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Copyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-1Copyright 2016 Pearson EducaChapter 7Training and Developing Employees7-2Copyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.Chapter 7Training and DevelopiLearning Objectives1.Summarize the purpose and process of employee orientation.2.Give an example of how to design onboarding to improve employee engagement.3.List and briefly explain each of the five steps in the training process.Copyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-3Learning ObjectivesSummarize tLearning Objectives(cont.)4.Explain how to use five training techniques.5.List and briefly discuss four management development methods.6.Answer the question,“What is organizational development and how does it differ from traditional approaches to organizational change?”Copyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-4Learning Objectives(cont.)ExpLearning Objectives(cont.)7.Explain what to consider in evaluating the effectiveness of a training program.Copyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-4Learning Objectives(cont.)7.Summarize the purpose and process of employee orientationCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-6Summarize the purpose and procEmployee OrientationCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-71.Make the new employee feel welcome2.Make sure the new employee has the basic information3.Help the new employee understand the organization in a broad sense4.Start socializing the person into the firms culture and ways of doing thingsEmployee OrientationCopyright The Orientation ProcessCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-8The Orientation ProcessCopyrigEmployment LawThe Employee HandbookOrientation TechnologyCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-9Employment LawThe Employee HanGive an example of how to design onboarding to improve employee engagementCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-10Give an example of how to desiEmployee Engagement:Onboarding at ToyotaCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-11Day 2:Involves communication,mutual respect,teamwork,and open communication values overviewDay 3:Involves 2.5 to 3 hours devoted to communication and feedback training Day 4:Involves teamwork training and Toyota suggestion systemDay 1:Involves welcoming the employees and overview of the organizational structure and cultureEmployee Engagement:OnboardinList and briefly explain each of the five steps in the training processCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-12List and briefly explain each The ADDIE Five-Step Training ProcessCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-13Design the overall training programDevelop the courseAnalyze the training needImplement training by targeting employee groups using methodsEvaluate the courses effectivenessThe ADDIE Five-Step Training PEmployment LawCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-14Training DecisionsAligning Strategy and TrainingEmployment LawCopyright 2016Conducting the Training Needs AnalysisStrategic Training Needs AnalysisCurrent Training Needs AnalysisTask Analysis:Analyzing New Employees Training NeedsTalent Management:Using Competency ModelsPerformance Analysis:Analyzing Current Employees Training NeedsCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-15Conducting the Training Needs Sample Task Analysis Record FormCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-16Sample Task Analysis Record FoWays to Identify How Current Employees are DoingCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-17Performance appraisalsJob-related performance dataObservations by supervisors or other specialistsInterviews with the employee or his/her supervisorTests of job knowledge,skills,and attendanceAttitude surveysIndividual employee daily diariesAssessment center resultsSpecial performance gap analytical software Ways to Identify How Current EDesigning the Training ProgramCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-18Setting Learning ObjectivesCreating a Motivating Learning EnvironmentDesigning the Training ProgramHow to Motivate the TraineeCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-19How to Motivate the TraineeCopDeveloping the programCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-20Program developmentImplementationDeveloping the programCopyrighExplain how to use five training techniquesCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-21Explain how to use five trainiImplementing the Training ProgramCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-22Informal LearningTypes of On-the-Job TrainingApprenticeship TrainingOn-the-Job TrainingImplementing the Training ProgSome Popular ApprenticeshipsCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-23Some Popular ApprenticeshipsCoTypes of TrainingCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-24Job Instruction TrainingLecturesProgrammed LearningTypes of TrainingCopyright 2Types of Training(cont.)Copyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-25Behavior ModelingAudiovisual-Based TrainingVestibule TrainingElectronic Performance Support Systems(EPSS)Job AidTypes of Training(cont.)CopyrTypes of Training(cont.)Copyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-26VideoconferencingComputer-based Training(CBT)Simulated learningTypes of Training(cont.)CopyrImproving Performance Through HRISCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-27Internet-based LearningLearning PortalsImproving Performance Through Types of TrainingCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-28The Virtual ClassroomMobile LearningTypes of TrainingCopyright 2TrainingCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-29Web 2.0 LearningLifelong LearningLiteracy TrainingDiversity TrainingTrainingCopyright 2016 PearsTeam TrainingCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-30Cross TrainingTechnical TrainingInterpersonal Skills TrainingTeam TrainingCopyright 2016 List and briefly discuss four management development methodsCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-31List and briefly discuss four Implementing Management Development ProgramsCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-32Strategys Role in Management DevelopmentSuccession PlanningSuccession SystemsCandidate Assessment and the 9-Box GridManagerial On-the-Job TrainingoJob RotationoCoaching/Understudy ApproachoAction LearningImplementing Management DeveloOff-the Job Management TrainingCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-33The Case Study MethodManagement GamesOutside SeminarsUniversity-Related ProgramsRole PlayingCorporate UniversitiesExecutive CoachesOff-the Job Management TraininLeadership DevelopmentCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-34GE exampleTalent Management Differential Development AssignmentsLeadership DevelopmentCopyrighAnswer the question,“What is organizational development and how does it differ from traditional approaches to organizational change?”Copyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-35Answer the question,“What is Organizational ChangeCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-36Organizational ChangeCopyrightExplain what to consider in evaluating the effectiveness of a training programCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-37Explain what to consider in evEvaluating the Training EffortCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-38Design the StudyoTime SeriesoControlled ExperimentationTraining Effects to MeasureoReactionoLearningoBehavioroResultsEvaluating the Training EffortExample Training Evaluation FormCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-39Example Training Evaluation FoSummary1.New employees must be trained 2.There is more to orienting employees than introducing them to coworkers3.ADDIE outlines the training process4.Specific training methods were covered5.New managers often get on-the-job training6.Managers must execute organizational change programs7.Organizational training effortsCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-40SummaryNew employees must be tCopyright 2016 Pearson Education,Inc.7-41Copyright 2016 Pearson Educa


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