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BR_mainEnglish Song Saturday Night SpecialSecurity Situations in the USA Security Measures and Problems in the World Security Measures in Ancient Time 1PPT学习交流BR_mainEnglishSongSaturBR_EnglishSongSecurity Situations in the USA President Bushs Address American Campus Shooting Terrorist Attacks on Sept.11,2001 Crime Rate in America 2PPT学习交流BR_EnglishSongSecuritySiBR_AboutEducationAboutEducationSecurity Measures and Problems in the World Security Measures on Public Buses Can Detectors Improve Social Security?German Campus Shooting Security Scanners 3PPT学习交流BR_AboutEducationSecurityTerrorist Attacks on Sept.11,2001Word MatchingTrue or False4PPT学习交流TerroristAttacksonSept.11,Security Measures in Ancient Time The Great WallCastle5PPT学习交流SecurityMeasuresinAncientTEnglish Song Saturday Night Special Listen to the song and fill in the blanks with what you hear.Two feets they come a-creepinLike a black doTwo bodies are layin nakedCreeper thinks hes got nothing to loseSo he creeps into the house the doorAnd as the mans for his trousersShoots him full of 38 holescat_Unlocks_reaching_6PPT学习交流EnglishSongSaturdayNightBR_TeachYourChildren1TeachYourChildren1Mister Saturday Night,youre Got a barrel thats blue and coldThey aint good for nothingBut put a man six feet in a holeBig Jims been drinking whiskeyPlayin poler on a losin nightPretty soon old Jim starts thinkingSomebodys been and lyingBig Jim commenced to I wouldnt tell you no liecheating_special_Chorusfighting_7PPT学习交流BR_TeachYourChildren1MisBR_TeachYourChildren2TeachYourChildren2Big Jim done pulled his pistolShot his friend right between the eyesChorusOh,Saturday Night SpecialFor twenty you can buy yourself one,too are made for killingThey aint no good for nothing elseAnd if you like to drink your whiskeyYou might even shoot yourself.Handguns_dollars_,8PPT学习交流BR_TeachYourChildren2BigBR_TeachYourChildren3TeachYourChildren3So why dont we dump em peopleTo the bottom of the seaBefore some ole fool come around hereWanna shoot either you or meChorusIts a Saturday Night SpecialAnd Id like to tell you what you can do with it too And thats the end of the song.9PPT学习交流BR_TeachYourChildren3SoColumn AMatch the words in Column A which you will hear in the passage with the correct meanings in Column B.Terrorist Attacks on Sept.11,2001Column BA.to be in a state of confusionB.fall downC.to control or governD.severe damageE.people killed or injured in an accidentF.unquestionably true6.collapse1.dominate2.undeniable3.reel4.devastation5.casualties10PPT学习交流ColumnAMatchthewordsinColListen and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).Terrorist Attacks on Sept.11,200111PPT学习交流ListenanddecidewhethertheTerrorist Attacks on Sept.11,2001Wherever you were in lower Manhattan before September 11th,2001,two buildings dominated the landscape.Critics said the World Trade Center towers didnt relate to their surroundings and werent especially pleasing in design.But the fact is that they were big,undeniably and frighteningly so,and a walk across the plaza in summer months could make your head reel.On February 26,1993,the World Trade Center complex was rocked by an explosive device left in one of the underground parking lots;six people were killed and over a thousand injured.12PPT学习交流TerroristAttacksonSept.11,On the morning of September 11,2001,the United States of America awoke to find itself under attack.Several terrorist attacks within an hour wreaked havoc in New York City and Washington,D.C.,causing widespread devastation and more than five thousand casualties on September 11,2001.It was the deadliest day in American history,costing more lives than the attack on Pearl Harbor or D-Day.Separate hijacked commercial airliners hit both of the World Trade Center towers in Manhattan,setting them on fire and leaving gaping holes in each.Both eventually collapsed to the street below.13PPT学习交流OnthemorningofSeptember11Listen and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).Terrorist Attacks on Sept.11,20011.The twin towers were located in upper Manhattan.2.Many people claimed that the buildings went on well with the surroundings.FThey were located in lower Manhattan.()FMany critics stated that they didnt relate to their surroundings.()14PPT学习交流ListenanddecidewhethertheThe terrorist attack on September 11 caused more lives than the attack on Pearl Harbor.3.In 1993,the World Trade Center was attacked,but fortunately no one was hurt.4.The terrorist attack on September 11,2001 happened in the morning.5.The casualties of this terrorist attack were fewer than those of the attack on Pearl Harbor.FSix people were killed and more than a thousand were injured.()F()T()15PPT学习交流TheterroristattackonSeptemBR_QuestionsandAnswersQuestionsandAnswersPresident Bushs Address On Sept.11thThis is a moment for America.I,unfortunately,will be going back to after my remarks.Secretary Rod Paige and the Lieutenant Governor(副州长副州长)will take the podium(讲台讲台)and discuss .I do want to thank the folks here at Booker Elementary School for their .Today weve had a national tragedy.Two have crashed into the Center in an terrorist attack on our country.I have spoken to the Vice President,to the of New York,to the Director difficult_Washington_education_hospitality_airplanes_World Trade_apparent_Governor_Ladies and gentlemen:16PPT学习交流BR_QuestionsandAnswersPreBR_Crosby,StillsandNash1Crosby,StillsandNash1of the ,and have ordered that the full of the federal government go to help the victims and their families,and to conduct a full-scale to hunt down and to find those folks who committed this act.against our nation will not stand.And now if you would join me in a moment of .May God bless the victims,their ,and .Thank you very much.America_FBI_resources_investigation_Terrorism_silence_families_17PPT学习交流BR_Crosby,StillsandNashAmerican Campus Shooting Click the red arrows!18PPT学习交流AmericanCampusShootingClickLittleton:On April 20th,1999,two teenage students opened fire on classmates and teachers in their suburban Denver school,killing 15 people including themselves.American Campus Shooting Back19PPT学习交流Littleton:AmericanCampusShoDetroit:On December 11th,1998,Wayne State University professor was shot and killed while collecting final exams from his engineering students when the gunman stepped into the classroom and opened fire with a rifle.The professor fell wounded to the floor,only to be shot again by the man who took the time to reload.American Campus Shooting Back20PPT学习交流Detroit:AmericanCampusShootAmerican Campus Shooting Springfield:On May 21st,1998,a freshman student opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle in a high school cafeteria,killing two students and wounding 22 others.The teenagers parents were later found shot to death in their home.Back21PPT学习交流AmericanCampusShootingSprinLos Angeles:On October 11,1999,five students were fatally wounded in a Jewish community center.American Campus Shooting Back22PPT学习交流LosAngeles:AmericanCampusSAmerican Campus Shooting Fayetteville:On May 19th,1998,a high school senior shot and killed another student in the school parking lot at Lincoln County High School.Back23PPT学习交流AmericanCampusShootingFayetAmerican Campus Shooting Pearl:On October 1st,1997,a 16-year-old student in Pearl,Mississippi,is accused of killing his mother,then going to school and shooting nine students.Two of them died.Back24PPT学习交流AmericanCampusShootingPearlCrime Rate in America violent robbery arson offense property enforcement1.What did the report from FBI offer?adj.暴力的暴力的n.抢掠抢掠,抢夺抢夺n.纵火纵火,纵火罪纵火罪n.违法违法n.财产财产n.执行执行The report from the FBI offered new evidence showing that violent crime may be on the rise.25PPT学习交流CrimeRateinAmericaviolent2.What number has increased more than nine percent for the first half of the year?The number of robberies nationwide increased nine and seven-tenths percent for the first half of the year.3.In what kind of cities was the increase in violent crime obvious?In cities with populations between half a million and a million.4.What kind of crimes fell in the first half of the year?Most property crimes fell in the first half of the year.26PPT学习交流2.Whatnumberhasincreasedm5.What are the possible reasons why violent crime is up nationally?There are many reasons,such as:illegal guns,not enough law enforcement officers,reductions in federal money,increase in young males and other population changes.27PPT学习交流5.WhatarethepossiblereasoCrime rates in the United States have been dropping for a number of years.Rates of violent crime have fallen to their lowest levels since the 1970s.President Bush noted this in his declaration in April for National Crime Victims Rights Week.But this week,a report from the Federal Bureau of Investigation offered new evidence that violent crime may be on the rise.Early numbers for the first half of the year show violent crime was up three and seven-tenths percent over the same period last year.The F.B.I.reported earlier that violent crime increased more than two percent in all of 2005.That was the largest increase in fifteen years.28PPT学习交流CrimeratesintheUnitedStatThe new report says the number of robberies nationwide increased nine and seven-tenths percent between January and June of this year.And there were seven percent more arson fires compared to the first half of last year.The number of murders increased almost one and one-half percent.Other violent offenses were also up more than one percent.But the F.B.I.says the number of rapes decreased,though by less than one-tenth of one percent.The report shows that violent crime rose nationwide,especially in cities with populations between half a million and a million.But the largest increase was in the West.Violent crime in that part of the country rose almost five percent.Northeastern states had the smallest29PPT学习交流Thenewreportsaysthenumberincrease.It was three percent over the same period last year.While violent crime increased nationally,most property crimes fell in the first half of the year.In all,property crime decreased more than two and one-half percent.The information in the F.B.I.report comes from more than eleven thousand law enforcement agencies.Researchers from the Justice Department are studying a number of cities to look for reasons why violent crime is up nationally.Experts suggest a number of possible reasons.These include too many illegal guns and not enough law enforcement officers on the streets of American cities.Also blamed are reductions in federal money for local law enforcement agencies over the past ten years.Yet local30PPT学习交流increase.Itwasthreepercentagencies have more duties since the attacks of September 11th,2001.Now they are expected to fight terrorism in addition to traditional crime.At the federal level,the F.B.I.and other agencies that often help local officers investigate crimes have seen their duties change as well.But other researchers believe an increase in young males and other population changes have played a part in the rise in violent crime.And some point to increases in the spread of street gangs.In any case,the F.B.I.notes that in the years leading up to 2005,violent crime kept falling.So officials say it is still too early to say if new trends are developing.31PPT学习交流agencieshavemoredutiessincSecurity Measures on Public Buses32PPT学习交流SecurityMeasuresonPublicBuBR_ASurveyASurvey1.How many people were injured in the bus explosion in Yunnan?Eight dozens of people were injured.2.Who would consider public buses as a favorite way to get around?Residents and visitors in the Capital.3.What have been installed in long-distance bus stations?Safety-checking machines have been installed.33PPT学习交流BR_ASurvey1.Howmanypeop4.What a driver would do if there is a danger?The driver would first stop the bus,then dial the police;he also should calm down the passengers in order to avoid unnecessary injuries.5.What are passengers opinions towards it?Passengers express their full understanding and concern.6.Why keeping public buses safe is a challenge?There is only a driver and a ticket collector in a bus,and every day there are 30 million passengers.34PPT学习交流4.WhatadriverwoulddoiftBR_APracticalExperiment1APracticalExperiment1Can Detectors Improve Social Security?Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.35PPT学习交流BR_APracticalExperiment1 An article in Guangzhou Daily says that detectors can help the police find when they are solving a case,but it might not play a big role in ensuring social security.The police in Lianjiang in south Chinas Guangdong Province spent 10 million yuan or nearly 1.5 million US dollars to detectors in public places to ensure social security.recently_install_clues_36PPT学习交流AnarticleinGuangzhou detectors be used to supplement a well-organized police system and public-oriented governmentBR_APracticalExperiment2APracticalExperiment2The article says that many public places without detectors are still in order .It points out that such a large-scale installation reflects the fact .It suggests thatwhile some cases monitoredby detectors have aroused disputes_that the local police blindly rely ontechnology_._37PPT学习交流BR_APracticalExperiment4APracticalExperiment4wield condolence stun unimaginable dealership suspect nondescript rampagev.n.vt.adj.n.n.adj.n.挥挥哀悼哀悼,吊唁吊唁使晕倒使晕倒,使惊吓使惊吓想不到的想不到的,不可思议的不可思议的代理商代理商嫌疑犯嫌疑犯无特征的无特征的乱闹乱闹,暴跳暴跳German Campus Shooting 38PPT学习交流BR_APracticalExperiment4BR_APracticalExperiment5APracticalExperiment5German Campus Shooting 39PPT学习交流BR_APracticalExperiment5Most of the victims killed in the school were female.True or False1.A total of 12 people including students were killed by the 17-year-old.2.On Wednesday,the European Parliament stood in silence for several minutes for those victims.3.Most of the victims killed in the school were male.FA total of 15 people were killed by the 17-year-old.()FThe European Parliament stood in silence for a minute.()F()40PPT学习交流Mostofthevictimskilledin4.Two police officers were seriously injured and killed.5.The suspect was described as one with average grades.6.The gun used by the attacker was legally registered to the attacker.FTwo police officers suffered serious but non-life-threatening wounds.()T()FThe gun was legally registered to the attackers father.()41PPT学习交流4.TwopoliceofficerswereseGermany is mourning victims of a deadly high school shooting.A 17-year-old wielding a pistol burst into classrooms at his former high school in Winnenden on Wednesday.He gunned down a total of 15 people including students,teachers and members of the public before killing himself.Li Xiang Reports.German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed her condolences to the victims families,calling Wednesdays shooting a“horrific crime”.Angela Merkel,German chancellor,said,“Like all people in Germany,I am horrified,shocked and stunned about the things that happened today at the Albertville school in Winnenden.It is unimaginable that in just seconds,pupils and42PPT学习交流Germanyismourningvictimsofteachers were killed by a horrific crime.”Also on Wednesday,the European Parliament stood in silence for a minute for those killed in the deadly school attack.The 17-year-old started his shooting spree after entering the school on Wednesday morning.He killed nine students and three teachers,most of them female.Later,police said the gunman shot and killed a male passerby before running into an industrial area with police in pursuit.He then shot and killed two employees at an auto dealership and opened fire at police vehicles.Two police officers suffered serious but non-life-threatening wounds.In this mobile phone video,the attacker is shown making his final shot,which took his43PPT学习交流teacherswerekilledbyahorrown life.The suspect has been identified as Tim Kretschmer.School officials said he was a nondescript student with average grades.But one of his fellow students described him as a sweet,average,normal guy.Police say the attacker apparently used a gun legally registered to his father who belongs to a shooting club and has a collection of 15 guns at home.Police say the suspect graduated last year from the school of about one-thousand students.But they still have no motive for the shooting rampage.Li Xiang,CCTV.44PPT学习交流ownlife.ThesuspecthasbeenBR_EducationintheWest1EducationintheWest1Security Scanners 45PPT学习交流BR_EducationintheWest1SBR_EducationintheWestEducationintheWest21.Which country has installed body scanners in airports?2.What are the functions of body scanners?3.What is the requirement of the operators who manage the body scanners?France has introduced body scanners for passengers bound for the United States.The body scanners see through passengers clothes.They should be of the same sex as the passengers being scanned.46PPT学习交流BR_EducationintheWest2W4.What choice can the passengers make?5.Why did Canada install body scanners?The passengers could choose between the body scanner and traditional body searching.This is a response to the attack on a US-bound plane just before Christmas.47PPT学习交流4.WhatchoicecanthepassengThe Great Wall Listen and answer the following questions.48PPT学习交流TheGreatWallListenandansw1.What was the aim of building the Great Wall originally?2.Where are the ruins of the Great Wall located now?To protect Chinas northern border in the 3rd century BC.From Bo Hai in the east to Gansu Province in the west.49PPT学习交流1.Whatwastheaimofbuildin The Great Wall is a popular name for a semi-legendary wall built to protect Chinas northern border in the 3rd century BC,and for impressive stone and earthen fortifications built along a different northern border in the 15th and 16th centuries AD,long after the ancient structure had disappeared.Ruins of the later wall are found today along former border areas from Bo Hai in the east to Gansu Province in the west.The Great Wall50PPT学习交流TheGreatWallisapopuCastle51PPT学习交流Castle51PPT学习交流 Castles were built in places where they could be easily defended.A position on high ground provided the defenders with a view of the surrounding countryside,making attacks more difficult.In flat areas,castles were surrounded by a protective moat.52PPT学习交流CastleswerebuiltinplGR_mainPart Division of the Text Further UnderstandingWord Scanning 53PPT学习交流GR_mainPartDivisionoftheGR_FurtherUnderstandingFurther UnderstandingSupporting Facts for the Central IdeaDiscussionTrue or False Sentence CompletionQuestions and Answers 54PPT学习交流GR_FurtherUnderstandingFurGR_PartDivisionoftheText1 Part Division of the Text PartsPara(s)Main Ideas113 2415 In America,the era of leaving the front door on the latch has drawn to a close.A new atmosphere of fear and distrust creeps into every aspect of daily life.As a result,security devices,in varied forms,are put to use.55PPT学习交流GR_PartDivisionoftheTePartsPara(s)Main Ideas31619 By locking our fears out,we become prisoners of our own making.Part Division of the Text 56PPT学习交流PartsPara(s)MainIdeas31619B1.The phrase“on the latch”means the door is closed and locked.2.Nowadays,doors,not only in cities but also in rural areas,are locked.3.Urban streets are more dangerous than outskirts and country areas.GR_Scanning1F()T()True or False This phrase means the door is closed but unlocked.F()Suburbs and country areas are more dangerous thanurban streets.57PPT学习交流1.Thephrase“onthelatch”m4.In America nowadays,no one leaves his front door on the latch anymore.GR_Scanning2T()58PPT学习交流4.InAmericanowadays,nooneSuburban families have steel bars built in sliding glass doors.Supporting Facts for the Central Idea The author uses lots of facts to support his central point of view:America is deteriorating from“the Land of the Free”into“the Land of the Lock”.Could you find any more supporting facts in addition to those listed below?1.Doors are not left unlocked either in cities or in rural areas.2.Dead-bolt locks,security chains,electronic alarm systems and trip wires are widely in use.3.59PPT学习交流Suburbanfamilieshavesteelb6.7.8.Airport security uses electronic X-ray equipment to guard against terrorism.Businessmen employ new ma


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