议纪要的要求。另外第三段第一句“We heatedly discussed the new proposal suggested by Mr.Li,Miss Zhang pointed out that”存在语法问题。如果重点强调的是两件事:1.我们讨论了李先生提出的意向书;2.张小姐提出那么可以把 Mr.Li 后的逗号改成句号。“We heatedly discussed the new proposal suggested by Mr.Li.Miss Zhang pointed out”也可以写成并列句,在 Mr.Zhang 前加连词 and 即可。)Answer:ExercisesExercisesI.Read the following letter and try to figure out how the principles are applied in them.The question after it might help you complete the task.Questions for comprehension 1.How does the author arrange the minute?2.Identify the characteristics of the letter.3.Give the general structure of the letter.4.List the outline of the letter.5.What is the purpose of the letter?6,Sum up the requirement for minutes.7.Give your impression on the meetings and explain why you think so.I.Read the following letter a.Fill in the blanks of the following minute with the words given.Change the form where necessary.Fill in the blanks of the f.Fill in Table 2 according to the examples in Table 1.Table 1 Table 2.Fill in Table 2 according t.Match the English words and phrases with their proper Chinese Meaning.a.宣布开会 b.附议 c.全体一致地,无异议地 d.提议 e.弃权 f.休会 g.决议 h.轮流 i.会议进程 j.会议议程()adjournment ()unanimously ()call to order ()resolution ()in turn ()to second()motion ()proceedings ()agenda ()abstain.Translate the following sentences.1.The minutes of the last meeting,having been previously circulated,were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.2.The meeting suggested inviting experts from Canada to give a training course to all the employees of the company.3.Mr.Zhang volunteered to arrange for estimates to be obtained on the cost of repairs,and report back at the next meeting.4.The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.5.There being no further business,the chairperson closed the meeting.6.人事部经理陈明强先生未能出席。人事部经理陈明强先生未能出席。7.请大家就该问题轮流发言。请大家就该问题轮流发言。8.全体一致同意下次会议于全体一致同意下次会议于 2014 年年 7 月月 1 日上午日上午 10 时在会议室举行。时在会议室举行。9.主席指出本委员会无权做出这个决定。主席指出本委员会无权做出这个决定。10.会上作出了几项任免。会上作出了几项任免。.Write English meeting minutes according to the hints given.Match the English words and.Look at the minutes and change it into a summary.Look at the minutes and chanAnswerAnswer 1.released 2.enclosed 3.approved 4.requested 5.adjournment .f c a g h b d i j e.1.上次会议的会议记录已事先传阅,该会议记录已被确认通过并由主上次会议的会议记录已事先传阅,该会议记录已被确认通过并由主席签字。席签字。2.与会者一致提议从加拿大聘请专家为公司全体员工开设培训课程。与会者一致提议从加拿大聘请专家为公司全体员工开设培训课程。3.张经理自愿安排人员就修理费用作出估价并在下次会议上汇报有关张经理自愿安排人员就修理费用作出估价并在下次会议上汇报有关情况。情况。4.晚上晚上 8 点点 45 分休会。分休会。5.没有其他事项,主席宣布会议结束。没有其他事项,主席宣布会议结束。6.Apologies for Mr.Chen Mingqiang,the manager of HR.7.You can speak on the subject in turn.8.It was agreed that the next meeting will be held on 1st July,2014,at 10:00 a.m.in the conference room.8.The Chairman pointed out that it was not within the Committees power to make such a decision.10.Several appointments and dismissals were announced at the meeting.1.released 2.enclosed


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