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How to develop good habitsIt is very important for us to develop good habits.As teenagers,what should we do?In my opinion,we should listen to the teacher carefully and take notes when necessary.It is a good habit to finish the schoolwork on time every day.In spare time,we had better read some books to get more knowledge.We should eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.Weshould eat less junk food because it is bad for us.It is necessary for us to take exercise for three or four times a week.Exercise is fun and relaxing.It is healthy for the mind and body.Healthy lifestyle helps us get good grades and live happily.Dear Tom,I would like to introduce my class rules.First,we should come to school on time in school uniforms.It is polite to greet our teachers when we meet them.Second,we must listen carefully in class and be active in thinking.Also,we ought to do our homework carefully and hand it in on time.Third,we need clean the classroom and always keep it clean.And we are required to turn off lights and close windows before we leave.Fourth,being friendly is important.We are supposed to get along well and help each other to make progress together.It is our duty to follow all the rules above.What about yours?Please write soon.yours LI JieThe earth is our home.We should protect the earth/the enviroment.As middle school students,we should save the energy around us,such as water,electricity and so on.We can walk or ride bikes to school every day.We should turn off lights when we leave the room.We should save water.Dont forget to turn off the water tap after using it.We also need to savepaper.When we go shopping,we shouldnt use the plastic bags.In a word,we should try our best to protect our earth./protectthe environment./save the energy.Dear classmates:(P58)I am very excited to hear that China will build 20,000 football-themed school by 2020.Football has a very long history.It is liked by people all over the world.The World Cup takes place every four years.Playing football has lots of advantages.First,both boys and girls can take part in it.Second,it helps develop team spirit.Whats more,playing football is good for our health.I am a football fan.Meisi is my hero.He has a gift for playing football.My dream is to become a famous player like Messi.I hope China will hold the Word Cup some day.Thank you for your attention.p64:Friends are important in our life.Everyone needs friends.What kind of friends do I want to have?I think I d like to have two different kinds of friends.Firstly,I need friends who are quiet.I am a shy and quiet person.The thing I like to do best is reading books quietly.I want my friends to be the same as me so that we can read together.Secondly,I expect my friends to be funny and humorous.I have much stress from school.So I hope my friends can make me laugh.I wish that all of us can find good friends.Dear Wei Ping,P81 My birthday is coming.It is on this Saturday.I d like to hold a birthday party at my house.Are you free on Saturday evening?Can you come to my party?I also invite some of my classmates and our English teacher.My parents will prepare lots of food for us,like salad,cakes,juice and other snacks.There will be some activities in the party.Do you know the address of my house?You can take the No.2 bus,and get off at the Tree Center Station.Then you can see my house next to a big supermarket.Come and have fun!Yours,Wang IinP 93As a middle school students,we should have good manners.First,we should respect our parents and help them do some housework.Second,we should be polite and honest.Also,it is always good to be kind and friendly.We should try our best to help the people in need.Third,we d better not talk loudly in public.Dont throw rubbish everywhere.Its our duty tohelp protect the environment.In a word,good manners can make a difference and lead to a better life.P69:Last Friday,our class held a class meeting about our dreams.Here is my report.Sbs dream is to be.Sb wants to do./to be.Sb is going to/will do sth.I think/I am sure that our dreams will come ture.选秀类作文:选秀类作文:1.Every is good at something.2.Sb is truly talented.3.give people a way to make their dreams come true.4.All these shows have one thing in common:they try to look for the best5.All kinds of people join these shows.6.Who can do sth best?7.Who can sing the most beautifully?8.That is up to sb to decide.9.The winner always gets a very good prize.10.If you dont take these shows seriously,they are fun to watch.励志人物励志人物1.Sb was born in/on+时间时间2.Sb is a/an man/woman who is interested in doing sth.3.As a/an.,she/he is famous for4.Sb lost sth because/because of.5.Sb wrote a book about.6.sbs love for sth is so great that sb keep on doing sth.7.We should have the same spirit as sb.8.It is very hard/difficult for sb to do sth.9.The first woman/man to succeed was.10.People want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties.11.The spirit of sb shows us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams.12.It is one of the most+名词复数名词复数13.I look up the history of14.I begin to understand 15.Sth was written by sb.16.His mother died when he was young.17.Sb was born in the city of.18.Sb taught sb to do sth,such as.19.Sb was known for his/her(musical)ability at the age of 17.20.After sb died,sbs life grew worse.21.Sb was very poor.22.He developed a serious illness and became blind/deaf/残疾的残疾的23.Sb has no home.Sb live on the streets and do sth to make money.24.Sb did sth in this way for many years.25.sbs amazing(musical)skills make sb popular.26.It is a pity that27.We must face failure.28.In fact,failure is not terrible.The most important thing is how to face it correctly.29.People will have no chance to enjoy the pleasure of success if they cant face their problem.30.Failure is the mother of success.相处篇:相处篇:1.My problem is that.2.I cant get on well with sb.3.My parents talk too much about my grades.4.They give me a lot of pressure.5.I know they are always thinking of me.6.I know they care about me.7.I should respect them and communicate with them.8.I sometimes get into trouble with my classmates.9.I often feel lonely and nervous.10.I am not confident enough at school.11.I think I could try my best to help my classmates in need and make more friends.12.We have too many strict school rules.13.We shouldnt be allowed to take mobile phones to school.14.We must wear school uniforms.15.I have much stress from school.16.I have no chance to talk with my teachers because they are busy with their work.17.I should be friendly to my classmates.18.I should follow the school rules because they are good for me.Have you ever heard of Yang Guang?He is the person that I admire.He was born in February,1979 in Harbin.When he was eight months old,he developed a serious ilness and became blind.He loved music.He never gave up his dream of being a singer.When he was seven,he began to learn the piano and music.He studied very hard.In 2007,he took part in a talent show called The Avenue of Stars and became the winner at last.What a strong man he is!I should have the same spirit as him.I must challenge myself in the face of difficulties.I will never give up trying to achieve my dream.Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others.As a good friend of his,I must do something to help him.Firstly,I think it is very important for him to learn lessons well.He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games.Secondly,I must tell him that play computer games too mush is bad for his health,especially for his eyes.So he must give it up.I Can play more sports with him after school.Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games.I thnk I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying.At the same time,Ill ask both his parents and our teachers to help him,too.If I try these,I am sure he will make great progress soon.We did a survey in our class in order to learn about students ideal jobs.Here is a report about my group members ideas.Mary wants to be a fashion designer because she likes beautiful clothes and is good at drawing.Kate wants to be a gardener,she loves plants,and she wants to make the cities better.Mike would like to be a write.He d like to share his wonderful stories with others.Tom would like to cook delicious food for others.I would like to be a policeman.I want to protect the people safe.I hope that everyone can make their dreams come true in the future.1.Safetyisveryimportant.2.Asamiddleschoolstudent,weshouldlearntoprotectourselvesfromeverypossibledanger.3.HerearesomethingsIdo.Ihopeyoucanfollowthem.4.Onyourwaytoschoolandhome,Youshouldobeythetrafficrules.Youshouldwalkontherightsideoftheroad.5.Dontrideyourbiketoofast.6.Atschool,youcantfightwitheachotherandshouldbefriendlytoothers.7.Dontplaywithfire.8.Dontbringknifetoschool.9.Dontgooutofschoolwithoutyourteacherspermission.10.Weshouldntgoswimminginthelakesorriversbyourselveswithoutourparentspermission.11.Inmyopinion,weshouldpaymuchattentiontoroadsafetyindailylife.12.Whenwewalkinthestreet,wemustwalkinthesideway.13.Wehavetolearntoprotectourselves.14.Besides,cardriversshouldobeythetrafficrules.15.Itsbothgoodtothemselvesandothers.Inoneword,roadsafetyisabigproblemthatallofusshouldlookoutparticularly.16.Afterall,lifeisnotasmallmatter.17.Asweknow,safetyisthemostimportantthinginourlives.18.So,weshouldtryourbesttomakesurewearesafe.19.Wemustntbringrestrictedknivesorthingstoourschoolbecausethesethingsmaycauseseriousproblems.20.Makesurethatweshouldalwayspayattentiontothetrafficonourwaytoschoolorhome.21.Ifweareindanger,wemustcallforhelpfromthepoliceorourteachers.文明出游:Thesedays,thepopularityoftravellinghasrisenaroundtheworldbecausepeoplearegettingrich.Howobeagoodvisitor?Hereismyadviceforvisitors.First,wearesupposedtowaitinlinewhenwearegettingonthebusorbuyingsomethingintheshop.Second,weshouldntthrowrubbisheverywhere.Itisnotonlyunhealthybutalsoimpolite.Third,itisrudetotalkloudlyinpublic.学习并没有结束,希望继续努力学习并没有结束,希望继续努力Thanksforlistening,thiscourseisexpectedtobringyouvalueandhelp为方便学习与使用课件内容,课件可以在下载后自由编辑,请根据实际情况调整


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